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Messages - TwoCatSam


Thanks for that advice.

Frankly, I think it's wrong.  But if we're going to do it I think the post owner should give fair waring at the start.  Who in the hell wants to spend thirty minutes with and well-thought-out point of view and see it trash caned?  Not me.

As long as I am moderator and someone asks me to, I will try to dig their deleted post out of the trash and post it to a new thread where it can't be deleted.

This old stuff about, "If you don't agree with me, stay off my thread." is totally against the learning process.  How do you learn from a bunch of people who are all in agreement?  What if they agreed the world was flat?  That man could not fly to parts unknown?  That if you die, there's no way I could have your heart tomorrow?

People who disagree--who stir the pot--are the ones who cause someone else to say..."Wait a minute!!  He may have a point.  If we form iron into this shape, it might well float!!"


Your attitude sucks!!  If I were a deleter, you'd have darn few posts on this forum.   But I believe you should have your say.  If you want to be a jerk, have at it.  Others may not be so forgiving and you may not be heard of much in the future.  And that's the pretty side of the pancake.

Pop ups while reading would be a drag.

Otherwise, forget them.

People are probably wise to Steve anyway, don't you think. 

Anyway, "There's a sucker born every minute!" still holds water for me.  If they don't lose it with Steve, they'll invest with Thomas Grant and lose it there.

Who cares?


I wasn't speaking of bankroll. 

Let's say your bankroll is X.  You do real well for a while and your bankroll is 3X.  Then you hit the skids and it goes to 1/2X.  Now you have to fight your way back to X and hope to someday, in some universe, get back to 3X and move forward.

To me this is mentally tiring.  I want to get to 3X and the move to 5X and on and on.

It just doesn't work that way.  For me, anyway.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: The 3 6 9 Phenomenon
November 21, 2012, 02:02:14 AM
Well, I'll be up all night!
Ophis' MST / Re: [MST] PB Grids extension request
November 20, 2012, 11:14:24 PM
Yes!  If the columns extended downward for five more spins, that would be great.
Yeah, esoito, I used to attend the horse races.  Five years straight--every day of the thoroughbred season.

I stepped in one of those "clumps" once!  :nope:

Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
November 19, 2012, 06:03:18 PM
They don't sweat John because people like me are stuffing their coffers!!  :stress:
Off-topic / Re: The Sad Passing of Common Sense
November 19, 2012, 06:01:22 PM
I hope he got a million in punitive damages!
Off-topic / Re: The Sad Passing of Common Sense
November 19, 2012, 01:49:58 PM
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar can sue you for assault.

Not true in Oklahoma.  We have a "Make my Day" law that states if someone breaks into your home, you can kill them.  No questions asked.  They don't have to be armed.

Yes, burglars are killed here.  My only remorse?  They can't strip the hearts, lungs and kidneys out of them fast enough to save someone with common sense.


Hey, what about that sentence?  Haven't heard a word.

I have heard it said that a winning method can be ruined by a progression.  While Jl plays a progression, it is a "short leash" progression.  If you strung three or four of these together, it could get hairy.

Say you lost and the loss is 7.  Jump to 7 14 28.  If you win, you're even.  If you lose, what then?  Start at 28?  28 56 112  Jl might say losing three in a row is virtually impossible.  I will always believe that things run in batches, so if I lost I would not be surprised to lose again.

If I could get 10-1 win ratio, I'd just take it and play.  Using the MST, this would be very easy to play alongside another system.  No frantic placing of bets.  Just one click.


Here is the scenario I encounter.  My progression climbs to the point I can't take it anymore and I quit.  When I start again, I start at .50 and the wins come like crazy.  Then I wonder, should I have resumed my progression where I left off?  I would have won.  What if I got a second RFH?

There seems to be no answer.

Straight-up / Re: Hot Numbers thread
November 18, 2012, 03:37:05 PM
Quote from: VLS on November 18, 2012, 02:01:18 PM

...how many spins should we hold that bet Sam!?


I look for the same number separated by no more than three spins.  Could be only one.  When the oldest of those two same numbers is in the tenth position on the marquee, that is my last time to bet.  The next time, I cannot see the old doubler and I stop.

I bet all numbers that come after the repeater comes.  I used a progression and carried from happening to happening.

"I've just checked. My small sample so far shows a loss of -2. With smart MM it's +28."


Not trying to be a jerk, but will you use that same MM in the future?  Many people look back and say, "Oh, if....." but you can't do that moving forward.  Here's the way it sounds:

"OK, I would have just used a Martingale here.  Oh, here I would be taking a break because I'm playing hit and run.  Wow!  I would have won 1,000 units."


I think it would have in that I would have quit before losing as much as I did.

Mistakes killed me. 
