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Messages - TwoCatSam

Quote from: ArickVegas on November 04, 2012, 02:51:11 PM
When playing Catch The 8 Train... I have had a new dealer come on and immediately hit the same numbers that the other dealer made "HOT"

I am NOT saying a dealer change DOES'NT have any effect, just saying...


I have many, many times seen the same thing.  I once screen shot it and posted.  Also, on BV, I've seen the same patterns emerge as I do at Dublin.

Here is what I think:  I think the dealer change affects your play if you think/expect it to.  I strongly believe in the subconscious and I feel we sometimes do things we are totally unaware of.   I know for sure I do as my videos prove.  Others may not be so careless.


Is this a 00 wheel? 

I have a friend who plays there and he gets paid.  I may try it, but that $10 minimum makes me sweat just thinking about it.

General Discussion / Re: Why "Bet Selection"?
November 03, 2012, 03:02:32 PM
Welcome, Blood!

As Ralph pointed out on cc, a human brain cannot produce random results.  So these people throwing down their chips are betting some sort of pattern even though they might no know it.  I saw a lady win handsomely one night and I asked her how she did it.  Birthdays.  Then ages of grandchildren.  Then anniversaries.  And so on.  Her bet selection was dynamic, moving all around the table.  Never the same bet twice.  She amazed some folks, myself included.

Straight-up / Re: WINKEL'S G.U.T: Some Resources Listed
November 02, 2012, 11:11:31 PM
Many times the hit numbers will repeat and you will get a win from it on a later crossing.  I have had the, say 10, hit and create a crossing and then hit again.

10 can go from 0 hits to 1 hit.  This can create a 1 vs 2 crossing and 10 will hit again.

Yep, happens.

General Discussion / Re: Certainty and control
November 02, 2012, 04:37:43 PM
NoBody ^.^

My opinion:  Nothing is certain.  We are like a ship and the numbers coming are the wind.   When we go with the wind, we win.  The trick is to determine which way the wind is blowing and go with it.

Simple to say; beastly difficult to do!

General Discussion / Re: My suggestion
November 01, 2012, 02:32:52 PM
I agree.

On this forum, if you say you can make money at roulette you should be willing to share or get out.

Straight-up / Re: WINKEL'S G.U.T: Some Resources Listed
October 31, 2012, 04:09:39 PM

Did you author that post or cut it from somewhere?

While the numbers are random, random bunches up--either against you or for you.

A few nights ago, random bunched up against me.  I stay about 100 Euro longer than I should have.  I saw Sandy on the horizon and did not evacuate.  Last night random bunched up on my side and I hit many crossings, some having only three numbers down.


What I have always found and railed against and what is going on with JL's test is people are constantly changing the system as they test.  You simply cannot do this!  When you do, you are retrofitting the data to the system.  Good for that data, hell for the next set.

That is the main reason I split company with Mr. Chips.  I worked my buns off on his 4Selecta and was having good results when he changed the plan.  Someday I may go back and play it again with the old rules.

So, good on you Victor.  You have the idea.  While we mostly agree most of the time---I feel a person who pays for a program to be written owns the copyright to that program.  If he wants to give it away, that's his decision.  Then he can watch it be sold on E-bay or Craigslist.



Just as stringbean said, I make mistakes.  One little mistake, like he noted, can throw the whole trot out of synch.

Maybe that's the reason I lose some and win others.

I am truly working to look at everything I do and see what I just did.

I have some form of dsylexia that causes me to see things that aren't there or miss things that are.  I put extra letters in words!  I once ate a restaurant, Cowboy Boots, three times before I learned it was Cowboy Bob's.  Trust me, it is not something I can control.  No matter how hard I try.  I sound like I'm making excuses. 

Will the G.U.T. work long-term.  Truth is, I don't know.  We can all find out together.  I think in the other test the changing of the wheel to a John Huxley Starburst had something to do with it.  It was a wheel like Dublin's and they switched it.  I also think I just started making bets when the wheel was telling me to quit for the day.

It is hard for a man to quit.  We want to stay and fight.  It's in our DNA.  I must literally force myself to log off and quit.  Oh, the times I could have lost 50 E but stayed on to lose 100!!

I am learning to read the wheel.  While the numbers are random, random bunches up--either against you or for you.

Didn't have time to see if the mistakes hurt or helped.  I will check later.

Yes, a CLICKER is the way to go.

Remember, crossings will be happening when we're all dead.  Patience is the word of the day.


You are so right! 

And you're the only person to ever watch my videos close enough to catch a mistake.



You are probably right.   I do not have the time to examine it now.

I have to work very hard to not make mistakes.  Mistakes are my undoing.  Even in my office I get very confused and bet wrong.  Sometimes I catch it; sometimes not.

I will get back to you.  Promise.

Please do.

Perhaps you are right.

Now, tonight I went over 600 Euro after having been down over 100.  I made some videos, but Utube will not accept them.  What I mean is I can't even upload them and they are .wmv files just like all the others.

I'll try again tomorrow.
