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Messages - TwoCatSam

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 04, 2015, 01:45:27 PM
Mr. Box

That is his way.  He posts and goes away.  I think he is a concert pianist or some kind of pianist.  Maybe he plays downstairs in a whorehouse!!  "Don't shoot me; I'm just the piano player."  He'll be back as brash as ever.

His ideas do not make logical or mathematical sense, but I play his "XOXOX" a lot and it has a great track record--for me.  Some of his other things--not so good.

I like the one about the two becoming three on the carpet as I see that all the time.  Like 6 9 becoming 6 9 12 or 3 6 9. The 6-9 encourages the 3 or the 12 to come.  (That will shake a few trees!)

Thanks for your help.  I'll make me a chart and learn the thing.

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 04, 2015, 03:48:48 AM
OK, when a number comes, you place it in the box where it would be if you had written them in like:

1 2 3   4   5   6
7 8 9 10 11 12                 

So I could have a matrix with the numbers in and simply X them out as they come.  I see..

Thanks a ton.

Dane's ideas are good; he just doesn't explain well.

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 03, 2015, 10:26:30 PM

I'll try as you said, but I don't think that will get me there.


Thanks for the nice compliment.  I have not given up on roulette; went to Riverwind today and won around 400 units.

Attached is my other life, both the tulips and the dog.

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 03, 2015, 07:07:21 AM
Then would you explain the diagonals?
Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 02, 2015, 03:10:49 PM
Has anyone figured out whether we use a 36 square matrix with blank spaces or are the number 1-36 filled in and we mark them as they come?

Straight-up / Re: Four phases
April 02, 2015, 12:33:11 PM
Why no interest in this after around 7 months?
April 02, 2015, 02:38:17 AM

Anyone who has read me on other forums knows I play Dane's XOXOX and have had very good results.  Playing this game has kept my eyes on the sheet and I've noticed that there are many times that three will come together before the XOXOX happens.  I have learned that there all sorts of strange patterns that occur such as XXOXXOXX.  Seen that one a lot.

So I thank Dane for his studies and his honest portrayal of his systems.  I'll give this a try as it was very easily memorized.

Online Casinos / Re: New Dublin Bet
April 01, 2015, 01:27:18 AM
I can't.  Can't even log on.  I'm American.
Online Casinos / Re: Online casino for USA player
March 14, 2014, 04:37:32 AM
I've heard of one called "5Dimes".............
Yes, they should throw all of you guys 100 skins.
General Discussion / Re: would lke to ask question
March 09, 2014, 08:46:03 PM

I have no basis for this assumption.  I've just seen it enough to believe in it.

When you start and RNG--no matter whose--you will get a certain run.  Call it X.  When you start the same RNG again, you may get Y.  X may help you; Y may kill you.

This is why I posted on the new forum about waiting to see what your trot was like before betting real money.

So what you are seeing may just be the normal yin/yang of the RNG.

General Discussion / Re: would lke to ask question
March 09, 2014, 04:50:00 AM

The word "seems" comes into play here.  Have you really tested it long enough on dummy spins to know?  I know from past experience, I have thought something was fail-safe only to have it crash on real money play.  Now I take the attitude that it "seems" to be working, but let's go another 100,000 spins

Or a million.........

Virtually everything I've tried on the Excelbot RNG or on BV play money has failed--sooner or later.

Ah, yes, but the vinegar and honey lobbies loved it!!
I refer to the Oklahoma University Fly Catching Experiment:  "Not one fly was caught with vinegar!" 

We are an inquisitive bunch......



I always thought it so, now I know it.
General Discussion / Re: A Statement by XXVV
March 06, 2014, 03:18:34 PM
A comment should only be deleted if one accuses the thread starter's Mother of picking her nose with a brick mason's trowel.  Something like that....