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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: Back to business
November 12, 2013, 02:56:29 PM
Hey, Lady K did NOT run off with the vacuum salesman after all!!
General Discussion / Re: Back to business
November 12, 2013, 03:08:20 AM
I hate this cold, Canadian air but I guess I'll get used to it.  Might Smurf up a fire!!

Happy Birthday, Vic.  Seems only yesterday when you had one!!

Time flies when you're hunting the "Holy of Holys"

Two cows in pasture, one lying down, one standing up.  Will the cow lying down stand up before the cow standing up lies down?  Or vise-versa?

Will test for a while and if it stays good, I'll open a test thread and tell you how it's going.

Man who is careless with saw soon have trouble picking nose.
The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
November 06, 2013, 02:16:18 PM
The RFH got a lot worse.  In my next 11 trots, I went down 600 units.  This is not looking good.  I will pause a day or so and resume.


Thanks, esoito.

[Edit:  Lucky it's still only play money!]
The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
November 06, 2013, 05:26:44 AM

I am in a horrible rut.  I just ran 51 trots and made 81.20.  I can't seem to get on a winning streak like I was in the beginning.  But I only have around 200 units to go to make my 1,000 profit.

So, it's still looking good.  I would be willing to lay 500 Euro on the line if it makes 1,000 with no draw down over 500 units.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 05, 2013, 11:20:01 PM
The CWB is like the Loch Ness monster.  But there is a law against harming the monster.

As promised Normy sent me the improved bot.  I immediately futzed up!!  Geez............

When I win a session, this is a great thing to do.   I'm on a roll, so I keep on rollin'.  Works great..

Not so when I lost.  I found out that doesn't work at all.  Places way too large a bet.

So I lost ten bucks...........AGAIN!!

Live and learn.

It's a great idea; thanks Normy.  I will stick with this plan for ages, I can promise.


Tried that.  The stop loss will go no lower than -10.  Frankly I wish it would go into the positive as I have an idea much like yours.

I would like to be able to calculate a 10 unit loss no matter where DD is.  If DD were 40, my Stop Loss would be +30.  That is to say, it will drop no lower than 10.  As it is, if you were at forty, it would drop a total of 50.

Just an idea...

The man who builds a gate for his heifer should not complain when she is wide and pregnant.
OK, guys........no more futzing.....

I'll be as careful as a coffee drinker using a table saw..

Well, after much futzing around and making of mistakes I am back to 104-----exactly where I started from when I began this test two weeks ago.  That's not progress!!  But I went down to $68 so that's a pretty good recovery.

I made a few mistakes learning the bot and I just made some stupid calls.  I'm back on track now.

The absolute RFH..............

This started off very well and then went straight down.  5 losers in a row twice.  Cannot overcome that!!

I post this to show that not all trots are winners; many are quite bad.

Even chance / Re: EC Cycling method
November 04, 2013, 05:25:52 AM

I have bought and use the bot.  I'm certain it's for sale.  That's what the man does.

Now, I'm working on the exact way to play it by hand.  I'm watching the bot play and trying to stick with it.  Someone could refer to my video in the TwoCat Cafe and see if they can follow.

I'm sure it will click in my mind.  Normy has explained it to me and I read his explanation a lot.  Just hasn't sunk in yet.   When it does, I'll try to put it into Simple Redneck and post it in my Cafe.