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Messages - TwoCatSam


Below you will find two attachments.  You will see that for this trot my win/loss ratio was 26/18.  That's actually 27/18 as the last win is not counted in the 45 spin total.    That is a 60% win ratio.  Ah, you say, this is just luck.  This has been going on for around two weeks.  I have hundreds of these.

If you look at the spin breakdown, you will see there are only three Ls in a row.  There are very rarely 5 in a row.  Almost every trot has more winners than losers.  Can you imagine what this can do with a D'Alembert?  Or a split Martingale?

There is a part of me that wishes I had had a hand in the creation of this jewel, but, alas!--it's all Normy!

Gadzooks, guys and dolls, this could easily be deciphered and played in a B&M casino.  Just go to EC Cycling by Normy and figure it out.


Gambling Philosophy / Re: RISK !
November 04, 2013, 02:51:54 AM

I think I understand your question:  How much would/should you risk to win $1.  Let's keep it at that.

For me the answer can be phrased as a question:  How much would you bet to win that dollar if you knew you could not lose?  Since that is totally unrealistic, let's boil it down.

If you would bet $10 to win $1, what is you chance of winning that dollar vs losing the $10?  Suppose you had a system which--over time--won $15 for every single RFH that took your $10.  In essence you are risking $10 with the hope of winning $5.  Is this a good bet?  If you had it, it would be a gold mine!!

While I was typing, the SL bot cooked off another winning session.  There were 19 wins and 11 loses, if memory serves me right.  I will attach the session log.  Each time I play this, I am risking 10 units in hopes of winning 10 units.  If I were to risk 100 units in hopes of winning 10, my win rate would skyrocket.  As it is, it is hovering at around 54%.  Additionally, the volatility is very low so the progression works very well.

Why do I feel it is necessary to risk 10 to win 10?  Simply because it is working.

Did I steal your thread?  Delete me if you wish.  I'm just trying to show what can and is being done.

While the dog must sit to howl properly, the cat can meow from any position.
Gadzooks!!  I never even noticed the numbers at the left.  At least I'm happy I didn't do it.  I was thinking.........too much rum, Sam!!
Just to show now nuts-o I can go...........I have no memory of doing this.  I never go down more than 10 on the bot.  How this went down 100 is beyond me.
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 02, 2013, 09:55:27 PM
EC cycling
Two fools were arguing.  Fool number one was the shipping clerk.  He allowed as how he shipped more out than came in.  Fool number two was the receiving clerk.  He allowed as how he checked more in than the shipping clerk shipped out.

I intervened:  "Fools, it has to be equal or the warehouse would either overfill or empty!"  I was young and lived over the severe thumping I received.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 02, 2013, 03:00:05 PM

What does it mean to "trap a loser"?  Does that mean that--for some reason--RHO cannot win?  Would you put your neck in the Guillotine and bet that statement is true.  I feel you would eventually bleed a little.

Someone educate me:  What does it mean to trap a loser?  And how would one trap SEVEN??


The system and the bot are working properly; Sam is not.

When something is working very well---and this is---I tend to forget the Run From Hell is just around the corner.  Overcoming the run from hell is simple---just play normally.  The only problem is---one needs a proper bankroll.

I started at $104 and went up to $170.  I then upped my bet to .50 from .10.  I hit the RFH and went back to $104.  I started back at .10 and went up to around $120.  I had had such a phenomenal run, I upped the bet to .20.  One would think that would be OK.  It wasn't.  I again hit the RFH and went down to $68.  I also made some mistakes.

I am running Virtual box on this computer.  One cannot use the mouse when the SL Bot needs it.  I did.  It caused the SL Bot to place a bet in the wrong place.  I lost and chased that loss.  I stopped at one chase!!  Still wrong thing to do.  That cost me $10 and that takes a long time to earn back.

Also the zero is a factor.  They come in flocks like pigeons on Smart Live.  If I had the bankroll, I'd sure play "Green on the Screen" as I nearly always see two at a time in ten spins.  Sometimes three.

So now I take a line from COOL HAND LUKE.  "You got to get your mind right."  So I'm back to .10 and I have promised myself this is only a test and I will not raise the bet until I hit $200. 

The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
November 02, 2013, 02:54:11 AM
Good People

I have attached a sheet for your consideration.  Please take special note of the following...................

The first orange you find is the highest point before the lowest point.  The two red dots are the lowest before recovery.  This draw down was 225 units be they dollars or Euros.  The second orange you find is where it is totally recovered to the previous high.

Here is the most interesting thing:  Not that when I went "out", I had just finished level 4 in the betting.  No need to go to three or two as I was whole.  I reset to 1 and started over.  The reason I need not go to three or two is the "hiccup factor".  It it mathematically provable and sound.

So now my test is at a 710 unit win with a 255 unit draw down.


Rotten eggs?  Perhaps a rum and coke with a twist of lime for my efforts???

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 02, 2013, 02:40:42 AM
That thing Normy posted has won more than it loses for days and days and days.  More trots; more money.  Is it the "Holy Schmoly"?  To quote the immortal bard:  That is the question.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
November 01, 2013, 05:35:16 PM
Quote from: Razor on October 08, 2013, 06:39:36 PM
Ok now my final post.


It was NOT the gentleman's final post after all.  (See post 185.)

I will ignore the scolding about the credit card and ask the question again:  What is a "Constant Winning Bet"?  Seriously, people, if you don't know what you're looking for, how will you know if you have found it?

Does it win every bet placed; never loses even once in a century??  Oh, sure!!  I'll smoke that; just light it up for me!!

Or does it just win more than it loses?

If it simply wins more than it loses, many people have it!!  Yep, they do!!

EDIT:  I do not mean the bet wins more decisions than it loses.  I mean it wins more money that it loses.  It loses forty units and wins fifty.  That sort of pie.


Please, no further scolding. 
I see the full tracker.

I also see dead people!

Happy Halloween...

Boo Haaa
The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
October 31, 2013, 12:31:33 AM

That is the goal:  to see if things change with real money.

People are different when playing with real money.  Robots are not.  I will faithfully set the bot as I have with play money.  Then we shall see.

My method of selection and money management would be very difficult for a casino to ferret out as it changes constantly depending on what just happened.  Not saying they could not do it, but I doubt if it's worth it.


I can only get strings of 10, not 60.  For the numbers to be "user friendly", they would have to know what numbers I need.  Not easy...

The Twocat Cafe / Re: A test using the ExcelBot
October 30, 2013, 03:18:04 PM

Thank you for that!

Do you feel BV will cheat? 

In my mind, that is the only way it could be different.

Your opinions, please.
