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Messages - TwoCatSam

The Twocat Cafe / A test using the ExcelBot
October 21, 2013, 05:55:12 PM

Since I have four computers and one open, I decided to do a test on a system.  At this point I cannot name or describe the system.  It is only part mine and the fellow who "owns" the other part will not part with it. 

Here are the first week's results.  I am using the "Outside D'Alembert" with the ExcelBot.  I either win ten nickels or I lose ten nickels.  Each win lowers the bet, the bankroll and the loss limit.  Each loss raises all three.  Example:  My bet is 3, my bankroll is 30 and my stop loss is 30.  I go up three on a loss and down three on a win.  For four or five, just change the "3" to whatever you wish.

My goal is to test the limits of this idea over a month or so or until I give up on it.  If I win 1,000 fake Euro, not nickels, I will go for real money.  I must see where the draw downs take me and decide if I would REALLY go there!!  Would I be down 200 Euro and continue?  That's the question.

The ExcelBot is the perfect testing tool.  Whether I win or not, the bot is excellent.  Only my sheet will determine the outcome.

If you look at my sheet you will see I am up 137 Fake Euro.  That's 2,740 units since units are nickels.  Most of this is NOT due to reducing the bet to level 1, but due to the "Hiccup Effect" as I have named it.  I'll explain that again if anyone wants.

So here we go.  Win, lose or get drunk---you will know the truth!

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 21, 2013, 01:19:55 PM

The house edge of 2.7%=an annoying mosquito.

Variance=a hungry alligator.

"When you're up to your butt in alligators, you don't swat the mosquitos."....Unk

Mike is correct on one thing:  If you constantly build your bankroll, you must be beating variance or, if you must, the house edge.  Now, how obvious is that.

I'm pretty much done with all this stink!

Here is the best win/loss ratio I have had.  I'll quit doing this now and go back to playing the Martingale.  Now, let's see..........what is 2+2??

Here is the first run I've found where I have more losses than wins.

It is quite easy to prove a system does not work.  I simply hire Nick to create a sheet for the ExcelBot and let 'er run.  For me, a system fails when it requires more bankroll than I'm willing to advance.  For another player, it might be a better or even a winning system.  Every person has their own criteria.

I think you will find that a constant flow of vitriol will not fly on this forum. 

There are many people on this forum who do not constantly rehash the same old ideas.  Many do and that's their privilege.

If you had one lick of understanding of the human animal, you would know that you cannot tell a person not to do something and have them follow your advice.  I think every person has to learn the Martingale really will not work.  I think many will agree with that statement.

So go right on ragging on everyone who posts.  Soon you will find yourself muted or gone entirely.  We are here to kindly help, encourage and enjoy each others company not try to prove how smart we are by belittling others.

Besides, some ideas are just plain fun to test.  Mike, you do understand fun don't you?  Some people will actually spend money on it!!

Today's three runs.  Note win/loss ratio.  Note the numbers and you can see these three trips happened at the same time.  Just enough time to close the bot and re-start it.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Fool Proof Progression
October 19, 2013, 07:56:40 PM
Ya ain't far off, Bro.....
Give me any system you like, I can prove it can't win.

Captain Obvious

You have stated that no system wins long term.  So I give you one, you will prove it doesn't work.


That was really obvious.  I'm impressed.

What--other than that--can you do, Mike?  You sling mud at those of us who try, yet you offer nothing but negativism.

The basketball goal was an analogy as to how people want to do something difficult, not easy.  What NFL team wants to play high school freshmen?  Folks with a brain want a challenge.

You're a breath of stale air on this forum, Mike.  We've heard it all before and the flip side, too.  You are the "Anti-Jl" if I may name you yet again!! 

Mike, if you can't go over the mountain you may be able to go around it.  While there is no winning system, and most of us use the term "Holy Grail" tongue-in-cheek, there are those who win. 

Have a blessed day!


"There are those who do and those who criticize".......Whomever

Here is a screen shot of Normy's bot.  You will note there are 31 spins, 20 of whom are winners.  With this system, one only needs about 7 winners out of 20 spins to succeed.  More or less...........

Now, is this typical of what the bot does.  Well, yes, it is!  And it's no secret.  Normy laid it out in his thread.

Is it the "Holy Thingy"?  Don't know.

To a large extent--and I don't fully understand the logic behind it--this idea tracks flow.  It tracks which way the wind is blowing and goes with, not against, it.

So far it has been surprisingly successful and it does not assume two and two are five or that zero does not exist or that there is no 2.7% rake for the casino.  This bot takes into account pure reality and nothing else.

Some are just hoping to God it fails.  Why?  Why not hope it succeeds and earn a little money??

I'm a little miffed.  Can anyone tell??



Your posts are so similar to ones we've seen before.  You have beat your head against the rock for years and you've decided since you can't do it, no one can.  You're like the guy who has quit smoking and belittles everyone who does.  You're like the fat man who's lost weight.  And on and on......

We get it.  Two and two will never equal five.  The math is against us.  And on and on........

Let me pose a question:  There is a basketball court.  At one end is a normal goal.  At the other end, there is one exactly ten times the diameter of the normal goal.  Which end do you think people would shoot at? 

Let me ask you a direct question:  Do you believe the person exists who makes money from roulette?

Let me ask you another question.  We've all seen this:  R B R B R B  What have we not seen is that for 100 spins?  Why do some series come into the fray?  In the world of math, physics or mathematics, there is nothing saying you can get 100 R B in a row, but you don't. 

Tell me why...........

You come on this forum stating the obvious as if we needed to hear it.  You intimate we are fools, stupid people, country bumpkins and on and on.......

Tell us about Mike.  What can you do? 

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Fool Proof Progression
October 19, 2013, 01:40:14 PM
Geez, I hope "Mike the Boxer" doesn't see this and correct me!!


I have been testing an idea for months.  I won't say it's the "G-word" or even a winner---yet!  I am running three computers, running bots by Normy and the ExcelBot almost daily nearly all day.

Here is what I do.  Whatever my "system" (hak-kaf)  is, I set the bots to cut off at a win or ten or a loss of ten.  That is a "group" to me.  If my group wins, I just re-start the bot.  If It loses, I go up one with the "Basebet Multiplier" and try again with double the bet and double the bankroll and the profit/loss amount.   If I lose again, up again.  If I win, down to one unit and reduce the bankroll and profit/loss amount.  I call this an "Outside D'Alembert".

Will this "Spruce Goose" fly?  Well, it's flying pretty well.  Rough weather?  Sure!!

That's the pertinent part; here it gets wordy...

I'm relatively sure we all know you can't add two and two and get four and a half or five.  None of us are just plain stupid.  What I hope to do--and I believe it's possible--is to be, for a short time, where the losing run isn't.  I am convinced everything---and I do mean everything---in roulette or any flow of numbers comes in waves.  It ebbs and flows....

All we have to do is learn when to get on and when to get off.  It's not magic or voodoo, which I love; it's just mechanics.

Let the scoldings begin!!

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 19, 2013, 01:17:41 PM
Was this the thread I was supposed to stay off of?  Can't remember...  Can't even remember who scolded me.....  Oh, well.....


Thanks for enlightening us.


Many thanks for posting that thing from Giz.  When he first posted it, I couldn't make sense of it!  Last night I had an attack of vertigo and spent fourteen hours in bed.  This morning that mess makes perfect sense!!  Can you beat that??!!

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 17, 2013, 04:17:41 PM
2CatSam from the comments and questions you are making here it is obvious that you haven t read a single page of Win3mill...so you shouldn t even participate in this topic.
If you will ever take the time and the parience to read them(I doubt) then we can speak again.

Sorry about me.  I'll take your advice and butt out.  We don't need to speak again.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: The Pareto Principle
October 17, 2013, 02:23:41 PM

Very interesting.  During my five years at the horse races, I heard that statistic a lot but with no name attached to it.  I figured someone just found it wrote on the bathroom wall.

As to the HAR, I think most people would agree that waiting for the opportune time to strike, striking, and then leaving is most sound.  What some of us can't buy is the Jl method where you walk the dog, eat a hotdog, take off you shoes and cool your dogs and then bet red.  That black is just as apt to come no matter what you do before it comes.  We all know that.

Good post!
