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Messages - TwoCatSam

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Fool Proof Progression
October 17, 2013, 01:47:17 PM
That's the bad/good thing about the ExcelBot.  It allows one to put theories to the test. 
Are you "Number 6"?  He had the same avatar........
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 17, 2013, 01:23:39 PM
Ding dong, Marshall.  I believe you shot the answer right at us!
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 17, 2013, 04:49:06 AM
Are we speaking of a bet that never loses?  I mean, it wins every spin and makes money?


Are we speaking of a bet that always has a chip in the right place.  It wins something every spin but may actually lose money as other chips are down, too.


Are we speaking of a bet that may lose five out of ten spins and still produce a profit?

What the heck is a "constant winning bet" anyway??


Online Casinos / Re: Do you think online casinos cheat?
October 15, 2013, 02:50:23 AM
I have checked SmartLive on two computers.  Same numbers...
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 07:26:24 PM
 "some dozens and or columns do show more times."........he said.


Could you elaborate on this?  Because if this were the case, we would just bet those columns/dozens.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 11, 2013, 04:41:52 PM
I've thought a lot on this.  Remember, the wheel selects numbers only.  Those numbers just so happen to fall within a dozen, column and so on.

Now--if something did NOT happen as often as it should, that would mean some numbers are not getting hit as often as they should.  As to movements, I'll have to study on that one.  Maybe that's it, but I can't see it at first blush...

Example:  If column A and B did not switch enough times, that would mean one column is being hit more than the other.  That is, one group of numbers, say 2-35, is hitting more than it should.

Am I wrong?

Not necessary.  I jumped on the rabbit willingly.

Thanks anyway...


That is true, but in the short time I tested it, I hit the wall twice.  Even with a bot, it would take forever to get even--providing you didn't hit the wall again.

General Discussion / Re: rare event at dublin
October 10, 2013, 03:03:04 AM
Today I saw 1 1 1 2...........Anyone want to guess the next number??  Yep.  3

Smart Live, not Dublin

I offered to pay her an additional $24 for Nick.

I really feel she just didn't want to have it tested.

She said a bot would remove the human factor.  Like "look at the last 12, 13 or 14..........."  When you say that and I look at 12, she can say I should have looked at 14.  Obfuscation...

Anyway, I like to explore new things so I'm happy..


General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 09, 2013, 08:07:01 PM
Thanks, Normy........
I appreciate that and you're welcome!
General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 09, 2013, 05:41:52 PM
Thanks, Nick.......

Here is my take on the deal:  I would pass...............

This is a system that is so very complicated with rules that run like cats out of a bag--I can never tell exactly what I'm supposed to do.  We're always supposed to bet six numbers, but sometimes the chart only gives five.  Hmmmmmm

We have nine arrays or lines of numbers--but wait!  There are ten: 0 thru and including 9!

"Look back for two or three spins..."  Well, is it two or three?  Obfuscation....

The system is basically this:  If a just spun and b c d e f are in the last ten spins, you bet a b c d e f.  Letters are numbers.  There is a huge progression, which, if lost, would kill you for a month.

I asked her if I could hire Nick to bot it and she was not keen on that idea.

So, Ol' TwoCat blew $24 of his retirement stash.

Later, guys...
