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Messages - TwoCatSam

If one could throw a large enough boulder in the ocean, he would shake every ship on the water.  It would seem that when I bought this system, I tossed a huge rock.  Who knows what the tsunami will awaken!
General Discussion / Re: rare event at dublin
October 09, 2013, 02:47:06 AM
That's a rare event anywhere.....
Quote from: esoito on October 08, 2013, 11:28:49 PM
So what have we got, Sam?

A  YAD? (Yet Another Dud)

Or is it too early to tell yet?


I am going through around 500 spins to see if there is anything there.  The system bets six numbers at a time and I will determine if those six hit with any greater frequency than any other six.

They probably won't; it would surprise me if they did, but we'll see.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 09:35:44 PM
I guess his whole point was a backhanded way of saying......I found it and I ain't gonna tell!

I say bully for him!

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 07:10:57 PM

Lighten up, Bro!  I never said you asked for a credit card.  I was referring to that Carrie thing I bought for $24.  ND pointed out what a sucker I was and I was just agreeing.

Good thing you found the bet.

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 05:40:10 PM
What can someone think if he has found a consistand winning flat bet that maches 100% with Charles win 3 mill scammer clues?
Meanning that has tested 30 sessions of 100 spins and almost all passed the test.(letting 1-2 sessions to end up with just a loss of less than 10 chips).--------Said the sharp one!


Have YOU tested 30 sessions of 100 spins each and came away with only two losers flat betting? 

If so, are you going to tell us how you did it, or is this just a post for a pure answer to the question?  If it is, ND is right, there's a sucker (like me) waiting with a credit card!!  If you found hundred dollar bills lying about, would you not stoop to pick them up?

Would you at least give us the clues?

General Discussion / Re: What IF????
October 08, 2013, 01:22:22 PM

I'm so glad you opened this up again!!

It is apparent from your post that you have done just what you describe.  My hats off to you.  However, I did not know there were "clues"; I only heard one--something that wins more than it should.

Now, Razor, a few of the guys will make fun of you or tell you to forget the whole Charles thing.  Follow your own drummer.

Now, a request:  Could you post the clues?  I'm sure you have them and it would save some of us the footwork of finding them.

And if you found the answer, make some money with it and let the rest of us find it for ourselves.

Yep, that's part of it.  Same person; different name.

You have to buy it from Normy.  It's his.

Thanks for those kind words.  I may very well be wasting my money, but that's not a problem.

As I've often said I feel certain numbers "encourage" others to appear.  So anything along that line interests me.

I am wading through her complicated rules and trying to figure out what she wants.  She says things like---in the last 12, 13, or 14 spins.....

I hate that!  Nail it down.  Is it 12, 13 or 14?

Anyway, I'll keep plodding along.

Quote from: Turner on October 07, 2013, 07:51:17 AM
"It plays the zero so there is no house edge"

So they pay you 36 units plus your bet back then???


I saw that too---before I ordered---and wondered... 

What she means is the zero is just another number in the 37 as it is played like all the others.

But I got the thing last night and looked it over.  Frankly there are so many rules--and she violates them in her testing--that I have little hope. 

On the other hand it is very similar to things I believe, so I'll give it a good run for my $24.00.


I heard you speaking directly to me!!

How many times have I said, "Certain numbers encourage other numbers to come."?  Voodoo!! 

Now comes this woman and testifies Ol' TwoCat is right.  I even agree with some of the numbers she called, especially the 29 and 35.  I once stated the 28 and 29 were interconnected somehow.

Will I spend $24 for this system?  Will a fat frog eat a bug?

I will report on the accuracy of the system but under no circumstances will I divulge the method.


EDIT:  Ordered!
I get it!!

This is an academic discussion.

Like:  Can you extract gold from Dragonfly wings?  Well, yes, you can but it costs far more than the gold is worth even at today's inflated prices.

We would be far better off to knit dream catchers from Smurfette's flowing locks.  We could sell them to Leprechauns.


I know you're dead set against the downloaded version of BV but the ExcelBot uses it so I use it.

Don't you find this curious:  On the Java--or whatever it is--version, you can change the string of numbers from 10 up to a max of 60.  On the downloaded version, you cannot.  Why would that be? 
