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Messages - TwoCatSam

superman---while I have your ear...or eye as the case may be..

Have you noticed that one can no longer ask BV for a string of 60 numbers?  I've tried it many times and it always goes back to 10.

Why do you suppose that is?

I have a suspicion...

You go to any of those SHA web sites and put your name into it, copy and save the result, then go to another and do the exact same inputs for your name so its identical then check the SHA value they should be the same.


Then, following the logic above, I should be able to take the numbers and BV's code and plug them into any sha generator and get the same number?

OK, I will try that.


Please understand that I have purchased both of these bots.  Nothing has been given to me for any writings.

Let's consider the ExcelBot first.  It is like a backhoe.  It sits and does nothing until someone climbs in the seat and fires her up.  That is to say, you must load a "sheet" which directs the bot what to do.  Where to bet, how much to bet, what progression to use, when to stop and on and on.  It will automatically raise the bet for you if you fancy a D'Alembert.  It has a D'Alembert "floor" and "ceiling" and a "return to base X __".  You can program it to do many, many things.

However, a backhoe will dig where you tell it to dig.  You direct it wrong and it will dig wrong.  So will the ExcelBot.  It is only as good as the sheet that is in the driver's seat. 

If I understand Stef correctly, he is working on a feature that will allow you to select a sheet and then select a file with spins, either zero or non; either real or RNG--makes no difference.  You can have 10,000 spins and run the bot in test mode and see what would have happened had you played those exact spins.  This feature was contained in the old Super Roulette bot and it was most valuable.  The way the ExcelBot is set up, it will be more valuable as you can set it for short sessions, like "win $10 or lose $10" and then use a D'Alembert as an "outside" progression.  The method just described will get us as close to the "Holy of Holys" as we're going to get.  Superman notwithstanding, losses are inevitable.

Now let's consider the SLC Bot.  (Smart Live Casino)

It is not like a backhoe.  You fire it up and it knows what to do.  It is hard programmed  by Normy.  All you do is select a win/loss limit and whether you want to really bet or just fake it.  That's it.  The method is hard-wired into the bot.  You can't change it.  That's all there is to say!!

Now, the big question:  Does either work??  Well, I'm glad you asked!

For the ExcelBot, there are very good "sheets".  With these sheets, patience and a good bankroll it is possible to win.  Understand I'm not saying you WILL win, but that it is possible.

For the SLC bot, I have run it two days.  It is phenomenal.  Whether or not it will continue at this pace I don't know.  I have it set for a win of 10 or a loss of 20 and my wins far outstrip my losses.  I have suggested to Normy that he incorporate a "Basebet X ___" into the bot as this will allow one to use an outside D'Alembert to raise and lower the base bet as needed. 

The SLC bot is based on his thread explaining how he plays.  I am too lazy to do it manually, so I coughed up the funds and bought his bot.  Don't ask me for a copy.  He has to install it on your hard drive.  I wouldn't cheat either guy anyway.  This bot may very well prove the "VLS Lw Methodology" as it bets in accordance to what is happening.  As I always put it, "which way the wind is blowing".

So there it is in a big 'ol nutshell.  A lot to read and most won't read this sentence.

I appreciate comments.


I very well understand all that; have done it many times. 

There is a "server code word" BV uses to protect itself from those who would try to divine the sha in advance of the end of the string.  We're it not for that, you could know the last number in the group!!  Sweet!!

Now, if you change one letter in that code, you change the sha number.  If you eliminate the code, you get a new sha number.

I have done this many times.

I used the number 33 today.  I did as you said and then eliminated the code entirely and got a totally different sha number.  I then went to the first calculator they list and put in the number 33.  Guess what?  Totally different sha numbers!

So, again I ask, where may I put in the number 33 and get the EXACT same sha number as BV generated?

BV may be as honest as Abe, but until someone shows me specifically how to duplicate their sha number without using their code number, I'll just rest on my skepticism.


Methods' results / Re: 122 method ...
October 04, 2013, 09:43:31 PM
Quote from: Buffster on October 03, 2013, 08:55:40 PM
Well my take on this is:

If you don't want people (members) to know, than don't talk about it  .... otherwise cough it up.[smiley]aes/eat.png[/smiley]

Thanks in advance BTW



All members are equal but some are more equal than others.  They get the good stuff!


Could you direct me to a SHA calculator where I could put in the string I get from BV when I put in the numbers spun and get the same string?

Let's say I spin 3 numbers:  2, 3 and 11 and get a certain hash string.  Where can I put those numbers into a calculator and get the same hash?

I have tried several and you get a different string with each one.

Online Casinos / Re: Betvoyager syncronization error
October 04, 2013, 08:28:07 PM
I have run across this once before.  The bots are good; BV is freaked up.  They need to correct this on their end. 

Yep, that's the truth.....


I'm the other player.

I played this system and went from 140 to 340 and then it got really tough to find a win.  I'm talking serious tough.  I am now at 209 and worried.

I am putting real money into the Smart Live casino for a test there and I am using the bot/sheet at Dublin for a test there.  I will do a comparative.

I am not saying BV is cheating, per se.  I AM saying something is very fishy here.  I've been playing BV for over two years with real money and I've seen this on three different accounts.  All three did exactly the same thing and all three were played with bots.  The same that got me the money lost me the money--no changes on my part.

Again, this is real Euros, not play money.


I've talked to a pretty salty computer programmer and he states that the SHA-256 you see on the BV screen is easily altered.
Because it is not a SHA-256 in the first place.
It is merely a panel, as he called it.
Whether this is true or not, I have no clue.
I am saying it seems very fishy that one cannot continue to climb with the same program that he climbed with in the past.

I am going to leave BV alone for a time and just concentrate on Dublin and SmartLive and see if I get the same misery.
Do I know it could all just be luck and coincidence?  Sure.  But coincidence can only go so far.......

Online Casinos / Re: Betvoyager syncronization error
October 03, 2013, 04:21:11 PM

Heard of another gent having much the same problem.

Wouldn't you think.........as much money as those guys make...........they could hire an IT man and get some decent software???

General Discussion / Re: A REALITY CHECK
October 02, 2013, 01:29:56 PM

If there is EVER a question as to whether or not you should be gambling, you should NOT be gambling!  And, yes, I agree about the chips.

There is an old saw:  There is no right way to do a wrong thing.  For some, any form of gambling is wrong.  (Let me say I knew a man who lost his job, wife, child and house over...get ready for it...BASS FISHING!!  Anything that takes the vital money and time from the family is wrong.)

But tell me, isn't there any thought process when they toss down a hundred for the five buck chips?  Maybe not........

Good point..


Thanks for that.

I guess the thing that fascinates me about the Tic Tac Toe system is that it is pure voodoo.  There is no logical, mathematical, or physical reason the thing should fill in the blanks they way it does, but it does. 

I suppose $20 each was a bit of a downer for some, but consider we were playing .25 so in units it was 80.  Nothing to pop the bubbly over, but still impressive since it was flat betting.  I always seem to lose around $10 or so before it starts to hit.

Guess I should go ahead and say it:  I missed two very good hits because I was not paying attention.

Anyway, I'm letting it go..............


Frankly I expected:

Someone to comment on the "Tic Tac Toe" system.........

Someone to ask about it...........

Someone to ask how much I won, what was my bank and how deep into said bank did I go......


I've stated this before.  I've never lost on this system.  It has always beaten a 00 RNG "wheel".  As far as I know, I'm the only person who's even tried it.  If not, would you speak up?


This leads me to wonder if some bloke did actually post the "Holy Grail", is there a very good possibility it would be overlooked?  I think so!

So, I'm done touting this system.  I'll just play it and may bot it later when the U.S. becomes internet friendly.

OK, lecture over!!  Go on back to those really complicated things that tax the brain.  I love making those little "x-s".

"Gotta clean this house 'cause the cleaning lady's coming today.

HEY     HEY     HEY

Gotta clean this house 'cause the cleaning lady's coming today.
Gotta make the beds; gotta sweep the floors,
There's pancake batter on the cabinet doors!
Gotta clean this house 'cause the cleaning lady's coming today."

I get it!!