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Messages - TwoCatSam

Today I cleaned house so the cleaning lady could come and then we went to Riverwind for a free buffet and some RNG roulette.  We played that "Tic Tac Toe" thingy by Dane.  For the life of me, I cannot understand why this thing should and does win, but it does.  I almost doubled my $20 and Marcia did!

OK, the roulette was fun and the buffet was truly great.  Some of the best fried fish and fried chicken I've had in months.  A $40 value free!!  Whoo hoo...

Now, as we're sitting, eating, we spy two old hippies.  One was wearing a Boston shirt and one Metallica.  I'd guess them in their early sixties.  As they returned from the line, I commented on the humongous amount of meat they were carrying.  Each had a dinner plate in each hand with prime rib, ribs, ham and turkey stacked as high as possible.  We're talking four plates here.  So they sit down their meat and go for the other stuff.  From time to time we cast a gander over their way.  Geez, they are eating all that meat!!  Around ten pounds each, I'd guess.

So we finish and compliment ourselves that we're not the hogs our neighbors are and then the management arrives with an officer in tow.  Seems she had a large purse and they were squirreling away meat to stock the freezer.  We wanted to stay and see the outcome, but this is Indian territory and a scalping or burning at the stake would have truly ruined the meal so we left.

So there is a moral to this story.  Don't bring a wheelbarrow to a buffet!!


Online Casinos / Re: The Paddypower Cashcard!
September 26, 2013, 05:02:46 PM
I say, Ol' Bean!!  Would I be flyin' to England to do this?

Multiple locations / Re: RNG & ROULETTE WHEELS
September 25, 2013, 07:50:00 PM

So right on the money.  I tried to read it but couldn't for lack of a paragraph!

General Discussion / Re: Pigeon hole numbers.......
September 21, 2013, 09:13:39 PM

I had the same question.  If you look at where the numbers appear on the carpet, they are exact duplicates in the first and second halves of the carpet. (Put pennies on the small red, odd and the large red, odd and you will see it.)   Now, how this would be helpful I don't know.


I also believe one can catch a trend and profit from it.  However, your post is murky to say the least.  That is, if you're intention is to tell how you achieved this result.

1.  What is your trigger to begin seeking a trend? 
2.  What defines a "trend"?
3.  How do you know when the trend ends?

This is an interesting thread.  I hope you don't abandon it.

General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
September 14, 2013, 01:07:15 AM

I'll google it..

General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
September 13, 2013, 10:25:34 AM

We are traveling in the "Catmobile".  It's a custom van.

Back to the Edmund Fitzgerald..............

Wouldn't you know it?  The storm that sank her began in the panhandle of Oklahoma.

We're off to see more wealthy areas today.

General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
September 12, 2013, 11:26:10 PM

I am in the upper part of the lower peninsula of Michigan.  Went to an island for the truly wealthy today.  Homes on the beach are 15 million.  Did not buy one.  We went to see the Macinac Bridge, the third largest suspension bridge in the world and the largest in the Western hemisphere.  It is beautiful.

The island is Macinac (Macinaw) and is beautiful when you get away from the hoard.  Trouble is, there are only horses and bicycles on the island; no cars or any motor vehicle.  With six hundred horses it is possibly the stinkingest place on the planet.  (Naturally this is just where the peons go!)  You may find this hard to believe, but it is difficult to look down any street and not see a horse taking a whiz.  These are Belgian draft horses and can pee about five gallons at a time, so you can imagine what the streets look like.  Our dogs were shocked and appalled!!

Learned so much about the Edmund Fitzgerald I bought a book to read more.  It's still a big thing up here although it happened in 1975.  Surely you've heard that Canadian's song about it....

Beginning our southward trek toward home tomorrow. 


For me, it's a pee-in-the-bushes trip!!


Naw, not really.  Just a three-week meander through the northern part of the U.S. up by the Great Lakes.

I don't do that.  You may try me at Skype......TwoCatSam......Skype is all I do.

We can talk, but don't expect much as I'm on a road trip.

More explanation is certainly needed.

Thanks, Vic...
Quote from: HansHuckebein on August 24, 2013, 08:19:21 AM
as far as I understand this subject Monty Hall won't be of any help, because we'll never get to the situation in which one door is already excluded.

with each spin we always have 3 doors (doz./col.). and with each spin the car and the goat are rearranged behind them virtual doors.

just my 2 euro-cent. ...



You're right, hans.  That sticky wicket is what I'm trying to get past.


I don't leave until next Friday AM.

Thanks for the compliment, 6.

Keep on, Buff.  You may get there!!

Hey, I'm seriously worried about Yosemite.  If the fire gets any worse, it could take the Sequoias, or at least some of them.  I've been to Yellowstone.  It was great!

Quote from: RouletteKEY on August 23, 2013, 08:37:21 PM
4 weeks?  You staying in the 48 Sam or are you packing the passport?

No, Key, no pass-a-port!  We be stayin' in the US of A.

First a family reunion and the up North almost to Alaska. 

We will be driving the Cat Mobile!
