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Messages - TwoCatSam

Development / Re: [ALPHA] New Lw tracker
August 06, 2013, 04:16:32 PM
Gambling Philosophy / Is there a causeless effect?
August 06, 2013, 12:43:50 PM
Hopefully this is a serious discussion.  Those who wish to point out my ignorance, please do it quickly and then leave.

Is there an effect with no cause?  Does the apple fall from the tree for no reason?  No, there is gravity and Nature's natural intent that the apple fall.  And the wind.  And the occasional roulette player beating his head against the trunk because he played the Martingale.  There is cause!

A definition:   something that inevitably follows an [1] antecedent (as a cause or agent)

So when we see RRRRR, is there a cause or did it just happen?  I know the first-blush cause is that random is doing his/her thing.  Does random "decide" when to do this?  Or is random as helpless against itself as we are against it?

The crux of the post:  If it could be true that random is helpless against itself, is there a way to exploit this weakness?


Development / Re: [ALPHA] New Lw tracker
August 05, 2013, 11:45:01 PM

The "undo" seems to work perfectly.  I have one suggestion:  Change that blue to clear.  Then it would be uniform.

Dozen/Column / Re: The Wizard's Supper
August 05, 2013, 11:43:23 PM

Second question:

Must we have this  1122?  What if we have 11221?  Does that start the search over again or will a 2 or 3 trigger a bet?

Dozen/Column / Re: The Wizard's Supper
August 05, 2013, 11:40:29 PM

Let me get this staight:


3...........Now we bet dozens 1 and 2; hoping 3 does not repeat?

ChrisBis / Re: Smart Live 185 spins
August 03, 2013, 09:53:35 PM
General Discussion / Re: USA Online Casino Hassle/Help
August 03, 2013, 03:11:43 PM
HMA software works very well, but it is a subscription at $79 per year.
Development / Re: [ALPHA] New Lw tracker
July 29, 2013, 02:51:16 PM
First, a compliment.............

I'm in awe of anyone who can write that stuff. 

I have checked the tracker for all four functions and I can find no mistakes. 

My 2 pennies....

If $10 IS a budget-wrecking amount for you the cough up, shouldn't you be asking yourself whether or not you should be gambling?

General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 27, 2013, 02:08:01 PM
Quote from: Turner on July 24, 2013, 08:18:15 AM
More than I expected chaps. Thanks. Second column vs 1&3 isn't a shabby idea. Im booking a cruise for our 30th wedding aniversary. Bound to be an american wheel on the ship.

Thirty years!  Congrats to you both!

I, too, would welcome ol' John back to the fray.  What he is saying is basically this:  I'd like to be quarterback if those darn linesmen would quit busting my chops!  Well, they won't.

Come on back, Jl, brave the slings and arrows and tell is your latest.

You really add to the discourse and there's a young woman called Yanks who might love to banter with you.

This is probably a huge load of bull.........

Jl said that random has virtual limits.  Either there is a limit or not, so let's change his verbage:  Random has limits.  I have come to believe this.  I also believe where you stand and which way you look is important.

Example:  If you are looking at 10 blacks in a row, you know the next black has as good a chance of hitting as red.  You are looking forward.  Now look backward.  You make make this truthful statement:  Black has certainly beaten the odds for the last ten spins!  There comes a point where what black has done is remarkable.

Now imagine yourself being able to move into the future one spin.  You could make this statement:  If black hits again, it will have beaten the odds even more.  And so on....

Now the question becomes:  How long can black beat the odds?  At some point (who knows where?) black will fall to red.  Random has, in fact, reached its limits for that trot.

So the question becomes:  Can we find a way to begin our betting at the time when random has just about ran the race and is ready to sit for a spell?  I think it is possible.  And not by waiting for ten blacks in a row.

I find, using the ExcelBot, that while random will beat me maybe seven of ten times at bat, the three times I win will move me ahead an infinitesimal amount.  I have run perhaps 100,000 spins over the last few weeks and this has held up on play money.  I have kept precise records of my wins and losses, so I will have a near-perfect idea of what to expect.  I will advance the bankroll to ensure I do not crash from lack of funds.

So the question will be this:  After 100,000 successful spins--not bets--can I see the same results with real money.  I will tell you one something:  If I don't I will begin to seriously suspect BV of manipulating their number stream.

What a load of bull.........

Jl bit off a bit more than he could chew.  That's all.

In my years, I've seen things work for a time and I thought I was a genius.  Then random taught me a lesson.  I never dreamed the man could beat random, but I liked him for his efforts.

We should all learn a lesson from this:  Walk a long walk before you talk.

OK, Vic, I have joined the pool of "tenners".  (I'm really a tenor with leanings toward baritone!)


General Discussion / Re: american wheel.
July 23, 2013, 12:20:01 PM
Quote from: Proofreaders2000 on July 23, 2013, 06:01:07 AM
It also helps to look at the 1st or 3rd columns to play for a 00 wheel.  Those numbers are wheel-neighbor friendly.

I was told the second column was more wheel-friendly.  I suppose "wheel-friendly" means the numbers are adjacent to each other on the wheel.  I'll have to take a gander at one.
