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Messages - TwoCatSam

Dozen/Column / Re: The Easy-Peasy II System
July 10, 2013, 05:18:09 PM
Master of Pockets posted something very like unto this a while back.  I thought it was good then and I'll try it now.


I don't suppose you could direct me to the location where you read that.  You may be right.

That would be nice, Chris.  It's all there in me ol' brain if I can just shake it out.  I wrote extensively about it so I may find some of that, too.

That's a good-lookin' contraption, I'll wager!

Off-topic / Re: Signatures....
July 10, 2013, 02:39:21 PM
I vote with Marshall; always have and always will.

The United States is broke.  We exist off borrowed money from China.  Yet we send billions with a "B" to nations who would bomb us out of existence if they could.

I have no idea why I was born in this country and not some dirt-poor nation in Africa.  Or why I was born with the ability to fix things and just--by luck or God--fell into a business where I made a good living.

"The poor will always be with us."

"I didn't start the fire."

If I gave everything I own in the world to some do-gooder charity, would the World change?  Only my world as I would join the poor. 

The answer is:  There is no answer!


Yanks quoted me as saying we must go with the wind, not against it.  In 2006 I was using this software and I made the statement then:  "I can tell which way the wind is blowing and go with it."  Something like that.  I was using this software placing $5 bets and doing quite well.  I went to $25 bets and found I was NOT a $25 bettor.  I lost big time.

I am going to begin anew and see if I can get my mind back to where it was in 2006.  (Not an easy feat!)  But I think it is worth the trouble and work.

Vic, will you work with me a little on this simple program?  I think it was one of your first and you have probably moved light years ahead by now.  Still, the concept is good I think.

Let's start with the definations:

LD or LC means one of the last two to hit has hit again.  Example:  1 2 and 1 hits again.  Last would show a "w".  Correct?

JD or JC means just the opposite.  Example 1 2 and 3 hits.  This means one of the last two that hit did not hit again.  Jump would show an "w".  Correct?

I am going to attach a snip of the software with--what I believe--is an error.  I cannot see how JD won since the 27 that came was one of the last two dozens to come.

Enlighten me.


Street / Re: Matrix Quad Cycle
July 09, 2013, 04:17:37 AM
Ah, Jl.  Where has the boy gone?  I do so miss him.  Seriously!

And I'm sad our newest worker bee, Yanks, is not getting to know him.

Off-topic / Re: Welcome to Sunny Manchester UK
July 07, 2013, 12:46:11 PM
Very nice!
ChrisBis / Re: Playing Daily for +5% of Bank Roll
July 05, 2013, 07:33:35 PM
But............(there's always a but), we all know, that as the BR grows, so does the risk, and the possible level
our progression (if using one), will sink to in order to make the grade.

I totally disagree.  The risk betting .01 and 10.00 is exactly the same.  I'm talking about the risk of losing the bet.

Now, your mind may be different.  I know mine is.  It gets lost somewhere!!

Great news, Chris.  I'll try to be civil so you won't have to mute me!!   >:D
The black dog is Piper.  We refer to her as "Pipey-Wipey"  Bailey-Wailey and Pipey-Wipey.

Lord, I've gone 'round the bend!



Very happy, lovely dog.  How big a sack do you have to carry on your walk?   :no:

Your sofa is just like ours!!
If Paula Deen owned a restaurant near me, I'd eat there ten times.

What sanctamonious bastards!!

Who among us has not used a racial slur?  Where I grew up in the fifties, the dreaded "N" word was everywhere.  Remember ALL IN THE FAMILY ?  It was used on that show at least once that I can remember.  Go see DJANGO UNCHAINED. Go see 41.

Folks, it ain't right but it's the way we were. "Were" is the operative word.  Hopefully,most of us have progressed.

Paula Deen answered truthfully in a deposition.  Should she have lied and risked perjury?

Jan Leno speaks of "white trash" repeatedly yet you never hear him called out on the carpet.  The words are exactly the same, but for different races. 

Paula Deen is a billionaire!  Were I her, I'd tell them to back off about eight or ten paces and take a flying bite at me behind!  Then I'd buy me an island in the South Pacific and retire.  Play roulette or something.

"God, let the whole world have the life of our dogs."
Thanks, Jara.  I will...........
Street / Re: Quad Cycle
July 02, 2013, 07:20:49 PM
OK, I've looked at Turner's first post.  If I'm understanding it right, he bets nine numbers.

Now I'm looking at the "Cocoon" and if I'm understanding that, he bets an EC which is 18 numbers.

How do you reconcile 9 vs 18?


You said you like a bet in 8 or 9 spins.  Is it 8 or 9?
