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Messages - TwoCatSam

Double-street / Re: 0.01543209876
July 01, 2013, 06:00:20 PM
Quote from: Rouletta on July 01, 2013, 05:03:40 PM
Who said roulette was impossible to be beaten lol .........??

So, R, are (geez, I sound like a pirate) you saying this little jewel will beat the game?  It's the long-sought-after "Holy Grail"?

Should we open the bubbly?

General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
June 30, 2013, 09:03:51 PM

Two people have asked me how I'm doing.  Am I still wining?  The answer is both yes and no.  I am winning a very little and I'm not doing well.  I am beginning to ask two questions:  Is it worth it?  Is this still fun?  Frankly, I have not decided.

Bet Voyager made some changes recently and the ExcelBot will no longer work.  Rumor has it that it will soon be fixed and re-released in a new and improved form.

During the lull, I've been working with another bot builder who shall remain anonymous.  I am testing some of his ideas on SmartLive with real money.  I went from $100 to over $300 and the tide turned against me.  I lost down to $75.00, which is into my deposit.  Not good.

Using my "Ball Drop" I went up $500 and then the tide turned against me.  I only lost $200 of that win, so I'm still in the black there. 

The most discouraging thing I've found:  I was playing at a casino that accepts Americans.  I was told they're crooked.  I decided to withdraw $100 of my winnings to see what would happen.  While I only asked for $100 they refunded everything I'd put in and charged me a $100 withdrawal fee.  That's right--$100.  So I guess he was right!

So all the money I won at that casino with the "Easy Peasy" system went to pay for the withdrawal fee.  They're in Cyprus, so not much one can do about it.

On line gaming is coming to America in November.  They have until the end of June to file their applications and until the end of July to name their on line partner.  When that is approved, it will happen.  New Jersey should have some good regs in place to protect users from rip offs like the one above.

Don't know how much longer I'm willing to ride this roller coaster.  I've pretty much learned not to get excited about wins.  Seems random always rears his ugly head—sooner or later. 

I've tested more things than I can count and I know one thing:  Everything moves in waves just like the tides.  Highs and lows.  Makes no difference what you're doing, there is zero consistency.  Therein lie both the problem and the solution.

Development / Re: SO Tracker for Bally
June 29, 2013, 10:05:38 PM
The Easy Peasy System
Development / Re: SO Tracker for Bally
June 29, 2013, 01:50:40 PM
Quote from: Bally6354 on June 12, 2013, 11:41:48 PM
It doesn't really work IMO explaining different ideas and then expecting someone to put the pieces together. You need to actually see everything in operation.

To Some of You

I've felt for years that those who post snippets of their "sytem" and expect people to fill in the blanks really don't have the blanks filled in themselves!  Rather they hope someone will find the missing piece of the puzzle and give it to them.

Atlantis posted one of the absolutely best systems I've ever seen and he did it clearly and in few words. 

When they say, "I don't want to hand it to you on a silver plate." what they are truly saying is, "Please hand it to me on a silver plate."

General Discussion / Re: Au revoir
June 25, 2013, 10:14:52 PM

If you get close to Oklahoma let me know.  I'll treat you to a chicken pot pie that will cure what ails you.

Seriously, my best to you.  I have faith that whatever it is, you will beat it.

Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
June 24, 2013, 10:56:21 PM
I sent the TV code.  I need to know how to run programs from VB. 
Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
June 24, 2013, 10:24:20 PM

I can't figure this thing out.  Could we schedule a time to Team View?

Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
June 23, 2013, 07:49:25 PM

I would love to, but for one thing.  I have not figured out how to run anything in Virtual Box.  If you would be so kind as to instruct me on putting Dublin and the Tracker/Clicker program in there--or how to run them from wherever--I'd love to.

I have found the shared folder.  Is that the key?

Off-topic / Re: Concentration beyond comprehension!
June 23, 2013, 10:35:35 AM
There must be a message there!
Off-topic / Re: Post your wallpaper!
June 22, 2013, 07:34:13 PM
Is this your wife/woman?
Even chance / Re: ECs (6 streets Last Vs Furthest)
June 21, 2013, 08:35:14 AM
I happened to drive to Moore, Oklahoma today to attend a movie.  (If MAN OF STEEL comes to a theater near you, avoid it at all costs!)  I very nearly took some photos to post, but you would really need to see the destruction first hand to comprehend it.

Why not log onto Dublin, make us a video and show us how this thing works.

General Discussion / Re: Why betting on roulette?
June 17, 2013, 01:30:34 AM
PDA  (Does that stand for "Pretty Darned Angry"?

Whether anyone chooses to believe it or not, this account started with a deposit of 200 Euro.  Dublin gave us a bonus of 100 Euro so 300 bank to start.  I have doubled that playing .10 per bet on singles and 1.00 on ECs.  That's a lot of bets won.  A lot was lost, so I'm on my way to clearing the bonus requirement.

Now, will I double the 600?  I honestly believe I will.  If you honestly thought you were going to lose, why would you even play?

This has been several methods, one of which is the one posted by Atlantis on the "other" forum.  It is so good, I will post it here.

When RO or BE comes, bet High and the number 3 line.
When BO or RE comes, bet Low and the number 4 line.
On your first bet, put 2 units on the EC an 1 on the line.
For each loss raise the bet one chip on the EC.
For each double loss (LL) raise the bet one chip on the line and the EC.
The goal is to win 3 units.  When you win 3, start over.

You track one and only one spin with this and that is the first spin.  After that, you always have a bet.  If zero comes, just add the appropriate amount and rebet.  Just don't get bored and fall asleep.

Now, here's what you do.  Log onto Dublin in fun mode and test it a few hours.  Will it go down?  Yes, it will.  You will get a run of losers and you'll ask, "Geez, how many times can that empty dozen hit?"  But you will get a run of winners (you're covering 24 numbers) and you'll get out of the hole.

The most I've been down is about 50 Euro playing 1 Euro per bet.

All of you who try this and make money with it should thank Atlantis.

Double-street / Re: My Way Or The Highway.
June 16, 2013, 11:19:27 PM
"Will it go 'round in circles?
Will it fly high like a bird up in the sky?"
Using real money at Betclic.

That's commendable! 

Keap us poasted.  Yur Englash be cristal cleer to me!!