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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: Why betting on roulette?
June 16, 2013, 04:57:02 AM
and they all end up at the same result.

No, they don't!


You sound disillusioned.  While it is true no mechanical method will work 100% of the time, mechanical methods can be made to work.  This may sound like "old hat" but one has to learn "when to hold 'em" and "when to fold 'em" and things will look up.

How does one do this?

Through years of study and practice. 

There are times when things are going your way and you go with the flow.  Then it turns on you.  The idea is to get out with a profit and come back another day.  I play BetVoyager a lot.  While every number is generated just like every other number, there are times when you would swear you can't lose.  Then the flow changes and you couldn't buy a win.

The trick is to know when this is happening.  I don't think this can be taught.  winkel called it "gambler's intelligence". 

I also think there is a connecting we will never understand.  Sometimes it's just not your day.  No matter what you do, you will lose.  Switch to Back-A-Rat or BJ and you will still lose.  Your planets are not aligned!!  I know this sounds spooky (Voodoo) but when you've seen it as much as I have, you will come to believe.

There is a time to mow the yard, but be darn careful will the mower!!

Take it or leave it, but don't tell me I can't win.

Online Casinos / Re: Punto Banco without house edge
June 14, 2013, 06:40:16 PM
jara and Chris

That is a new one on me!!


Off-topic / Re: @Gizmotron
June 14, 2013, 06:00:51 PM

As far as I'm concerned, this matter is closed.

Online Casinos / Re: Punto Banco without house edge
June 14, 2013, 01:02:24 PM
Bro, you lost me on that 2.7%.  I only know of a 5% rake against the banker winning.  Player pays $1 and banker pays $.95.

What is this 2.7%??

Actuals/Hands / Re: On behalf of GreatGrampa
June 13, 2013, 02:43:46 PM
There was nothing there when I opened it...

Off-topic / Re: Kansas State Highway Patrol
June 12, 2013, 07:57:03 PM

I laugh at your joke!!

Seriously, that's the very Okie whose door you do NOT want to kick in.  What you can't see in that pic is his redneck woman in the background with her double-barreled 12 gauge. 

Editorial:  We are fed up with working our butts off to have some druggie steal our stuff and hock it for meth. 

..and that's the name of that tune..


Off-topic / Re: Post your wallpaper!
June 12, 2013, 02:08:23 AM
"Miranda, light of my life!  Fate should have made you a gentleman's wife."

She is beautiful!!
General Discussion / Re: What's your game?So I play
June 11, 2013, 08:04:55 PM

I have come to the conclusion people do not really want to play.  They wouldn't play your "Holy Grail" if you posted it.

Mainly we're here for the fellowship and communication.  And to post ideas and banter back and forth.

On the "other" forum, Atlantis posted a system and with his system I have won 130 Euro in two days.  In three or four days that thread will be delegated to the dust bin and we'll be hunting Johnlegend!!

Besides all that, you can trust Nick and Stef.  They might play it themselves, but they do not divulge private information.

General Discussion / Re: What's your game?So I play
June 11, 2013, 06:11:53 PM
It is far better to set a robot and go to bed! 
Off-topic / Re: Kansas State Highway Patrol
June 11, 2013, 03:13:09 AM
No gun or weapon needed in the hands of the intruder.  He must merely break into your home and you have the right to kill him.

Is it harsh?  Consider the woman protecting her children.  She killed him on the front porch.  He had a knife and he wasn't buttering bread. 

Thank God she killed him.  That's one less that might come to my door.

Yes, I'm armed and would do everything possible to avoid shooting.  But if I see a gun.............

Diogenes should have found you!

(Was he the one looking for an honest man or was it Billy Graham?)
Off-topic / Re: Kansas State Highway Patrol
June 10, 2013, 01:38:14 PM

Oh, she finished that one long ago.  We just happened to get a candid photo of her being herself.

IHG=Izak's "Holy Grail"

It's not so holy.....
Off-topic / Re: Kansas State Highway Patrol
June 10, 2013, 12:25:50 AM
Officers need not fear those who have licenses to carry. 

In Oklahoma we have a "Make My Day" law.  If I find you in my home, I can kill you legally.  No questions asked.

And, yes, it happens. 

We are caught in a dilemma over here:  The bad guys have guns and they always will.  The police can't be everywhere.  So it's up to the homeowner to protect his/her family.

That's life in our world.

Off-topic / A woman goes into a pet shop........
June 09, 2013, 10:20:06 PM
..........to buy a parrot. 

"He's a talker," the man says, "But his last home was, well, shall we say, a house of ill repute."
"No problem." she says, and takes him home with a huge quilt over the cage.  She sits him on the table and uncovers him.
"Awwwkkk", he says.  "New madam.  New house.  All good!"  In walks her daughter.
"Awwwkkk", he says,  "New girl.  All good."  In walks her husband to see what all the "awwwkkk" ing is all about.
"Awwwkkk.  Hi Bob."