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Messages - TwoCatSam

Shoe 649 had a profit of 21 units with a draw down of 02 units with the largest bet being 04 units.
Shoe 561 had a profit of 18 units with a draw down of 03 units with the largest bet being 07 units.
Shoe 894 had a profit of 15 units with a draw down of 19 units with the largest bet being 19 units.
Shoe 673 had a profit of 14 units with a draw down of 01 units with the largest bet being 14 units.
Shoe 884 had a profit of 16 units with a draw down of 00 units with the largest bet being 05 units.
Shoe 657 had a  loss  of 03 units with a draw down of 37 units with the largest bet being 39 units.
Shoe 649 had a profit of 21 units with a draw down of 02 units with the largest bet being 04 units.
Shoe 561 had a profit of 18 units with a draw down of 03 units with the largest bet being 07 units.
Shoe 894 had a profit of 15 units with a draw down of 19 units with the largest bet being 19 units.
Shoe 673 had a profit of 14 units with a draw down of 01 units with the largest bet being 14 units.
Shoe 884 had a profit of 16 units with a draw down of 00 units with the largest bet being 05 units.
OK, made a few errors in calculations.  Figured the draw down from the highest point to the lowest point.  The draw down is now the depth into your bankroll.

Shoe 649 had a profit of 21 units with a draw down of 02 units with the largest bet being 04 units.
Shoe 561 had a profit of 18 units with a draw down of 03 units with the largest bet being 07 units.
Shoe 894 had a profit of 15 units with a draw down of 19 units with the largest bet being 19 units.
Shoe 673 had a profit of 14 units with a draw down of 01 units with the largest bet being 14 units.
I did not know there was a 600; I have the 1,000

I did check the sheet Izak attached and he is using the correct shoes. 


I'm not over the headache, but I'll do it!!   :cheer:

This is the 1,000 tester, mind you.

Shoe 1 and spin 1 on down

I am not what I am.
I am not what I think I am.
I am what I think you think I am.

That it, guys? 

More reports to come when I get over this blazin' headache.


Two reasons:

1.  I don't know the system well enough to play it in real time.
2.  I'm a scardy-cat!

I won't be around for a million spins.

This little test is merely to see if Izak is lying.  If I win ten shoes, I don't think he is.  I will then go to Dublin and play for dollars.

Jusssssss my point of view!!

Wow.  Tough crowd!!

Did you hear the one about...............?
 Shoe 894 had a profit of 15 units with a draw down of 42 units with the largest bet being 11 units

OK, this is boring.

Any comments?
Shoe 561 had a profit of 18 units with a draw down of 28 units with the largest bet being 7 units
Very easy addition error to correct. 


Shoe 649 had a profit of 21 units with a draw down of 15 units with the largest bet being 5 units.
OK, I have begun the learning process.   It is not easy!!

I have just finished the first shoe and have some mistakes.  Will re-do it.  This is looking very good!

No one will guess in the plus??  Oh, ye of little faith!

I guess--very conservatively--+100 units for the ten shoes. 
Street / Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
June 04, 2013, 05:02:08 PM
Well, I guess I better look into this, too.  Right after IHG.

So many systems; so little time!

So your guess is the 10 shoes will lose 85 units.  Very good! 

Would anyone else hazard a guess?
