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Messages - TwoCatSam

Straight-up / Re: 2 numbers with progression
February 11, 2014, 09:11:02 AM
Please define your "hot number"...
General Discussion / Re: News from Ralph
February 11, 2014, 09:09:46 AM
I can't help but wonder if he was killed because he was leaving a casino with a wad he'd just won?  If so, there seems to be some irony there.

Sweet voyage, Ralph....


I have done many hours of study on this system.  Please see my posts here http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=6459.msg119399#msg119399 if you please.  I don't want to have to re-create the whole shebang over here.

I strongly suspect--thought I can't prove it--we are doing something wrong.  His method defies logic, in my opinion.  There are charts and some well-thought-out writings on the system.

Please have a look and post there or here.

Thanks.  I really need help on this puppy!!

Multiple locations / Re: Inside Multiple Bet
February 08, 2014, 06:30:46 PM
 inner web.

Is there an outer web?
Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 07:24:11 PM
Helipotty goes global.  I love it!!
Off-topic / Re: SOCHI
February 07, 2014, 05:23:00 PM
I have nothing but disgust for Obama, but what has he done in relation to SOCHI?  From what we hear in American, the accommodations for the guests are miserable.  I don't think Pooty-Poo has done such a bang-up job.
I done went'n did it...
Two points keep bugging me.

If you have a winning system, all the negativity in the world will not affect it.  To go historical, if you have a winning idea--same thing.  Fulton was such a fool.  He built a fire on a boat.  They called it "Fulton's Folly".  All the negativity did not keep his steam engine from moving the boat.

In the real word, egos considered, would you rather have a thousand people saying, "Sure, he can do it!" or a thousand saying it's folly.  Much sweeter to prove the doubters wrong, no?

Secondly, what is proof?  How many spins and how many wins or how much money. 

Lastly, why in the world would someone who could spend their time winning real money spend it instead proving to a bunch of guys that he really can do it?  That makes no sense unless you read Number 6 above. 


General Discussion / Re: Any takers for this challenge
February 03, 2014, 03:37:23 PM
"Randomness will kill it"...he said from within the whirling smoke.

Ah, yes!  Randomness is the "black ice" on the bridge to success.  Many have slid sideways and crashed!

Don't even ask!  I've got more bent fenders than most of you and I'm still trying to drive over that darn bridge.

The Twocat Cafe / Re: Steady Betting Locations by VLS
January 31, 2014, 10:18:26 PM

The three DSs was my idea as I like ECs.

The Twocat Cafe / Steady Betting Locations by VLS
January 31, 2014, 08:55:11 PM

I found a piece of software Vic wrote some time ago.  It is very interesting as the video will show.  I am sure you people will flock on it like pigeons on popcorn!!

I did make a mistake at the very beginning.  My first spin was a 0 and I should have upped my bet by one, but forgot to.  Also, when I started to bet, I could have bet #3 DS instead of #6 but my "gambler's intelligence" told me not to.




Let me see if I got it........

1.  Bet for 36 spins (6 units down to 1) Stop and go virtual after spin 36 if you have not won.
2.  Do not bet until  you get a hit.
3.  Bet for another 36 spins at 1 unit.  Stop and go virtual until another hit if you have not won.
4.  Anytime you reach 100 lost spins without a win, double your bet.

Is that it?  If I bot it, Nick needs exact rules.

If someone wins his challenge, he gets their system for $30,000.  I'm sure his rules are so stringent that anyone winning would have the "Grail".  How can this guy lose??

Hey, I gots 30 Gs.....  "Lemme think on it!  Baby, Baby, lemme think on it.  Lemme think on it; I'll give you an answer in the mornin'"....Meatloaf


Is the "Zuma Tester Library" a .txt file or books?
