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Messages - TwoCatSam


You've answered "-85", so I assume you meant to post on my other thread, "Want to guess Sam's I.Q.?"

Sorry, AMK, my life is consumed with other things.  I do watch the THUNDER now and then since they are the home-town team.  KD gave a million bucks to the Moore tornado victims.  People don't get much better than that....

Anyway, since no one had time to rattle of ten numbers between 501 and 1,000, I ask Random.org to do it.

The test begins...........
Straight-up / Re: The Finale Crossing
June 04, 2013, 12:13:44 AM

I am not ignoring you.  I just have a lot on my plate.

OK, someone sent me the system, too!  Guess what?  I have the Zuma tester.  Bought it years ago.

I don't think Izak is a scammer.  I can't tell you why, but hear me now and believe me later.  Hey, let's give it a little testication......

Someone pick 10 shoes from 501 on up and I'll duplicate his sheet and test those ten shoes.  Should anyone want, I'll scan and paste the shoes from the Zuma.

Don't you love a good test??

Street / Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
June 03, 2013, 10:31:44 PM

I don't think the person means to be unfriendly. 

I'll play his system from time to time and I'll read what he posts.  I'll just be careful of the questions I ask!!

Much gets lost in words.  And on these forums, words are about all we have.  It took two people to explain the L v F system to me. 

I'm just glad he can't rap my knuckles with a stick!!   :stress:

Dozen/Column / Re: Double treble
June 03, 2013, 04:50:52 PM
Very nicely written.  I'm looking forward to chapter two!
Street / Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
June 03, 2013, 12:03:01 PM
"A man who is good with a hammer sees everything as a nail."

Perhaps you see me as a small child.  I've been seen as worse!  I'll accept that explanation.

Street / Re: Street pattern: X0X0X
June 03, 2013, 09:55:24 AM
OK, may I retract something?  The word "silly"?  That was not meant as a put-down.  Maybe I should have used the word "whimsical" or "amusing".  What I meant was that the system is so very easy to play.  Not that the idea was silly; actually it's very good! 

I find it amazing how well it hits. 

Pass the crow....


Even setting a bot and mowing the yard is a form of work.  I speak for myself, of course.  There is a mental stress involved.  I constantly wonder if I'm down, have I won or lost a session, has BV cut me off and so on.  It is never far from my mind.


You know, I enjoy going to the RNG casino a half-hour's drive from us.  I like playing Dane's XOXOX system as you can never lose much if you lose.  (I never have!)  From time to time you meet interesting people.  I love to hear them B.S. me and tell me how much their brother-in-law won last week.  Or some little old lady sitting next to them....

As I sit there, systems float through my mind.  If I could place bets quickly enough there and had a program to select the numbers, I could make some serious money.  As it is, one can barely get their bets down if playing inside.  Wonder if they'd let me install a bot on their console?  Naw, probably not.

It is quite rare--extremely rare--to see 18 numbers without a repeater.  If only I could calculate those last 18 numbers, use a D'Alembert, and get the bets down---well, I'd rarely--maybe once in ten--lose.  If you could win 9 EC bets out of 10....

Aw, listen to me!!  I just gave away a DNHG!!  You watch!!  People will jump on it like a Zebra on a T-bone! 

Asthma woke me up!  Just gots to blow in the wind.....

Izak....(Why do I want to call him "Itzak"?)

Izak did not say it would win every shoe.  And he did say the simulation was included, so why would Chris need to simulate that which is already simulated?

He could do random checks and see if his results matched Izak's.  The very first time he found a discrepancy would be a red flag to me.


Yes, I agree.  Few would even see it if it were the holy thingy.  Few would play it or take the time to learn it.  My point is just that if Izak really has a system that will make money, everyone who makes money using it should pay him.

It's like the all-you-can-eat buffet where one buys and three eat.  If you eat, you should pay.

I'm still thinking seriously about buying.  After all, there is nothing to lose.  My CC will just credit me for the amount and his guarantee will prevent him from protesting.

Things like this intrigue me!! 

Izak should have given it to a coder in the first place.

Maybe Juiced is right; if it were any good he wouldn't be selling it anyway.  And surely not giving a copy away. 

Is it just me..........

When you buy something that is copyrighted, is it OK to tell another person the system?  Even a coder is another person.  For this reason, I think if someone had something that was truly fantastic, they would never share it.  It could go world wide before they could finish their coffee.

Not saying you would do that Bayes, just raising a question.


Thanks.  Time will tell if I am on to something or just riding an anomaly.  If it is an anomaly, it is a very long one.

You are right, without a bot and BV this idea would be near impossible.  Much like John's HAR.  The only profitable way it could be played would be to use some large units which would require a very large bankroll--on the order of 5,000 Euro.

Quote from: Albalaha on May 26, 2013, 10:27:04 AM
We can not pick better or worse bet selection but can make strategies that can fight extreme momentary variance and money management techniques that can handle the bad cases. Nothing can work in all probabilities.

This is my thread; my topic!  The agreement was I would not post on your threads and you would not post on mine.  I have not posted on any thread of yours, but you have on mine.

Let's see you lie your way out of this one!

Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
June 02, 2013, 12:39:05 AM
Just needs to work with Dublin.  That's my main casino to play the G.U.T.

