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Messages - TwoCatSam


That was quite a post and I thank you for it.  I have read it twice and will read it several more times.  For those who stumble in the dark, even the smallest of lights is welcome.

No one could top ol' Al!!
Multiple locations / Re: Holy Grail by Buffster
May 26, 2013, 09:11:10 PM
Sorry, Ol' Buff One............

I was never at GG.

I will still enjoy!

I'll see you........

"It is better to live in the corner of a housetop than in a wide house with a brawling woman."  .......Hebrew Bible...Job
I'm stayin' out of it.  "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."...Ann Landers
Multiple locations / Re: Holy Grail by Buffster
May 26, 2013, 06:45:01 PM
But who is "Buffster"?

You seem offended.  My apologies if that's so.

Carefully reading your post......................

What I'm hearing you say about yourself, Drazen and Superman is this:  You use past results to decide where to bet.  Is that fair?  If it is, then that is tantamount to saying that past results effect future results.  If I'm in error there, would you explain?

If, in fact, past results effect future results, can we say the wheel has some sort of "memory"?  Or something that acts like a memory?

I once read this:  The wheel has no memory but we must treat it as if it did.

Again, sorry for stepping on your statistical toes. (Now that was TwoCat humor!)

Great replies, gentlemen.  Thanks to one and all.

Now let's tack in a different direction.  There is one thing I know for sure about the flow of occurrences.  It can be mathematically proved and graphed. 

You will have a wave which goes one direction for a time and then another.  Even RB proves this in the shortest possible time.  But we know that groupings of R and groupings of B are common.  Here is the proverbial tool the plumber must have:  When we see B is that the end of the Bs or is that the beginning of a run of Bs?  We positively know, at some time, we will get BBB or more.  And then RRR or more. 

Some say if you have too many flops, you will get a run.  When, exactly?

I feel the reason THE THREE MUSKETEERS, Superman, Drazen and Bayes win may be actually due to a form of clairvoyance.  As such, it can't be taught.  To bet or not to bet, that is the question.  Perhaps you gents just get a "feel" you should bet.  Maybe from looking at the marquee? 

As to finding a mechanical method, I take pleasure in the trying.  I fully know what I'm up against.  And I'm not yet sure it can't be done.  One would think that in 200 years of roulette, someone would have done it.  We can't be 100% sure someone hasn't as it is impossible to prove or disprove the unknown.  This is why I respect ignatus.  He just doesn't let failure phase him!

In almost every case, the person who succeeds is the one who quits failing!  Who succeeds on the first try? 


1.  There is no bet selection that is superior to any other bet selection.  That is to say, all selections are the same.
2.  There is no money management procedure that will win.

So, then, what are we left with?  Clairvoyance?  Voodoo?  Oh, yes---luck!

For any bet selection to have merit, it must assume that spins that have come effect spins that will come.  The past effects the future.  (In roulette, there is no present.  Well, none that matters anyway.)  For any money management procedure to work, it must turn a negative expectation into a positive one.  Can't be done.

So where do we turn?

I think a little Voodoo is a good thing.  I once made the statement:  Numbers do strange things.  If they didn't, they'd do even stranger things. 

Why does a number get hot?  Why does a number sleep for 200 spins?  Why is it when a sleeper awakens, it hits more than it should--as if to say, "Dang!!  I've got the catch the pack!"? 

Just ramblin'.............

Free Releases / Re: Cascading Sectors Tracker
May 25, 2013, 10:08:51 PM
General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 25, 2013, 01:09:40 AM
Great One

Yes, you are right.  Sometimes it does not get all the way to 10 units down.  I've seen it reset at -7 so maybe I'll give it a whirl at 20.  Makes no real difference to the bot.

Don't know about cheating the D'Alembert.

General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 24, 2013, 02:08:24 PM
It is not 12 straight.  It goes up and down, but more up than down.

This morning it went 16 and I lost.......

See folks!  When I lose I report it.  So now I'm down for the week.  Next week is a new world.

General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 24, 2013, 10:44:14 AM
yay! that's really too deep Sam


Any suggestions on how to keep from going this deep?

I don't like it either, but what do you do?

General Discussion / Re: 123 Framework
May 24, 2013, 03:21:52 AM

Today I went to level 12 in the D'Alembert and recovered.  I don't like going that deep, but what do you do?  Shut 'er down and start over or stick to the plan.

Either can toast your buns.


For years I had two cats.  I originally want the name "CatManSam", but it was taken.  Thus TwoCatSam 

The cats are long dead and now we have two dogs.  But I have been TwoCatSam for close to 15 years on various forums.  People know me by that name, so it stays.

I have one dog in this forum as my avatar and the other in the "other" forum. 

Thanks for asking.  Six years, you say! 
