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Messages - TwoCatSam

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
May 21, 2013, 03:11:48 PM

I am relieved to know you are not Jl.  Jl is a good man but he tends to bloviate!!

Personally, I wouldn't "blast" you.

Bayes makes some very good points against HAR.  Others do, too.  Still, I find the concept intriguing.  It "seems" like it should work. 

Even if fourteen geniuses line up and tell you something won't work, you can still try it.  Just be careful.

I play a system with the ExcelBot which is a double HAR.  6th-sense posted it.  It's called "Tetris".  You have 19 rows and to lose, one of those 19 must lose 10 in a row.  (I think it's 10).  So not only must random hit 10 blacks in a row, it must hit them on the same column.  One miss and Sam wins!!

I have actually made money with this.  Ran it on two computers for days and incurred three losses of 52 Euro.  Made far more than I lost.  NOW...I could have hit a run of losers and went bankrupt.  But I didn't.  And that's roulette!!

Good luck, PA

Development / Re: TwoCat GUT tracker - 2013-04-05
May 21, 2013, 02:59:00 PM

I get down to the point where it says "change settings" and it says I can only do this if my driver permits.  Now the little box is not blue and you can't tick it so I suppose my driver is defunct or on rum and coke.

I'll try this on another computer today and see what I get.


Real tables are a long way from me.  Don't know that I like them anyway.  It's so peaceful here in the TwoCat Casino. 

Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
May 21, 2013, 08:44:07 AM
PA, are you Jl?
Going to 16 steps with the D'Alembert is do-able.

I have systems that go to 22 and recover.  One must toss in 200 Euro and go to bed.  Yes, you lose it sometimes.  There is no "Holy Grail".

The hell is when you get to a high number and BV cuts you off.  Now that will sink your flotilla.

General Discussion / Re: A TwoCat Ramble........
May 21, 2013, 12:13:29 AM
Running the bot on two computers, .05 bet, won over 55.00 Euro.
General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
May 20, 2013, 11:45:13 PM
Yes, July it was.  Either the 23 or 29th.  I wrote it on my fat belly, but my wife made me shower.
Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
May 20, 2013, 11:40:39 PM
Yes, as I understand it, he has been playing this for years.

I played it for a while.  It is too slow and boring.  So John calls me lazy.  I'm anything but!  However, I will not sit and twitter away my life when a bot could do it for me.

He says not bot; I say "Adios!"


By the way, I had a great run and then it went South!
Even chance / Re: Triple shooter for even chances
May 20, 2013, 03:35:26 PM

No need to FLATter FLAT.  His ego is larger than the country he lives in now!!

(That was TwoCat humor, FLATman.  Don't come after me like an Oklahoma tornado!!)

But, call it as you wish, just remember who coined it.


Thanks for posting the DNHG.

Let's ask Kimo Li to show us something.  Or one of his acolytes.  Surely his method will work at SmartLive or Dublin.

I own his books.  Shakespeare wrote about his books around 300 years ago.  "Much ado about nothing."

I'd love to be proven wrong. 

Or not.......

It's pretty darn good......I've won with it.


I'm a firm believer in the D'Alembert. 

The Boffins Bet shakes out to be an EC.  Say you lose your first attempt.  Use $1. 

B..........here you are down $1

Now go $1.25.....

R..........you have won $2.5 minus your $1 loss for a profit of $1.25.  Go back to betting $1.

A person would have to figure out the math to continue the progression.

BEAR IN MIND:  The "Hiccup" factor comes in the play in a greater-than-normal manner using this bet.  You can go up quite and bit and NEVER have to come down to $1 to make a profit.

Trust me on this one.

Or you could use Lank'y's "Six Point Divisor".  I like the D'Alembert.

People will jump on this like a lion on a cabbage!


Even chance / Re: *PATTERN BREAKER*
May 20, 2013, 02:48:32 PM
Ask Superman........
This is in the ExcelBot, but is 4x4.........