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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 03, 2013, 11:04:34 PM
Thank you, esoito.

Well, I think we have a challenge. 

General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 03, 2013, 06:47:52 PM
The thing to do would be to go on Dublin, make a movie and show us exactly how you can do this.  With all the money you have surely made, a few skins for screen capture software should not hurt you.  And many are available for free!!

I would be surprised if you would do this as making a video is proof of what you can and can't do. 

So you've talked your talk; let's see you walk your walk.

Could I get a second??  Anyone want to see this feller do his thing?

General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 02, 2013, 01:24:11 PM
Mr. Flat

Yes, you were right!  You have been right about many things.  I appreciate your kind words.

I promise I will get back to running the L v F on the bot.  Right now, BV has me scared of being cut off while deep into my bankroll.

General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 02, 2013, 02:09:32 AM
Quote from: Bayle on May 02, 2013, 01:05:33 AM
To me, the game of roulette is not only the ball and the wheel plus the lay-out, but also display the evergoing flow of 3 cycle of HL/BR/OE.
By applying penultimate,we might be able to go with the flow harmony and perhaps reap some profit along the way.
I have tried to BEAT the game, but fail miserably everytimes, so if we can't fight them,,,should we not JOIN them? or another words is ...like I said ...go with the flow.

Using penultimate, let's say HL:                   19,20.22,1,24     24 is a result
and keep watching the wheel,let's say         13,14,15,27,21  21 is a another result

so, number 24 and 21 belongs to line 4.
We bet on line 4 for 6 times.
Some times, you will hit it right in the very first time
some times ,you may hit hit in 3,4,5.6th....
or it may go sleep for 18 times,or more...
some line go hibernate for 44 spins!!!
That's why if it does not hit in 6 spins,forget it,try the other EC.

and if the HL cycle does not perform, the other BR/OE will do.

...........in this example 24 is the last spun.  1 is the penultimate.

In the next red, 21 is the last spun.  27 is the penultimate.

Friend Walter.........

I would learn from anyone.  I am currently running a bot which is a bastardized form of "Pattern Breaker".  Folks might be surprised how well it has worked.  ("has" is the operative word.)  JL may have a point:  Random can only go so far!

But this fellow whose name is "Feller"--well, this feller leaves me gasping for breath! 

Sorry, Feller.  Didn't mean to be an a*se!  Are you selling the key to this lock?

General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 02, 2013, 02:01:15 AM
Quote from: Bayle on May 01, 2013, 10:26:30 PM
With this strategy,you can play as long as you want,and you could win 7 out of 10 times,
but, just like any business,it needs patience.
Sometime the wheel will not treat you as the way you expect,but I think 7 out of 10 is what we all looking for.

1.find a good,reliable penultimate of Even Chance bet ( HL/BR/OE )
   I mean no win no lose bet.

2.When you find the results, look at the results ,it will show exactly the line ( doublestreet )
  which is it belongs to.

3.You bet on that LINE 6 times, ALL FLAT BET, no need progression in this straegy,
  You will hit it 7 out of 10 times.
  You could bet with 1 or all 3 EC, but with all 3 EC, you must totally focus because it
   is a lot of works.
   If in case you lose ( the line you bet doesn't show up :-(  ) ,next bet you could decide to
   increase the bet money to recoup
,but do not use progression.
   It is too risky.
   Best wishes.Bayle F. Feller


He says we "could" win.  Note the first red...

Now look at the second red.  What the heck does that mean?  "a good, reliable penultimate of even chance"  What would make one penultimate bet more reliable than another??

In the third red, we learn we need no progression......


In the last red we learn we could increase the bet but not to use a progression.   Um, what is a progression?  I thought it was increasing the bet.  Silly me!

Now stick with me for the next post...........
General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 02, 2013, 12:10:04 AM
There is no misunderstanding on my part.

A line pays 5 to 1.   Seven wins is $35.00.  The cost is $10 for a $25.00 profit.

So for every $10.00 I invest, I reap $25.00 in profits.

Yep, I'll buy that!!

Even chance / Re: Contrasting Couplets
May 01, 2013, 11:12:24 PM

Should I own this book? 


He looks very successful!

Even chance / Re: Contrasting Couplets
May 01, 2013, 10:58:35 PM
Who is JP?
General Discussion / Re: A BET WITHIN A BET
May 01, 2013, 10:57:56 PM
There's a joke here.  I'm just too plain ol' unintelligent to see it.

OK, let's find it. 

On your mark......

Even chance / Re: Contrasting Couplets
May 01, 2013, 03:18:39 PM
For example the spun numbers 22, 9, 3, 14 are recorded on a line as:
HOLO (High Odd Low Even)


Thanks, A.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: Dispersion kILLINg
May 01, 2013, 11:53:10 AM
Took him/her a long time, but he/she finally made a true statement:

"but no honest money can be win without working."

Perhaps this is D'Alemberts ghost!  Up when you lose; down when you win.  One robot was playing this when I read this thread.

BURP...  hard thread to digest!!

Off-topic / Re: Is This Your Wife ?
April 29, 2013, 01:31:39 PM
Now, let me get this straight..............

Some lucky rascal got to eat barbecue and get rid of his wife in the same night?  If that ain't the "Daily Double" I don't know what is.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
April 28, 2013, 09:13:48 PM
This is exactly why I gave up on testing it.  It really could take three years.  If I'm alive then, I'll be 69.  Darn near 70!!  There are so many easier ways to lose money!
General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
April 28, 2013, 02:52:32 AM

I will give that serious consideration.


General Discussion / Re: A Serious Bot Question
April 27, 2013, 05:57:51 PM
OK, Chris...

Just had to throw my two cents worth in.
