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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: A Serious Bot Question
April 27, 2013, 04:36:30 PM
A bot can consider the the last three outcomes and bet accordingly.  I know because Nick wrote me just such a sheet.

I have no idea what else it might consider, but I would never assume it only needs to know the last outcome.
My other account
My history is attached.  This is playing .05 with a D'Alembert progression.  If I could do this every ten days, it would be my "Holy Grail".

To me, it is unthinkable to win every session.  Even going ahead one unit.  Then again, Superman is doing it.

'Course I could be doing something wrong, but I get the RFH right out of the starting gate.  I have learned to break my bankroll down into mini-sessions.  I just lose a mini session and move on.

To me, the "Holy Grail" is a graph that inches upwards over a period of time.  That's not to say there are no downturns.  There are.  But at the end of the week/month/year you are better off than you were the same time last time.



Thank you for posting the screen shot. 

Again, what is the "Holy Grail"?  I like to work within the confines of a definition.

I think we all know two things: 

1.  You can't mathematically turn a negative outcome into a positive one;
2.  Dispersion or variance will get you--sooner or later. 

I've said this and was derided for it, but I'll say it again.  An airplane does not eliminate gravity.  It is still there.  Let the beast run out of fuel and see who wins.  But aerodynamics overcomes gravity.  (Yes, I know it can be proven and demonstrated.)

But to answer the question.....

Where would we go to have so much fun as we do here if it were not for the "quest"?  Where would we get the love?

I've made some friends around the world due to these forums.  Sure would hate to see us all become wealthy and mean!


P.S.  I have no grail, but you knew that.

Somewhere in my feeble brain I seem to recall you made a change to the 00 G.U.T. tracker.  I've searched every post you ever wrote and can't find it.  So--is the link above the latest and correctest version of the 00 wheel tracker?


General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
April 26, 2013, 01:17:35 PM

I didn't mean to offend.  It's just that I have a very busy life.  I won't go into it, but trust me on this one.  I simply don't have the time to sit.

I have money in two accounts that I have NO time to play them.  That is why I run robots.  Two minutes to set them and then plant those flowers; mow that yard, clean this; clean that--work! work! work!

Lincoln freed what????

The backbone people need to get some backbone!
Some person on here who is not from the USA needs to notify Dublin of this thread.
I have often read this statement:  It worked for thousands of spins and then it quit.

My question is:  For how long did it quit?  Forever?  How do you know?  Did you wait a couple of weeks and try it again?

I win playing even chances.  Then I lose playing even chances.  The goal is to win more when winning and lose less when losing.

Wish I knew if it could be done.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
April 21, 2013, 08:46:33 PM

As far as I'm concerned, that would be good. 

I just walked the dogs.  The bot ran well over 1,000 spins while I was gone.  I could not have done one bit better had I been sitting here during that time.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
April 21, 2013, 06:56:36 PM

I play two methods with bots that are simply too slow for a human to endure.

I'm not saying the method wins or fails; I am saying I am too dang old and have too much to do to sit and wait for an hour to bet when a machine could do it for me.

A bot is much like a backhoe.  It won't work by itself.  And you can dig a pool with a shovel, but it's a lot faster with the backhoe.

The bot is a tool.  That's all.

But, hey, you know that.  What's wrong with me???

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
April 21, 2013, 01:00:58 AM
I don't doubt it.

I tried working with one of his systems and it is so slow and boring words fail me.  If ever something needed to be tested with a bot, this is it.

April 13, 2013, 12:55:10 AM

MODS:  Take a look at the above thread.  Before this person came on this forum, I posted his system as he outlined it on the "other" forum.  I had nothing but praise for his intelligence.

I have used that simple system time and time again at Riverwind and I HAVE NEVER LOST WITH IT!

As to the new one, I am testing it now.  I have never said one harsh word to this person and he has no call to speak to me like I'm some moron who can't understand anything.

We have a varied number of languages on these forums.  All I was trying to do was seek clarification.

I will give you an example:

In America, the dentist cleans the tartar from our teeth.  We then eat fish and tartar sauce!  That could be confusing, no?

You have no reason to delete this post unless you are absolutely against free speech on this forum.

April 12, 2013, 07:30:03 PM

You are right!  I told monaco he was a gentleman and a scholar.  Why?  He answered the question without vitriolic comments.  What have you got against a person wanting clarification?  We're you born a genius who never had a question?

You may have the "Holy Grail".  If so, you are a jerk with the "Holy Grail".


Moderator's Warning:    Cool it, 2CS.  NOBODY deserves to be referred to as a 'jerk' on this forum. You really should know better by now.

Kindly post an apology or accept the consequencies.