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Messages - TwoCatSam

Off-topic / Re: INVESTORS WANTED!!!
January 31, 2014, 04:03:41 PM
We promise to get there before you say, "Aw, geez!!"
Off-topic / Re: INVESTORS WANTED!!!
January 30, 2014, 07:15:54 PM

I simply don't know how you do it!!

January 30, 2014, 05:41:05 PM
Folks and people; friends and neighbors!

In Atlanta, Georgia, they don't like the snow.  Few snow plows and all.....

Poor people were stranded in their cars for up to 13 hours.

Question:  Where does a body go?  I mean, literally, when you gotta go, you gotta go.  Mother Nature waits for no man.

A TwoCat Solution:


We have a huge, weight bearing helicopter carry in a multiple row of porta-pottys.  Maybe up to 20 or more.

$5 to tinkle; $10 to poop!

With the new technology, we could take plastic!!

So, who's got some roulette winnings they'd like to invest? 

I think it's a sure thing!!


I have done some real-money play with your idea.  I think I won .33!

I quit when I came to a problem.  Let's say you go through the first 36 spins.  You go to virtual and wait for a hit.  Then you resume at level 1.  Question:  Do you just keep betting at that level until you finally get a hit on the selected number?  And then resume at level 6?

Question 2:  I'm not sure when you should double your bet.  After losing X number of bets?  What?


I spoke to Nick about writing the sheet to test this.  No, I don't have the 15,000 in Excel format and I'm sure not going to type them all in.  However, I have tons of spins from Dublin and Smart Live which the bot will import and test. 

But I have decided I'm just too fragile for such an undertaking.  If the idea wins, I might have a heart attack from pure joy.  If it loses, I might get out the old Smith and Wesson.  (And if it did win, I'd be caught on the horns of a dilemma:  Do I tell?  Do I move to Jersey?)

Besides, people who know know it won't work anyway.  Why should we try anything on this forum anymore?  Let's just get us a panel of "experts" and ask them.  Oops, I got on my soapbox again!!


My statement should have been separated from yours by a mile.  Did not try to piggy-back you in any way.  I have published that belief for years--right or wrong.  Sorry.....

I once read, and I paraphrase, <While the wheel has no memory, we must treat it as if it does.>

Rather sorry I ever posted on this thread!!

The question as to whether outcomes actually ARE independent is a different matter, and you can't get the answer by just logical reasoning, but GF is a logical error.---From Bayes


I don't need Bayes approval or disapproval--or anyone else's for that matter--but I've always thought of him as one of the people who make sense in a senseless environment.  So I'm not trying to "get on his good side".

As I read the above statement, I must assume the jury is still out in Bayes' mind as to whether spins are independent or not. 

I have long stated--before I heard of Bayes--that certain numbers inspire other numbers to come.  When Nick has has time to catch his breath, I am going to ask him to write the ultimate test sheet to prove or disprove this theory.  I was just waiting for Stef to complete the import feature on the bot.  I can test thousands of spins quickly.

Notice I said prove or disprove.  Lord knows, I could be wrong!!!   :D

The Twocat Cafe / Ponder this, if you dare!!
January 28, 2014, 05:18:53 PM
A man scammed 10 people out of 5,000 somethings--Euros, Pounds, Dollars, Drachmas, Skins--doesn't matter.  He sold them the "Holy Grail"!!  Of course, it wasn't.  But, lo, he found the true "Grail".  Now, does he have a moral obligation to give those ten people this "Grail"?  After all, they paid!

Study on that one.....

Thanks, Bayes.

Whether you or anyone else believes it, I am not working under any GFs.  I said, basically, a number would come up sooner or later--eventually.  Now a person can believe that statement or they can believe that the number in question will never come.  Which is most likely?

So I pick a number, say 6.  I can, with a fair amount of certainty, say that 6 will come up eventually.  It may be hit the next spin or 160 spins later, I don't know.  I do know this:  If I mark that number 6 and it does not come up in 100 spins, it is 100 spins closer to the eventuality of hitting.

I can't believe this is so hard to understand.

I know I am going to die--eventually!  Every day I live, I am one day closer to the Reaper!

Not you, Bayes, but some people are so salivating to find that a person made a tiny mistake so they can jump on that person.  Sickening...

Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 27, 2014, 02:22:50 PM
Please let the debate go on.  Bayes has put his foot down, or so it would seem.
Dozen/Column / Re: Steady Dozen/Column
January 27, 2014, 03:22:41 AM
So it is basically a reduction of volatility.
Off-topic / Re: I miss albalaha
January 26, 2014, 08:01:20 PM
This thread begs the question:  Do we still miss him?
Sir, your post is worth no longer a response than this!

I have studied this and it is beastly simple.  I suspect Nick could easily create a sheet for the ExcelBot and we could just plug in a number and see what shakes out.

Nick and I are currently working on an idea I stole and when we're finished with that, I'll approach him about this. 

I would do this:  I would wait for a number to sleep X number of times and then use it for the sought-after number.  While some may disagree with this, I feel it is indisputable fact:  When something does not happen, it moves one spin closer to happening.  Example:  We know the zero will eventually hit.  If it did not hit this spin, it is one spin closer to hitting.  So why not move a tad closer??
