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Messages - TwoCatSam


I respect you and your opinions. 

Consider these two statements:

1.  For no logical, physical, or mathematical reason, spun numbers regress toward the mean. 

2.  For no logical, physical, or mathematical reason, the furthest splits hit more than the last.

I started a thread calling #1 Gambler's Fallacy.  I was thoroughly corrected.  #2 is the same statement in different clothes.  I am again thoroughly corrected.  You can't have things two ways.  If #1 can happen for no physical, logical, or mathematical reason, so can #2.  I've made that argument over and over.  Basically, you cannot select your Voodoo.  Believe in one; believe in all!



I am convinced BV is a fair RNG.  I do  not believe they send numbers to beat you for the following reason:

1.  The splits bet by L v F are constantly changing from spin to spin.  BV nor anyone else could ever program something to beat you.

2.  You can ask for a new 60 number trot at any time.

3.  You can change the sequence at any time.

4.  I can't tell you the number of times I've been down to my last bet and had the trot turn and I'd win going away. 

I've been playing with real Euro for some time now.  I'm playing three systems which I report on and one that I don't.  I would rate my overall performance as "fair".  I'm still in the game.  Thanks for the "good luck" wish.

There are no triggers for this system except who is furthest and who is last. 

I will stand by my statement:  The furthest definitely hit more than the last.

Frankly, I cannot see popping in and seeing the same thing time after time after time, day in and day out, and not using that word.  I totally believe in anomalies, but how long can an anomaly last?  Especially when the numbers are constantly changing?

We'll see.  If I'm wrong, I'll admit it.


FLAT's system bets the last nine splits to come.  If they lose, it switches to the furthest nine splits that came.
Thanks, Vic

It occurred to me that this could turn around in the next few thousand spins, but there is no reason for that to happen.  This is a dynamic bet in that it changes constantly.  If it were static, I would be more leery of it.


Probably shouldn't post this, but, what the heck?

As some of you know, I run the Excel Bot by Stef and Nice using the L v F system invented by FLATman.  I have run it thousand upon thousands of spins.  I've sit and watched it for hours upon hours.  One thing emerges.

The "Furthest" have a far higher hit rate that the "Lasts".  It is quite rare to see four Ls in a row and very common to see four Fs in a row.  Many Ls do not win the first time out and if they do, they "seem" to fail on the repeat try more than 50/50.  The Fs, on the other hand, hit quite often on the first and second try.  While looking at literally hundreds of Excel sheets, I can say the Fs definitely hit more than the Ls.  I could post a hundred screen shots, but that would only prove I found a hundred screen shots which support my position.


Have I done a million spin study on this?  Nope!  It's just one of those things you see, confirmation bias notwithstanding.  Do I plan to play money on it?  Yep!  I do, and I will report.

What does this mean??  If it's true, and I believe it is, it would mean that older splits hit more frequently than newer splits.

This may only be on BVNZ, as that's the only place I play.

Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
March 17, 2013, 09:48:08 PM
Some person who is good with Excel could make a calculator which would change the numbers from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on.  I can see the numbers upgrading in my mind.

Oh, well, another "Redneck Tracker" coming up!! 

Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
March 17, 2013, 09:44:22 PM
Hey, Ralph!

Is it "win five out of fifty" or "win five out of a hundred"?

Your heading says fifty, but in the post it says 100.

I'm easily confused, Ralph!

Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
March 17, 2013, 09:30:35 PM

Thanks a lot for this.  I think I can incorporate it into a system and progression I am currently using.

I will probably be making a JL statement!

Didn't want to start a new thread, just ask a question.  Maybe Ralph will drop by.

It is Sunday morning.  I know BV does "server maintenance" soon--within 24 hours.  I seem to be getting cut off constantly, real and play money.  Can't stay on an hour.  Anyone else having this problem?

The question:  Has anyone noticed BV being better after server maintenance?  I mean, do you get cut off less right after they shut down and re-open?

A report on the Shuffle.......

Well, it Shuffled downhill!!  Dangit!!

Down about 86 Euro from my all time high.

More later...



I'll try my copy again and see what happens.

Are you able to contact support on this?  Have you talked to Matt in the past year or so?

I like it..............

You could set BV to "auto bet" and count to around 19, shut it down, then manually do the next two.


I decided to dust off my old idea and bounce if off Stef and Nick.  Nick wrote the Excel sheet.  I told him just how the bet went and we worked until that was perfected.  I had told him I wanted a Labby for a progression.  I told him totally wrong!

What I really wanted was a split Martingale.  It was just another TwoCat brain fart!  I feel sure he looked at my writings and thought..What the heck is this??  No Labby, that's for sure.

So here's the way it shook out.  I wanted the "Shuffle" to play on the L v F, which is an EC.  We decided to use r/b as the EC until we had it down pat and the switch to the L v F.  Somehow along the way, o/e and h/l were added to the mix.  I was curious.  I was certain an alien force had taken hold of Nick!!

So he wrote this puppy for the three ECs and used a progression of his own device.  I won't name it as it may be classified information and he only lives a few hundred miles from me and could easily kill me.

Bottom Line

This "Shuffle" has run almost continuously on two computers since Stef Skyped it to me.  It has won far in excess of 200 Euro betting nickel bets.  (Three of them.)  It has had one loss of 32 Euro and I just restarted it with only 18 Euro and went back to bed.  I closed that trot at  87, a 37 Euro day.

Of course it is NOT the "Holy Grail" as that does not exist.  It is a pretty good way to make money, or so it seems.  Stef and Nick have my permission to sell this along with their bot.  I want no money for it.

To anyone who says, "Well, you're just trying to sell bots for those guys!" I say, "OK?"  If something is really, really good why would I not advertise it?  Besides, I made twice the cost of the bot in two days.  Betting nickels.

Disclamer:  This is gambling.  Do NOT spend money other than money you would spend for fun anyway.  This idea may tank tomorrow.

I really wish there was a way to prove what it can do!!

I'll work on that!


See if it goes crazy like it did with the 33.  Please.

The revised TwoCat Shuffle by Nick has won close to 200 E since I plugged it in yesterday.  (Stef had a hand in it, too!  He built the bot!)

I am tired beyond words and must take some time to rest or I'll have a spell!
