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Messages - TwoCatSam

Methods' results / Re: The TwoCat SuperTracker
March 14, 2013, 08:20:15 PM
My pleasure!
Methods' results / Re: The TwoCat SuperTracker
March 14, 2013, 04:28:07 PM
How to switch tables.Dublin Setup

It's an "exaggerample"......an exaggerated example.  It cannot happen.  It just lets you think in different ways.

Imagine:   RRRRB............repeating to infinity.  NEVER RRRRR.  Could you make money off that?

Mostly, I'm just bloviating!!  Pay me no mind......


I'd love it if you'd test the TwoCat Shuffle for me, but, please use BVNZ Play money.  Do NOT use real euros.

When I set it up, I ask for the line/fridge to show.  I set the "remove from fridge when greater than" to 0.  I set the number to remove at 5.  It could be I have a faulty copy of the software, but you can see from the pic what it does.  It just keeps betting until you're broke.

As to the best I ever found, it was random EC vs random EC with the +1/-1 D'alembert.


General Discussion / Re: This is an ELITE forum
March 14, 2013, 11:50:24 AM

You cut to the heart of the matter.  (Pun intended!)

Yes, post!! 

There are sooooo many ways to say something won't work without calling a person names.  You are so right.  "Well, it's been my experience that____________________.", is so much better than calling someone a demeaning name.

You never know when someone will post something that will spark someone else and so on and so on until something really good comes of it.


If I may inject one little bit..........

In my opinion, it's not the -2.7% we need to worry about; it's dispersion.  When did you hear anyone leaving a casino say, "Man, I lost 2.7% tonight!  The wife is going to kill me!"  Nope. 

Let's use a TwoCat Exaggerample:  Suppose you had a wheel that could NOT produce five reds in a row.  Maybe one, two, three or four--we don't know which--but never five.  Hello, Mr. Martingale!!  Now, does the wheel change?  Nope.  Still -2.7%, but dispersion is gone.

Lastly, BVNZ truly is a fair casino with fairly produced numbers.  If the -2.7% is all that standing in the way, why can this casino exist?



Can't do that as the screen capture interferes with the bot until it won't place correct bets.

Let me test it a bit more.  I had a bad trot last night, but recovered most of it.

Well, the TwoCat Shuffle is off to a flying start!  Made around 50 Euro today with a draw down of around 25.  Running on two accounts on two computers.
Today was a good day.  I have gained most of the 200 I lost back into the bankroll.  I will not report again until I come close to 700 Euro.  Or go just over it. 
"And it sure was profitable!"


I've never even heard of it until a few days ago.  If it was profitable, what happened to it.  Was it like a hammer and someone lost it?


Are you talking about the Super Roulette Bot?  Don't use the "TwoCat Shuffle" as it goes nuts on you and bets wildly.  See the pic..


A few years ago I invented a system called "The TwoCat Shuffle".  Matt paid Tiago2 to program it into the Super Roulette bot.  Despite tons of explanations, Tiago got it wrong.  Still it worked fairly well until it would go crazy, as the screen shot shows.  I was afraid to every use it with real money.

Nick and I worked to duplicate the "Shuffle" for the ExcelBot.  Naturally, it works perfectly.  Communication is a beautiful thing!

So here we go again.

A generous soul has loaned me his BV account to play with.  I use Hide My behind software to mask my true location.  I am now testing the "Shuffle" with real money.  .05 per bet X 3 EC per spin or .15E.

We shall see.


Did you watch my original video?  That is a pretty good explanation, but questions are certainly welcome.

Well, I swore to tell the truth...........

Dangit, I lost one!!  Set it at 200 just like I said above and it cleaned my clock while I slept.  Bankroll still OK, but this is very heart wrenching!!  ("But, hey!", Groucho said.  "That's better than heart screw-drivering.")

So, as I always say, we'll see.......


Since you are interested, my next session will be later today when the table is busy.  I will have a little time to explain my play.

