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Messages - TwoCatSam

Skuse me!!,,,but you're gambling when you get on the plane.

........They don't all land.............

This is serious.............

Have Stef and Nick program it into their ExcelBot.

Would they use it to make money for themselves?  Probably.  I know I would.

I trust them.

I told them of the "TwoCat Shuffle".  It's being programmed.

I strongly believe every change BV has made is because robots are successfully taking profits from them.

The bet was once .01 to 1,000 Euro.  Any one up for a Martingale to make a penny?

Ralph's Bot / Re: New link to the bot.
March 12, 2013, 08:41:16 PM
I'll have to check on that.
A 100 Euro win with a -54 draw down.  That's 54 nickels or 2.7 Euro.

Where's the beef?

Ralph's Bot / Re: New link to the bot.
March 12, 2013, 07:45:45 PM

I made a video on how to run it.  Don't know why it worked for me then and not now.

BV Bot Setup Video
Off-topic / Re: What time is it?
March 12, 2013, 07:44:12 PM
Wish I had time to figure that out!
Methods' results / Re: The TwoCat SuperTracker
March 12, 2013, 07:41:02 PM

This is the only tutorial thread.  I will explain more in my next video.

Even chance / Re: Playing three EC.
March 12, 2013, 06:12:38 PM
Ralph--Champion of the Penny Game
Thanks, Twister.

Another video is splicing and will soon be uploaded.  It takes a long time to splice a video and even longer for Utube to accept it.

Even chance / Re: Playing three EC.
March 12, 2013, 03:02:36 PM

(Pardon me, Ralph.  I know you can speak for yourself.)

This gentleman has earned 1,000,000 of his dollars gambling.

This gentleman has been limited to withdrawing 2,000 Euro per months from Bet Voyager. 

This gentleman has posted some fabulous screen shots, one where he made 1,497 Euro in one sitting.

This gentleman full well knows about play money and real money.  He knows more than most of us will live long enough to learn.

Those who speak to him with disrespect should stop and consider the target of their vitriol.  Can anyone match his record?  Can anyone post screen shots like his? 

I am reminded of mongrels who nip at the heels of champions.


Ralph's Bot / Re: New link to the bot.
March 12, 2013, 01:43:42 PM

Got it.  Will test and report.


I tried it and it did not work.  I then tried the older version--which did work fine--and it does the same thing.  How could it be the computer?  Or Windows?


I just downloaded it again and will try it on wifey's computer later.

Thanks, Bro.
