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Messages - TwoCatSam

Fighting the sin of hubris as I type........

The ExcelBot run over 100 Euro profit today in about six to seven hours.  Got cut off but was always up when it happened.

Very small draw down--less than $10.  As I told Nick, it was a day to make you wish you'd bet dollars!!


I am spending some time today in practice mode.  Real play soon!

March 11, 2013, 02:23:18 PM

I've done a couple of things for this forum and others over the years.  I ask little. 

If there is anyone who understands what the man is doing, would you explain it to me? 


This will be a real money test of what my wife calls "The Ball Drop System".  She got tired of saying:  When are you going to play that one, you know the one, where the ball drops and you count how far it went?  So she named it "The Ball Drop System".  Good a name as any.

As you can see, I'm starting with 300.?? Euro.

Videos will follow.

Can anyone find the photo shopping?  (Hint:  It's red!!)

March 11, 2013, 01:14:50 PM

I am not a joker.  Frankly, I posted your very first system on this forum and raved about it.  I have used it several times at my local Indian casino and have never lost with it.

Where is the joker in that?

You are a very insulting person to someone who just wants clarification.  You may rest assured, I will not ask you another question.


If you read me you will find that I NEVER make definitive statements about roulette.  No Johnlegend statements here.  You will see I use the word "seems" a lot.  I tell folks I have not been up the mountain.  Don't look to me for that which is etched in stone as you won't find it.

How I play the L v F is to put 200 Euro at risk in the bot and set it for 100 E profit.  Am I struggling?  Well, you could say that.  Am I losing?  No.  Not at this writing.  Today I went down to less than 50 Euro and then it turned on me and went up to profit.  Will it always do that?  I wish I knew.  I "think" it will win 100 more than twice the number of times it loses 200.  Time will tell and I will truthfully report on my test thread.

I can tell you this with a certain measure of certainty:  It plays very evenly.  I've been working with this idea/system for months now.  If it had been as bad as some say, I'd have been gone a long time ago.  I have about six new ideas to try with it--ideas of my own that no one told me.  They may work and they may not.

I am confident of one thing:  If I reported that this system won, posted screen shots of the thousands it made and gave exact instructions on how to do it----very few would even listen let alone try it.  So if it's the "Holy Grail", the casinos are still safe.

If it's not, I had a lot of fun.  Hear me now and believe me later--I'm in it for the fun.  If I wanted money I'd go back into business.

Meta-selection / Re: System Randomization
March 11, 2013, 01:39:55 AM
Quote from: Marshall Bing Bell on March 11, 2013, 12:57:38 AM
Why would you switch off a system that is freely winning chips galore to risk using another system that might jump straight down a hole?

Why would you switch off a system that is losing chips within its fluctuation with the real possibility of recovery to risk using another system that might jump straight down a hole?

Well, Marshall, I agree with that.  I'm running the L v F on the ExcelBot by Stef and Nick.  Today I put 200 Euro in and it went perilously close to eating the whole enchilada.  But it turned around and now I'm in the profit.

Rather than get off a winning streak, set a trailing loss and see where it goes.  You might win a million.  Probably won't, but you might!

You're right about Maui and his table.  Mr. J totally subscribes to that train of thought.  He takes enough money to the casino to get him killed!

March 10, 2013, 05:07:16 PM
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36


Would you please quote this chart and color the "oners" one color and the "repeaters" another color?


No problem!

Thanks for your help.

Community Software / Re: Your operative system
March 10, 2013, 01:30:04 AM
I bought Windows 8 and a book, "Windows 8 for Dummies".  The book said if you don't have to install 8, don't.  I took it back to Staples and they couldn't believe the guy wrote that.

I hear it's a skank.


I have downloaded the bot listed in the above post three times.  I have carefully set it up so I know I'm right.  It will not place bets.  It places the 0 bet and then will not highlight the penny chip and place it.  You get the message about no more free spins.

I open the bot, click demo, put in 50 to play on, set the win for 55.00 and put .01 in the box.  I click 4hot and set the bet for .01.  Start puts a penny one zero.  I tick the box to the right of start and it will not place bets.

Meta-selection / Re: System Randomization
March 09, 2013, 09:53:47 PM

I know two things.  I don't suspect, I don't have a theory--I know!

1.  There will be a time when the BV RNG produces numbers that cause the L v F to win.
2   There will be a time when the BV RNG produces numbers that cause the L v F to lose.

If I wanted to take the time, I could graph this.

For a time, I am going to seek a logical way to determine if the trot I'm seeing is #1 or #2.  And, no, you can't look at the first 100 spins and tell from there.  Ralph and others will tell you there are wild swings.

More if I learn anything worth reporting.

Gambling Philosophy / Re: NOZ and variance
March 09, 2013, 08:21:26 AM

OK, I see what you're doing.  Pausing to rest or eat or something.  I do that, too.  I set a timer.

Lest I forget........... :(

Gambling Philosophy / Re: NOZ and variance
March 09, 2013, 08:02:12 AM

I assume you have this in your bot.  I see one session went 11 hours.  Will you be releasing it?
