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Messages - TwoCatSam

Meta-selection / Re: System Randomization
March 08, 2013, 11:24:25 PM
So--if a person could sit down at the appropriate time and get the "good" numbers, they would say HAR has worked.

"if" is the operative word in that sentence.  Believe it or not, I'm working on a way to determine when a bad trot is coming.  Probably not possible, but why let that little fact get in the way?

Marshall and Walter

Yes, I agree!  That's the problem.  I can see the problem!!

Gambling Philosophy / Re: NOZ and variance
March 08, 2013, 05:06:48 PM
So, Mr. Ralph, let me see if I have this down............

34 spins

I bet large, red and even.

11 spins and I lose all three.

I raise one chip.

I bet small, odd, black

35 spins

I parlay odd and black.

The second bet always ends the "game".  Then we begin again.  We only raise the bet when all three lose and only parlay those who win one time.

That it?

Meta-selection / System Randomization
March 08, 2013, 04:38:52 AM
Quote from: Macau on March 07, 2013, 08:12:14 PM
oke i will give you all something

I have a good friend who might be very lucky. but I saw he was a genius. and now I became his student.
He turned $ 1,000 become $ 250,000 in one year. He had stopped playing baccarat now and enjoy life with financial freedom.

He had hundreds of strategies and choosing random to be played in one day with a very small profit targets. He saw gambling such a heated iron. if you're too a long time at the gambling table then iron will melt and you will lose.

Yes, the hit n run strategy does work well if you have hundreds of strategy, or what you call the system, and choose random for a day and you'll see impressive results.
Do not forget to put main target such $ 100,000 or whatever you want as long as you can achieve. And then STOP!

Hit and Run will still work perfectly if you never come back.
now I'm at 70% of the main target

I questioned the Macau on what he had give us and Vic says he gave us system randomization.

Remember--I have not been up the mountain but I feel there is something to this.  It fits in with HAR.

Let's assume Ralph is right and BV uses quantum physics for their RNG.  Let's further assume they are fair and do not cheat.

While running the ExcelBot, I see a flow of numbers that seem tailor made for the system.  Then I get a run that is just the opposite.  If every number is the same as every other number, why does this phenomena happen?  I get a new set of 10 numbers and it continues.  This can go on for four or five hours.  Numbers that are all wrong or right.  Each selected the same and in batches of ten.

I find it very curious.

So--if a person could sit down at the appropriate time and get the "good" numbers, they would say HAR has worked.  If they are lucky enough to do that with regularity, then for them HAR does work.

So what Macau is say to me is this:  Switching systems--often and among many--keeps you on the good trot of numbers.  Using the same system over and  over will find the bad numbers.

Much more thought needed.

Comments welcome.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
March 08, 2013, 12:38:28 AM
Not trying to be a jerk, but what--exactly--did you give us?
General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
March 06, 2013, 01:02:52 PM

I've been pretty hard on Jl, but a fair-minded person would have to admit he puts his money at risk.  You don't see that around here much.

Lanky told me years ago that until you begin to play with real money, you are not really studying the game.  It's like learning to pole vault from a book or videos.  Get a pole.

John reminds me of the guy in the Dostoevsky novel who--if he'd only stuck to his system--would have won.  How many times have I said that to wifey?


Currently I am in one of those "rough patches" of which you speak.  I will test this thoroughly very soon.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
February 21, 2013, 04:33:07 PM

Do you believe in the supernatural?  Like premonition or intuition?

It could be John has a sixth or seventh sense as to when is a good time to play.  Naturally, this could not be botted.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
February 21, 2013, 04:15:34 PM
" which method lost"  There's the rub.

In my opinion, a test should be of only one system or else you are also testing the player's ability to sense a bad tram and switch systems.  This is a purely subjective quality in a human and may not be duplicated easily.

Drazen's statement notwithstanding, I feel the SPERAMUS test is valid because it uses only one method as outlined in the MST.  And it requires no objective decisions.

It is difficult to stay with a system day after day when wins are tiny.  I could never bet the way the ExcelBot or Ralph's BV Bot does.  Who could sit for 4,000 spins?

His method should be botted!!


Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 21, 2013, 11:44:03 AM

Are you a marshal like Marshal Dillon on "Gunsmoke"? 

"Howdy, ma'am.  I'm Marshal Big Bell and I come for to clean this town up.  Now, what really goes on upstairs?"

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
February 21, 2013, 11:40:53 AM
Like ignatus, he is probably off on his next quest.  And remember, the SPERAMUS test goes on.  It has not lost.

General Discussion / Re: The JohnLegend challenge
February 21, 2013, 09:13:35 AM

No, you are not.  Had you taken the money out, well..........

I, too, have wondered about John. 

Speaking only for Sam:  Sometimes I get absolutely sick at heart.  I work me ar$e off to try to make the plane fly and the darn thing won't get off the runway.  So maybe he's there, too.

If he'd said he was going to make you each 50 Euro a month, I'd had much more faith in him.

Math & Statistics / Re: Long runs on EC.
February 21, 2013, 08:39:28 AM
I bet it's those Chinese hackers!   :nod:

Math & Statistics / Re: Long runs on EC.
February 21, 2013, 04:17:29 AM

I had the same problem all day.  But France is working very nicely.  AND THE FOOD IS GOOD!!


Math & Statistics / Re: Long runs on EC.
February 21, 2013, 03:08:30 AM
Hey, Ralph

Today I bought a software called "Hide My behind".  It let's me log on from hundreds of cities throughout the world.  I could not log in to BV, so I went to France.  No problem at all.

And that history is working for me.
