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Messages - TwoCatSam

Getting back to something positive................

Been running the L v F on the ExcelBot.  I accept Ralph's statement--something like play and real are the same at BV.  It went something like that.

How do you say something works?  A batter consistently hits 40%.  Misses 60%.  What team would love to have him?  Pay him millions?

Same with this bot/system.  Does it win every trot?  No!!  From time to time, it loses 100E.  For every 100 it loses, it wins about 400.

So why am I still in play money.  Well, my wife asks that daily--waving her checkbook around like a boomerang. 

I am keeping an exact record of what it going on.  Not just the bot, but what to do when BV crashes.  The bot NEVER crashes.

I suspect that when I hit a profit of 2,000 I/we will fork over the money and go for real.  Then we shall see if the play scenario and the real scenario match up.

Right now I am at around 1,300 profit play money.  I tried setting the thing to win 10 or lose 50 and that was a tragedy.  I lost 200 before I could turn around.  It needs a cushion (coussin gonflable!) of money to go down and come back.

More as it happens.

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 18, 2013, 04:30:15 PM
 "Systems which claim you will for sure win should never be allowed to be sold here."


I have made videos in which I could be accused of making a commercial for Normy and Stef/Nick and the ExcelBot.  I have nothing against free enterprise.  I hope both sell their products as I have faith in them--the men and the products.

What ala blah blah blah  is selling are systems he claims to the the "Holy Grail" but he will not allow testing or offer a guarantee--and the wants $5,000 or 5,000 Euro.

Ralph, I'm telling the truth, believe it don't!  More than one person has told my via phone, Skype or e-mail that this guy tried to scam them.  Could I print the e-mails?  Sure.  But if they want their name in this, they can come forward.  I don't "out" people--unless I've paid them and they won't produce!

Then he comes on here asking people to figure something out for him.  Then he'll be selling that if anyone does figure it out.

I am waiting for Victor and the mods answer.



This is some kind of tracker.  Thanks, Normy. 

Mixed / Re: My query for all money management experts
February 18, 2013, 04:13:03 PM
It's bait for a scam.  Do not fall for it.

General Discussion / My video on how to use the clicker.
February 18, 2013, 06:20:31 AM
You're welcome!

   Clicker Video
Tommy was sixteen and lived next door to me.  He got a summer job with a roofer.  After each job, the roofer would swear he would pay him soon.  Soon stretched into never.  Tommy worked three months for nothing.

A year later Tommy's dad sees me in the driveway and asks if I recall the story of Tommy not being paid.  Naturally I did.  Dad went on to say the guy had done it to the wrong fellow and the fellow beat him to death with his fists.  Naturally, he went up for murder.  Not a good thing.

But doesn't it make the scammers wonder??  What if two or three people you scammed get together, pool their money and find you.  All it takes is money.  They might hang you upside down and pour a big, thick, steamin' bowl of Wolf Brand Chili in your a**e!

Think about, "you know who". 

Nighty night!

DO NOT take away from your work to do this. 

I have said, March 1st will be fine.  Hey, March 15 would be fine.

As long as I KNOW it's coming.
It is like Look, I plunder and the loot is there for everyone and the group feast. It is just not right.

Sorry, I do not plunder.  I paid $50 for the program to be created.  I have the PayPal receipt.

If I want to invite folks to the feast, it's my turkey they're eating.


[mod] This has all had a thoroughly public airing and now it's time to stop flogging a dead horse. Time to move on to more productive topics...Plenty are already here. [/mod]
Well, that's ton of work and I can see where it would take some time.  Here's a thought:  Send the guy a simple email or pm

"Hey, Bro, haven't forgotten you!  Working on it daily.  Am I OK?"

No friggin' wonder there is war.

Well, loud one, let's take Normy and Stef for example.  Their software runs on specific computers and won't run on one it is not permitted to run on.

Had Victor wanted the software protected, he could have done that.

You might want to check your facts.  I know of NO programmers who create worthwhile stuff that do not protect it in some manner.  Copyminder comes to mind as one way.  Only a fool would program something great and then let it be the kind of program anyone can install.  An .exe, I think.


Concering the clicker:  I had no idea Victor had "borrowed" some code from someone else.  I was told there would be a "Clickmate" coming that would put the one I have to shame.  I was told not to share it as it was buggy.

If I had had a clue that there was forbidden things behind it, I would not have posted. 

So maybe I did something I should not have.  But------had the code not been "borrowed"----------what would be the problem?  I paid $50 for this thing and I consider it mine.  If I want to share it, I will.

It's a very good program. 

And you're welcome to it for--------------free!

General Discussion / Re: Ban me if you wish..............
February 17, 2013, 05:56:03 PM
You guys want to put it to a vote, it's fine with me.

You decide who is a contributor and who is a scammer.  Find one time I've tried to sell anything.

To anyone......

General Discussion / Ban me if you wish..............
February 17, 2013, 05:52:48 PM

Let's review about Sam.  What does he do?  He does his damndest to share and help.  He answers questions and posts videos.  He comes up with ideas.  Ralph asks him to make a video of his bot and Sam does it in a hour and has it up and running.

He rats on people who try to sell junk for 5,000 Euro so some poor unsuspecting soul won't mortgage the house and buy it.  He tells ignatus to be careful with his money--you can lose!

He tries to befriend every person whether they can do him good or not.  He tries to be complimentary.


I am not a person who likes to be held up to ridicule.  I make mistakes.  So did Einstein.

I am not a person who likes to be given a date and ignored when he asks for the product he has paid 125% for.


So you find the fault in me, whomever you be and spell it out. 

Victor, ban my behind.  If you do, it will be known that you banned me for telling the truth.  And know this:  I've got the money to set up my own website.  Don't put it past me to do it.  I'll post every thing people have written about you, about how you've cheated people over the years.  Try me on for size!

I've got e-mails going back five years.

Frankly, I don't give a F whether you complete the software or not.  Another programmer can duplicate what you've done in a hour or two.  I'll pay him.

Now, you and Al blah blah blah go have coffee and tell each other what great guys you are!


If you finish this by March 1st, I will be happy.


I sent you a pm and an email.  You chose not to answer.

Do not tell me you told me I could share the clicker.  I have your e-mail asking me not to.  I keep everything!

Just finish my G.U.T. software.  All it needs is the clicker.  Then give it away!  I paid $125.00 for it, but give it away in your "free" section.

I'm truly sorry you brought this to the point I felt I had to do this. 
