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Messages - TwoCatSam

Is it fair for this man to accept $175.00 of my money and not deliver? 
I wish a bunch of you guys would come forward, quote both my posts and post them.  Let's see how many he will delete!

Folks, I have the e-mails!!  If you want to see them, just ask.

Superman does not lie.  TwoCat does not either!!

How to set up the clicker.

You will find a cross hairs, like a scope on a rifle Obama wants to ban.  Click and drag that to the screen you want to capture; BV, Dublin, any other casino.  A new casino screen will appear.  It will ask you how many chips there are (.01, .10, .50 and so on).  You can put in all or just one.  Then place the cursor over the numbers starting with 0 and right click each one down thru 36.  When you have clicked 36, go the the smallest chip and click it.  When you are finished, a box will appear asking you to name the casino.  Do so.

Here is the bug:  You must be very careful how you close the tracker.  Close it before the casino window or you will have to do the above set up procedure again.

It will work for splits.  Here is how:  Click zero and the split 1/4; 2/5/and 3/6.  Then click 4,5,6.  Do the same for all splits.  It will click horizontal also.  Just click the split you want and any number.  When time to bet, click the 1 and it will place the chip on the 1/4 split.

I'll make a video if anyone wants.

This is a very good clicker and my $50.00 was well spent.  But why is a man hell bent for leather to give away software not wanting this distributed?  Because he has probably sold it to many others with their name on it!

Now he wants a forum where people pay.  You figure it out...........

Forum members........

I paid Victor $50 to write this software for me.  What I got was a very good clicker but one he would not let me share.  I have emails in which I asked him if I could make a video and distribute this to the forum.  He said no.  Why I don't know.

Anyway, this clicker "Clickmate" has been promised for months.  I feel crappy having it and not being allowed to share.  So share I will.  It is attached.  You will notice is says "for Sam only".  Wonder how many other pieces of software he has distributed to others, "for their eyes only"?

I hired Normy to do a complicated job.  Less than 24 hours, it was complete.  I hire Stef and Nick--same story.  I hire Victor and hell freezes over a couple of times......

I am an honest man.  I am not a good man to cheat.  I do not turn the other cheek; I sharpen the other sword.

I was told by two very reputable members that Victor would break it off in you if the need presented itself. 

For my G.U.T clicker/tracker, I paid $50.00 down with the promise it would be done by Christmas.  My wife was paying and that was my Christmas present.  Instead she paid Stef and Nick.  They have an email to prove it.  I was then asked to send the other $50.00 because it was Christmas and Victor wanted to buy his family something.  Reasonable request, so I sent another $50.  Then came the boy's birthday and, even though I had paid in full for the software, I sent another $25.00.

Now Victor won't answer my e-mails. I guess he thinks he's got all the money he can from me.  What a chicken heel way to be.

As to the first clicker, the one I attached, it is very good with one bug.  I learned how to get around the bug and I'll help anyone who wants me to.  Does anyone remember I said a clicker was coming that would really help us all?  I wrote it in an email to Lady K and I still have it.  I am not exaggerating.

I do not expect this post to last so it will be on the other forum.

Ralph's Bot / Re: New script for the bot
February 17, 2013, 02:36:46 PM

My bots are crashing to due to BV and their "Your request could not be completed".  Or lost connection.

"Oh! I'm quite eager to starting coding forum features & software again"

I wish you'd finish the two I've paid you $175.00 to do!

What has happened to you,  Victor?

I remember when your philosophy was that we make money off the casinos, not each other.  Not only have you made money off me, you have failed to deliver the finished product.  And you won't even answer my e-mails.

Would you like for me to publish that e-mail where you ask for money for your son's Christmas and birthday?

Victor, we've been friends for a long time.  You have time to re-write this forum and post ideas but no time to finish the work you've been paid to do. 

I'm truly sorry it's come to this.

Straight-up / Re: Mary Jane
February 17, 2013, 02:24:29 PM
In all seriousness, that wheelmov3 is something I will continue to check.  MaryJane really went south quickly.

Straight-up / Re: Mary Jane
February 17, 2013, 03:49:34 AM
I couldn't keep it lit!
Off-topic / @Gizmotron
February 16, 2013, 05:03:50 PM

Frankly, you have done absolutely nothing!  I have read your tripe.  I have read it more than once.  Basically all is says it that you should have bet here!

"Woulda, coulda, shoulda"

Why do you think I was on your back?  Guilt? 

Do I lose?  Yes, I do.  But I am man enough to show people the truth, not hide behind some curtain like the Wizard blowing smoke on Dorothy. 

In all the years you've been on these forums blowing about how great you are--you have shown nothing.  You are such a coward you won't even make an attempt!!

I stay on your friggin' back as long as I chose. 

Now, let's hear some "brilliant" B.S.


First to Biagle:  You do not understand the sheet and how it works.  On the Excel sheet I am betting to win or loose 72 nickles (.05).  That is my base bet.  If I win 72, nothing happens.  If lose 72, the bot goes up one unit to .10 per number or 72 x .10.  If I lose, up to 3 and so on.  When I win, it goes down one unit.  Spend a minute and watch my video and you'll see.

I have found the win/loss limit of 10/50 to be worthless.  It loses big time.

Then ADulay:  Yes, I'm sure there are many casinos that cheat.  I think I've found a few.  But the prevailing wind is that BV is fair.  I trust Ralph.  He may be one of only three I trust at all!!  But if he says BV is fair, that's good enough for me.  I don't think he's a shill for BV and I don't think he photo shops his screen shots.  He just wins.

I have run tests on some casinos where you just never lose in fun mode.  I don't care what you bet, you will win.  They are doing that and they can do just the opposite when you're playing real money.  Hear me now and believe me later--BV will not make you lose in fun mode, but if your system/method is bad you will lose.  This is another reason I think they are totally honest.  Why else would they just let the RNG produce fair spins in play mode?  It would be to their advantage to "suck you in".

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 16, 2013, 04:07:04 AM

Played about an hour.  Used a progression.  Most Ls in a row: 15  Won nearly #200

Found a mistake your tracker.  When betting Red, it had me bet the 2.  Look at the last line.

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 16, 2013, 03:21:20 AM
I think I figured it out.

Nothing to figure out!!   :D
Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 09:34:36 PM
Do you bet every spin or decide to bet only cw or ccw?
Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 09:17:09 PM
Here's some numbers.  Tell me how you'd  play it.


These are real numbers, not made up.

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 07:44:26 PM
Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 15, 2013, 06:45:01 PM

I am thinking about doing just that.  Now, you're talking about the wheel moving cw or ccw, right?  So tell me, if I started a game, would I put in a ccw wheel spin, a cw wheel spin or does it matter?



If I'm to test this, I need my above question answered.
