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Messages - TwoCatSam

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 06:45:01 PM

I am thinking about doing just that.  Now, you're talking about the wheel moving cw or ccw, right?  So tell me, if I started a game, would I put in a ccw wheel spin, a cw wheel spin or does it matter?

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 06:38:46 PM
OK, thanks guys.

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 04:33:25 PM
If spinresult is ccw x R, bet is (all RED) ccw4, ccw6, ccw8, ccw10, ccw 12.

I've tried the tracker and understand it.  What I don't understand is the 4,6,8,10 and 12.


I have reached the #1,000 level in my test.  I don't know how many, but I'd guess several  thousand bets--probably several tens of thousands.

But I've decided to err or the side of caution.  I've been using a #200 bankroll and I've lost it twice.  I will test again using a #50 bankroll and seeking to win #10 per session.  This is more realistic.

Straight-up / Re: Wheelmov Tracker/Strategy
February 15, 2013, 02:45:35 PM

That was pretty murky.  OK, my last spin was cw (wheel going clockwise?)  and I landed on red.  So on my next spin--and my next spin only--what is my bet?

General Discussion / Re: all for one not one for all
February 14, 2013, 06:02:34 AM
"He says he plays for the short term wins but he also says you're always in the long run."

A contradictory statement if I ever read one.  If there is no short term, you can't play for the short term.  You are playing the long term a chunk at a time.  I'm not sure what the "long run" is.

But I agree, the numbers you encounter are yours.  Mine are mine.  For a time they may differ.  But over time, they will be the same and one could not tell mine from yours.

My opinion only;  I have not been up the mountain.

Does luck flow in cycles?

I'm of the opinion it does.  Somehow, I think luck is not a good word for it.  At least, not for the way I'm thinking.

Luck would be finding a lottery ticket and winning a million.  Unlike the golfer who is trying for a hole in one, it's pure luck as he was not trying to find a lottery ticket. 

I like synchronization!  The numbers BV RNG is producing are in synch with what I'm asking the bot to do.  Or they are not.  Let us say the system wins 75% of the time.  The 25% when it loses are when the numbers are out of synch.  No reason for this to happen; it just does.

In the days I've been running these bots on two different computers, it amazes me how the numbers can come so perfectly for ages and then turn on you.  So it seems to me I get cycles where the numbers fit the program and cycles where they don't.

The question for me is how long do you stick with the game when the numbers are running against you?  When to get out?  When to sweat it out?


Quote from: billion loudspeaker on February 13, 2013, 11:10:35 PM

if one system won and one system lost then you would be lucky that both systems didn't lose unless you lost money overall then you would be unlucky that both systems didn't win

That's one way to look at it.  Hadn't thought of that.

Welcome, b........

May I be forgiven if I commit the sin of hubris...............

None of this is mine.................

FLAT gave us the L v F.

D'Alembert gave us his progression.....

Stef and Nick built a bot that uses bot at BV.

This bot has won #800+ units in five or six days with a draw down of #111.  Will it continue?  I think it will.  I don't think it's all luck.  Soon I will fund the BV account with real Euros and we shall see what we see.

Methods' results / Re: The TwoCat SuperTracker
February 13, 2013, 06:52:42 PM
Just had a very good run with this.  I am making a mistake on something.  Will figure it out and post answer.
Ralph says you have to be lucky.

Let's use our imagination:  My bot is playing as I type.  When it finishes, there will be a long, long list of numbers it produced.  Suppose I am lucky and the L v F system wins.  It is because I'm lucky?  What if I had played the "Five Strikes" system and it lost?  Would I then be unlucky?  Same numbers, don't you see?  How could I be both lucky and unlucky?

I guess my question is this:  In a long trot of numbers, say 5,000, the L v F system goes up and down.  (I watch it too much!)  Am I lucky when it is up?  Am I unlucky when it is down? 

My real question is this:  What if you rode through the unlucky patches and always quit when you were up and lucky.  Could you say you're lucky?  Or smart enough to know you're luck will change.

And my last question is this:  Is all that is needed to win a large enough bankroll and a robot that stop when it hits the lucky win goal?

Straight-up / Re: Humble but Real
February 13, 2013, 02:21:04 PM
Just do some research b4 you get excited.

Maybe that's why he asked where he could find the original publication.  So he could do some research.
Straight-up / Re: Humble but Real
February 13, 2013, 05:18:45 AM
Made $24 with this tonight at Prism RNG.  Betting dollars, so 24 units.

Thanks, Max and all.

Methods' results / Re: The TwoCat SuperTracker
February 12, 2013, 05:17:44 AM
The clicker interferes with the WM Capture and vice versa.  Nothing I can do about that.

TwoCat SuperTracker Video 2
Online Casinos / Re: Prism Casino for U.S. Players
February 11, 2013, 04:13:36 PM
OK, Vic, I'm going to go off here.  You may have to delete this.

There are literally millions of Americans who can download and watch underage girl (or boy) porn.  How do I know this?  It's on the news here all the time.

Somehow this gets under the wire, but, like you said, if ol' Sam wants to sit in his office and bet a few skins on roulette or Back-A-Rat, he's public enemy number one.

I promise and guarantee, when this Antigua copyright thing hits the fan, people are going to scream!!

Imagine buying one copy of anything--a movie, a cd, any software--taking to Antigua and LEGALLY making millions of copies and selling them right back to the Americans and the world and not paying a penny in royalties.

How do you think Microsoft will like them apples???

Good for the WTO.  ASCAP will litterally s**t the proverbial brick!!

I love it!!

End of rant.......
