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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: Betvoyager Broken
February 10, 2013, 01:59:48 PM
Running two computers; can't keep either one up.  Get error messages.  Torques my jaws.
Straight-up / Re: seven number method
February 10, 2013, 02:29:06 AM
so I bet the same seven numbers,
but add a chip.


I'm unclear whether he adds a chip to all seven numbers or just to the newest, the 17.

General Discussion / Re: Betvoyager Broken
February 10, 2013, 02:27:44 AM
Don't know about the zeros, but I've had a lot of trouble staying connected today.
My first 100 unit day!
Straight-up / Re: seven number method
February 09, 2013, 05:57:07 PM
From Ralph; my red.

If  we miss all spins up to now, we add a chip to one of the numbers and spin(any number?). If we hit(it must be the number with two chips on it as no other number could possibly put you in the profit) and are on plus we restart, if a not we add a chip to the hitting number(it now has three?.)  If miss, we add a chip to the last placed number(the seventh number to come?). We play and add a chip to the numbers, one at every spin until we are plus. We add them equal, but if a number hit we add that number before any other.

I'm pretty confused.

Online Casinos / Prism Casino for U.S. Players
February 08, 2013, 11:29:03 PM
It's RNG and slow as thick mud, but we can play!

General Discussion / Re: Five strikes
February 08, 2013, 07:59:23 PM

I tried to make a decision I would make if I were playing real money.  Truth is, I don't know what I would have done.

General Discussion / Re: Five strikes
February 08, 2013, 04:50:37 PM
Had a bad run; went down 70 e.

This thing kept hitting the fives very quickly (very few blacks) and when it got down to basebet x 1 again, it was way in the hole.  I upped the base bet to 7 and within an hour it had cleared the even mark and won about 51 eruo.

Methods' results / The TwoCat SuperTracker
February 08, 2013, 04:37:55 AM
Here is the first video.  More will come when some folks show up at the table.  Cannot think and bet in 30 seconds.

TwoCat SuperTracker Video 1
over 100 e today
General Discussion / Re: Five strikes
February 08, 2013, 01:17:55 AM
Still good.........
General Discussion / Re: Five strikes
February 07, 2013, 06:20:31 PM
General Discussion / Re: User Warning System enabled
February 07, 2013, 06:13:18 PM
So, Vic, for what does a body do to get warned?  Oh, sure, calling someone a really bad name or questioning their religion or country or some such.

What about these Jag Offs who boast and blow and rant and rave about all the stuff they can do--when no one's watching!--and the fail to show any kind of proof?

I'm so sick of this BS, I could puke.  If this were a guitar forum, they'd tell you they can play like Leo Kottke (Vaseline Machine Gun), but if you asked them for a demo, they'd tell you their camera was broken.

What about it, Vic?   A put up or shut up policy.  Even those who put up and and fail are good guys in my opinion. 

This old horse patty about ........Well, it's just too complicated for the common man...........

Well if it's that difficult, why talk about it?

I developed a little system that has made 70 Eruo in fun money in the past three hours.  A video is forthcoming and one was posted showing just how it's done.  Will it stand the test of time?  Who knows? 

I hear the snickers.......fun money...

Well, if it earns 1,000 euro and my buddy will fund the account again, my wife and I are willing to go to the mat with it.  And, yes, win or lose, I will report.

I'm a little torqued!!

But I was nice!   O:-)

(A two-cat man!)
nearly 300