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Messages - TwoCatSam

General Discussion / Re: IS THERE SUCH A THING AS THIS?
January 23, 2013, 02:09:15 PM

Suppose you died and went to Heaven and St. Peter took you fishing.  Every time you tossed your lure, you caught a lunker bass.  How long would that be fun?  So you went bowling and threw nothing but strikes.  Golfing?  Nothing but holes in one!  Then you went to a bar and all the beautiful girls flocked to you.  After three days of debauchery, you went home and the wife made your favorite meal?

If humans were placed into the above scenario, it would soon become mental torture.  There was once a show on "The Twilight Zone" that had this exact theme.  The guy finally wanted to go to hell!!

For me there is no stressless gambling and I don't want any.  Not too much; just enough.


I do recall all that a more!  Seems like after the test started, someone came along and said they had seen that trot of numbers and Ray probably had, too.  So they started over.  Now, this may have been the "Holyman" test--hard to remember.  But after they started over, the guy just kept winning!  Herb finally quit the test for whatever reason.  He took at lot of flack from someone....Diarmaid, I think.

Anyway, I spoke to "Holyman" some and he provided me with some charts.  They were pure Voodoo and I could make neither heads nor tails of them.  Much like the stuff Gamlet started posting.  Pretty but useless!

I do not have any such numbers by Ray or anyone else--that worked for any length of time.  Over the years I've been sent five numbers and six numbers and told to play them.  Not how to play them; just to play them.  I remember telling Holyman he would be soon selling his method.  I don't ever recall speaking to Ray.

Some still say the Holyman Test was a fraud, but the person giving the numbers and the checker swore they had not cheated.


You are a gentleman and a scholar and have a mind like a hard drive!!

Thank you so much. That's exactly what I was looking for.

I've hunted everywhere!!

It is the odds all eight combinations of the ECs happening.

For example:

HHH...............one try
HHL.............three tries

and it goes on through all eight.  For all eight to appear it takes something like 24 tries.

Does anyone remember this?  I've tried every search word I can.

General Discussion / Re: Carelessness Costs!!
January 22, 2013, 08:54:56 AM
Thanks, Bro!
General Discussion / Re: Carelessness Costs!!
January 22, 2013, 05:01:21 AM
Just letting people know, I'm not ready to give up on this idea just yet. 

I won't bother the forum with posts, but I'll be working in the background.

General Discussion / Re: Carelessness Costs!!
January 21, 2013, 07:57:01 PM
Ophis is right

It tanked.


Back to the drawing board.

General Discussion / Re: Carelessness Costs!!
January 21, 2013, 05:47:24 PM
No, Twister, I'm using a bot I bought from Stef and Nick.  It's is the  L v F system on steriods!

And stick to the topic at hand!  Right, al?  :thumbsup:

As I read it, you are betting one one-hundredth of your bankroll?  Right?

General Discussion / Re: Carelessness Costs!!
January 21, 2013, 02:41:59 PM

(Whomever split the topic----Thanks!  As albalaha pointed out, I tend to post on wrong threads.)

The problem is just as the topic header says: I'm careless.  I have got to quit being careless.  Esoito is right, I must double-check each setting.

Al, I am running a bot, I just set it wrong.

Here's the deal:  The BV table goes away after being opened too many times.  Then you have to shut everything down and re-do the bot.  That is where I put in .1 instead of .01.

It will take me three days to correct my mistake.  That's a good little punishment!

General Discussion / Carelessness Costs !!
January 21, 2013, 12:57:26 AM
Thank you, Bally.  I will read that over and over again.

General Discussion / Carelessness Costs !!
January 20, 2013, 11:44:48 PM
And you know, Esoito, you're exactly right!  I simply don't know what I'm doing wrong.  Maybe I'm just scatter-brained!  I would entertain suggestions from anyone.

General Discussion / Carelessness Costs!!
January 20, 2013, 10:36:00 PM

I lost a few pennies, either 3 or 6, on that silly Martingale.  I lost 1,500 units cause my head was up my >>>> and I set the bot wrong. 

Giz may have hit me on the head when he said some people plan to lose and then execute their plan.

I simply must learn to quit making stupid mistakes. 

Thank you, Ralph, for all your hard work.
