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Messages - TwoCatSam


I am sure Ophis will allow someone to test the bot or else he will allow everyone a trial version.  I'm sure he can put a time-out feature in it somehow so that it is only good for X hours.


Sure would be nice if this thing worked with some American based casinos like are coming out of Vegas and Atlantic City.  I could only use it if it works at Dublin or BV.

Thanks for all your hard work, guys.

Double-street / Re: Walk down the double streets
January 14, 2013, 03:43:24 PM

I forgot to say that I can log on to BV without using the bot and it all works fine.  Does that tell you anything?

Dozen/Column / Re: *******7 on 1*******
January 14, 2013, 04:20:28 AM

If it's not a good way to play, don't play it!

General Discussion / Re: Wheel movements
January 14, 2013, 04:19:07 AM
Can't figure out what you're doing!
Double-street / Re: Walk down the double streets
January 14, 2013, 04:17:27 AM

Dang!!  I can't believe I left out the "7" when I wrote windows.  See why I need bots?? 

Double-street / Re: Walk down the double streets
January 13, 2013, 08:13:58 PM

I'd love to be using your bot BUT..........

My wife doesn't want me using her computer SO...........

I dug out an old one and put Windows & and Dot Net on it AND

Your bot won't run!!

Man, I've done everything I know to do!

Dozen/Column / Re: *******7 on 1*******
January 13, 2013, 01:14:08 AM
I wrote the date on my ol' fat belly and will not shower until then!   :o

Don't kill yourself, man! 

Jl  So 7 on 1 is 8 on 1 with one missing?

General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 09:35:57 PM

I was speaking of when he sat at the end of the table and won real money.  And then--yes--it makes a whale of difference how the wheel is being spun.  I've see a lot of American 00 wheels that were spun one direction only. 

General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 07:50:56 PM

I have read this and the link.  Since he was on the American wheel, I wonder if it was being spun clockwise and then counterclockwise or one direction only.

In the above vein. if a discussion about non-existance prove existance, the what about Bigfoot?  The Loch Ness Monster?  God?  A winning roulette system?

"I never saw a purple cow.
I hope I never see one.
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one."


Yes, I did read as much as I could stand to read.  Mostly bloviation!!

It seems we are not answering the question as you want. I answered the question using the best example I could.  The ten pool balls are an excellent example, also.

The writings were a bunch of guys in a pissing contest.  That just leaves me bored. 

Let me give you an exaggerample:  My oak tree has one acorn hanging,way up high. I know it will fall and as it falls, it will hit numerous branches on the way down.  Each branch will give new direction, however slight, to the fall.   I begin setting "Red Solo Cup"s all around the base and for two hundred feel out from the base.  I number each cup form 1 to XXXXXX.  When that acorn falls, it will land it a cup.  (We are discounting the fact it may fall into a crack between the cups, but if it does, that crack was randomly picked.)  Tell me the above scenario is not possible or plausible!

Here are my thoughts about random:  It exists, it can be proven to exit and there isn't one tiny thing humans can do about it.

Was that good enough?


True story:  I saw an acorn fall and my dog Chester directly on top of his head.  What, if not random, caused Chester to be in the exact spot at the exact right time to be hit?
General Discussion / Re: The Golden String
January 08, 2013, 03:35:56 PM
Rosetta Stone

Is the "Stone" better than the "Grail"?

General Discussion / Re: Roulette Camp
January 08, 2013, 03:34:03 PM
"Or even, by using Occam's Razor, shave it down to its most basic question.", wrote the Brown Box.

So, Squeeze, what would you consider roulette's most basic question?

Or is there one at all?
