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Messages - TwoCatSam

Winning requires work, losers don't like to have to work to win.

Fell right off my chair!!  I've worked quite hard and lost.  My wife always asks, "Isn't there an easier way to lose money?"
Multiple locations / Re: Auto-Bet Strategy
January 12, 2014, 01:18:02 AM
A piece of friendly advice:  If the casino makes it easy for you to do it, it's to their benefit not yours.

BV has autobet.  Set it and it will run for 1,000 spins or until you go broke.

Forgot to say........that guy in the funny cowboy outfit kept washing his chips in his mouth and drying them on his lady's top....
Well that's a Smurfy blue chart there, pb.  Are you going to share this progression?  Please do!

Weddings / Re: Profit sharing with me
January 10, 2014, 05:06:23 PM

Here is how it strikes me. 

A person winning as you are could amass a huge bankroll in very little time.  He could make large bets and clean up.  Why would this person need investors?


If you have a lot of investors and start making huge bets and winning huge amounts--well, I strongly suspect you will be banned for some reason or another.  These casinos aren't going to just sit still and watch someone win huge amounts daily.  Would you?


You're making a killing.  Don't worry; be happy!

Is he the last of the Mohegans?

[Edit: LOLOLOL...good one  :thumbsup: :thumbsup: ]
I'm so unintelligent!!  I should have recognized that outfit!!  Knew I'd seen it somewhere...
The first time I played.  It was live, B&M.  Vegas.

Don't remember my play.  Remember this guy playing $100 chips on R or B.  Each time he would ask his wife/woman/date what it would be.  She did not want to pick.  He made her.  They lost and when they did, he derided her like she was dirt.  After losing what must have been $1,000 or more, they left.  She was in tears.

I asked the dealer what the heck?  He told me I hadn't seen anything.

Don't remember placing a bet.

The Twocat Cafe / Re: Mr. J's "Two's Company"
January 10, 2014, 01:29:56 AM
The progression?  I'm sorry, wasn't it spelled out in the progression sheet?  Ask a direct question and I will answer.

Peeved?  Me?  Never!!

Thanks to all for the well wishes.  You can't imagine what an ankle transplant looks like, so when time permits I'll post one.  It's where science, medicine, mechanics and imagination converge.

She is doing well.  Thanks to all again.

The Twocat Cafe / Re: Mr. J's "Two's Company"
January 07, 2014, 10:40:19 PM
Thank you!

I will post on how it went when I can. 


The Twocat Cafe / Re: Mr. J's "Two's Company"
January 07, 2014, 04:58:43 PM
OK, that's it.  No questions; no replies.  I can only assume you all are up to speed and making money!  You're welcome and thanks to Ken.

I won't be around much after today.  My wife has her ankle replaced tomorrow and life will take a different turn for both of us.

Enjoy the video.  Especially when number 9 shows!!  I kick myself!!

The Twocat Cafe / Re: Mr. J's "Two's Company"
January 07, 2014, 03:09:51 AM
Only way I could send these..

Any questions...

Even chance / Re: Can you win 5 bets in 50?
January 04, 2014, 03:32:05 AM
I fear he is not.  He was 84.  Things happen to a body at 84.
Well, shucky-darn!!  That threw a dead skunk down my well.