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Messages - TwoCatSam

Look at bowling pins immediately after they have been.  The 1 pin can be slanted in hundreds of ways and moving at various speeds.  It can also be spinning.  It may hit the two or three or hit either wall and bounce back.  Each pin that is hit acts in the same manner as the 1.  By the time you get to the 7,8,9 and 10, the first six are flying about in probably one of millions of possible ways.

I know; I bowled; I watched it for years.

If you believe there is no random, then there is no wind in Oklahoma!

Now, the ball's initial touching of the 1 pin set off the random sequence.  No argument there.  It's what happens next that I call random.

Straight-up / Re: Last Nine -ULTIMATE-
January 07, 2013, 10:09:35 AM
I am now on internet explorer.  It is the same.
Ralph sent me several pics by email and they are all fine.  I can see everything.

Straight-up / Re: Last Nine -ULTIMATE-
January 07, 2013, 10:01:31 AM

I use Firefox.  I always upgrade when they tell me to, so I'm relatively sure I have the latest version.  I will try looking at it with Internet Explorer.

Straight-up / Re: Last Nine -ULTIMATE-
January 07, 2013, 04:24:41 AM

ignatus posted this same shot on the other forum.  I can see all of it.  Here I see down to 1/2 of the bet number.  The bet count 1,xxx,xxx  Just below the dealer's name.

It is not me, my computer or my dogs!

Straight-up / Re: Last Nine -ULTIMATE-
January 07, 2013, 12:48:19 AM
Things are looking up!!  I can see a full five inches of his shot.  All the way down to the game number, which I can almost read.
General Discussion / Re: Incomplete Image for you?
January 06, 2013, 10:31:28 PM
Well, it's easy to nail this problem down if someone has two minutes.  Someone take a screen shot of the BV carpet and wheel.  Ralph, you could use one of yours.  Go to the http://www.rouletteforum.cc/index.php?topic=11283.msg103270#new and post it there under my testing thread.

I will see if I can view it over there.  I have no problem viewing anything posted over there.

General Discussion / Re: Incomplete Image for you?
January 06, 2013, 10:17:03 PM

Yes, I have done everything.  On your latest test, I can see the tables fine but not the screen shot of the casino layout.  The carpet.


It's my ol' unintelligent haid actin' up again!  You said changes in on line betting.  I though you meant changes to betting a line!


General Discussion / Re: Incomplete Image for you?
January 06, 2013, 06:34:59 PM

I see the table fine, but the shot of the table is only one inch at the top.

General Discussion / Re: hitting at a 200 odds bet
January 06, 2013, 02:27:14 PM
OK, Vic, here is something interesting.  I can see all of the white sheet he posted but only the top inch of the colored one.


I see you were on three days once.  Will the European table let you do that?   The NZ table cuts you off in 24 hours.

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
January 06, 2013, 02:23:45 PM
So, M.G., are you going to check his tracker as he asked?

I hope so.

ignatus.......I'm with you.  I've never cleared a dollar myself.

Superman.........sorry about that error.  I am flush with them.  Probably accounts for my first sentence to ignatus.

N.D.............I did win a dollar.  If I can do that thousands of times, I'll be in the clear!

Bally.........I studied the B.B.B.M. by Skakus.  Even asked him a couple of questions.  Frankly, I got lost on the F this Cop That.  What does that mean?  Is it from a movie like FUBAR?  He is going to make some videos.  I'm there.  I get very suspicious of a system when the author changes it along the way.  Maybe that's why the guy asked for clarity.  I'm not knocking Skakus behind his back; I'm that way about every system.  Tweaks bother me.

Ralph.......I'd be most interested to know what changes have occurred in line bets.  Anyone?



I have to tell you the truth:  If I found a long-term winning system, no one would ever know it.  I haven't, so it's a moot point.  However, I enjoy trying and that's enough for me.

But let's consider a few members of this or the "other" forum:  Bally and Superman.  Bally is winning right and left in his challenge.  Superman says he has play around 2,500 spins at BV without a loss.  Skakus is closing in on #10,000 with his system.  Johnlegend is going to make casinos cry by June.  Look at Ralph and his bot.  Wins to the point it must bore him silly!  Who did I leave out?

Well, there's lil' ol' me!!  Hey, I won a dollar today.


EDIT:  I left out ignatus!  He wins constantly.  And Proof.  Every system he tests wins 80 or 90 units EVERY time! 
Mixed / Re: Making use of token size for Even Chances
January 05, 2013, 05:59:10 PM
Wins?  Someone kindly explain that word to me!
General Discussion / Re: The Challenges of English !!
January 05, 2013, 02:42:25 AM
Reminds me of a book by Dr. Seuss:  The Tough Coughs as he Ploughs the Dough.  That is pronounced:  The Tuff Cuffs as he Pluffs the Duff.

Love that Seuss!
