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Messages - TwoCatSam

Lady K

You probably hit the nail on the head.

I've ran across a few winners at tables here and there.  If you try to talk to them, you usually get a cold stare.

No, office here Esoito........

No bad day, either.

I guess my post was offensive.  Sorry.

But, I swear, I more believe that Putin is right and aliens from other planets live among us than I would believe that first post.

And here's the thing:  You can never get into the dealer's head and know what his subconscious mind is thinking, therefore you can never be sure why those numbers hit.

And there's always some crusty ol' guy sitting around a table in worn out clothes with a three-day growth of beard who stinks like yesterday's cat box and he always has the answer.  God, during my five years at the horse races I heard it almost daily!

Sorry...I'm ranting again!

I've heard so much bull.  Let me share!

This guy was at the table acting like a newbie, betting birthdays and what-not.  He noticed when certain players bet heavily, the dealer either hit 0 or 00.  He waited for the big bettor to lay down and put a hundred between the greens.  The dealer turned pale, but the ball was in motion.  Nothing he could do.  Sure, he hit green.

Believe it or not.

This begs the question:  Say the big bettor was betting on red.  The dealer then had twenty changes to beat him, but he went for the zeros.  Why? 

I've heard so much bull.

General Discussion / Re: Betvoyager alert!!
January 03, 2013, 05:42:55 AM
Thank you, Bayes.  I read the entire post.

Assume you had five losses 1 2 3 4 5 then won 6 and 5.  Haven't you won 11 and lost 15?
If you ever have "the casino's money" and try to leave with it, they won't like you!  It means you pulled an Einstein and stole it! 

It's your money---until you give it back!

OK, I let the thing cool off a bit and started over.  The 1#4 split made .46 in 250 spins.

How is that possible?  The bot runs 10,000+ spins and nothing and then only 250.

Here is a screen shot.  The bot seems to stop counting at 1085 as it has been at that count for hours.
UPDATE:  I am now over 10,000 spins seeking a 1/4 split win.  I am down almost 1,000 units.

I am going to let this run for a while long as it proves something I've said over and over:  Just because a thing falls behind doesn't mean it has to catch up in our lifetime.  This is another gambler's fallacy I verified long ago with the Super Roulette bot.

This is where bots are good; they tell you things you could never sit and learn in real time manually.

Well, it's play money so I'll let 'er run!
General Discussion / Re: Happy New Year 2013!!
December 31, 2012, 03:27:49 PM
Health and wealth to all.

I'm running the bot on the 7 computer seeking a 1#4.  I'm almost at 9,000 spins and down several hundred play pennies.

How long should I let it run?

We all make misstakes!  Oops, Mistakes!!  LOL

Get some rest, Pal!

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 09:57:27 PM
Yessireee.........That one works!

Thanks, QuickNick

Even chance / Re: Simple System to enjoy the evening #1
December 30, 2012, 09:00:38 PM
I can't get the RNG to work.  Does nothing!
