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Messages - TwoCatSam

Without a robot, who can wait out 400 losses for a win?  In a casino, no less?  Bathroom, anyone?

I'm not a math person, but this doesn't really strike me as being totally, 100% accurate.

Betting one number-------->on the way to a win---------->there can be no other wins.
Betting 24 numbers---------->lots of wins waiting for that loss he speaks of.

Not voting either way; I think all types of betting have their place.

I want the ability to BREATHE at his age!! :D
Online Casinos / Re: Are roulette bots illegal?
December 09, 2012, 06:40:34 PM
I suspect that if 10 people are playing bots, nine will lose.  The winner will win half of what the nine lost so the casino is very happy.
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 09, 2012, 03:56:59 AM

I have a couple of systems that would make one rich if it were not for repeaters.  I would love to find a repeater system to play in conjunction with one of them.  Maybe "The Magnificent Seven"!

Pardon me for saying this, but this idea---when it applies to roulette or back-a-rat---simply won't work.  I know; I tried it years ago

Any sequence you can think of is no different than any other sequence.  R R R R R  and R B R B R are exactly the same.  Now, I know nothing about sports betting and it might make a mint there. 

"I'm Shotgun Sam, the pizza man.
I run the Pizza Palace.
Shotgun Sam, that's who I am
And my horse's name is Alice...........

He's a horse of a different color, don't you know?"
Ralph is to be congratulated for his generosity!!

General Discussion / Re: At least one (1) post a month
December 07, 2012, 07:32:21 PM
"You got to prime the pump; have faith and believe.
You got to give of yourself before you're worthy to receive."...........Desert Pete.

A pump was in the desert.  Beside it was a bottle of water to prime it.  Those who drank the water died later and those who followed them died.  Those who primed the pump drank and filled the bottle for the next traveler.

Of course, it's not true!  It's a message.  Dwell on it.

Ralph's Bot / Re: The bot is out for testing, 10 testers.
December 07, 2012, 07:28:54 PM
Right now I'm running 5 neighbors and it works fine.

Ralph's Bot / Re: The bot is out for testing, 10 testers.
December 07, 2012, 04:47:22 PM
http://youtu.be/paqocqY1XkA Ralph

This is the "waker" system.  When it starts to run it works fine.  About 30 minutes into the trot, it starts to do what the video shows.  There is no sound.

Notice the wheel never moves from #21.

I'll try it on other systems.


Straight-up / Re: Play just one number
December 07, 2012, 03:52:21 PM
How do you save number like you do?

By the way, Ralph, that problem I spoke to you about........I re-booted the computer and it seems to have gone away.  I'll test it more today.  I can only use the wife's computer and she beats me with a stick when I use it too much.

That's how she damaged her arm.  But not to worry--she can hit just as hard with her left!!

General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 07, 2012, 03:50:17 PM
Let's remember to thank this Dane fellow.  But, you're quite welcome.

Flat betting these systems of his are the long-haul type of betting.  But you can play a game anytime you want.  He says he loses sometimes four in a row and then hits a bunch where he wins right off the bat.

Don't know that for a fact.  Will play and test with real money.

General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 07, 2012, 04:42:54 AM

Remember, it is not promised to win every trot.  Dane says it wins over the long haul just flat betting.  I don't know who this guy Dane is, but I have some respect for him.

I am going to play this live at Riverwind 00 American wheel.  If the zeros don't kill me, I might make a buck.

General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 07, 2012, 02:49:36 AM
General Discussion / Re: Flat Betting System..?
December 07, 2012, 02:47:36 AM