Our members are dedicated to PASSION and PURPOSE without drama!


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Topics - VLS

To Esoito and Adulay:

Thank you guys for the time and effort you put into this. It is true: Being a moderator is an unpaid job, not only is it unpaid but most of the times a thankless one too. The kind fellows who do it have to bear with plenty of matters, for the benefit of all folks. In this sense it is a heroic job.

That's why we only have two; fellows our whole community respects and values.

Recent events made me realize the little I have expressed my supportive stand; in private, yes I have, but in public I haven't expressed my support for fellow mods enough.

In trying to be as impartial (or center-leaning) for having the less friction in threads, I have at times left mods with the lesser end of my public support.

I just wanted to comment I fully support Esoito's actions. Our forum is what it is thanks to him in a lot of ways. He is basically the main mod, and he is -in practice- the most instrumental person in giving our place its brand as a place with high standards in moderation.

So, in this opportunity I wanted to comment -openly- I fully, in an unabated way, support Esoito and his actions. I trust him entirely and I am grateful for all he does and his support towards myself and towards us. He is truly a cornerstone of our community.

Also, I'd like to say I fully support Adulay in the same standard. He is one fine guy who can smell right from wrong -both game-wise as well as forum-infractions wise-, in a one-mile radius.

We are very fortunate to have Adulay in our moderation team since he's perhaps one of the most savvy members from our scene; with many years of dealing with our communities, particularly in baccarat. I can't thank him enough either.

Our small BetSelection community benefits from their unselfish support 24/7. We are around 50-60 active members; we are -in fact- a team: admin, mods and users alike. All of us make our small part to stand here. We can rest assured to get along smoothly thanks to the mediation of fellow mods.

To Esoito and Adulay, my utmost personal support.

P.S. If you can drop a line of support for our mods, by all means do so too. They are doing it from their heart.

BetSoftware Discussion / Are you a Mac user? One for you!
September 25, 2014, 04:58:56 AM
Our new BetSoftware is cross-platform. It is certified to work under Windows and Linux, but we need a real/physical MacOS user (not virtual machine) to confirm it works on a regular Mac setup exactly "as is, on the wild".

If you are a Mac user who's willing to give it a try and report back your experience, there's a complimentary pass for you!

This is one exciting piece of software integrating multiple technologies. Covering Windows, Linux and Mac is definitely a way to make it wide-reaching on the desktop.

If you're a willing Mac owner, kindly send a PM or "shout" below.

General Discussion / Triply important support!
September 23, 2014, 02:44:25 PM
Your support for this month is triply important:

  • Our yearly .cc domain name needs renewing. It gives us another year of BetSelection.cc domain.
  • Monthly server bills are near due. It provides us with uninterrupted service.
  • Moderation code needs to be done. It improves our community's well-being directly.

If there was ever a good moment to spare a little for the forum, this is it!

Link: http://betselection.cc/support/

Thanks for your backing. Let's keep our space up & well [smiley]skype/heart.gif[/smiley]

General Discussion / @Mathemagician => Section?
September 22, 2014, 12:25:42 AM
Hi there, would you like to have a section under members' software for yours?

You could publish announcements, improvements, session videos, etc.

We allow proprietary software, as long as our members can get a good evaluation before buying. (e.g. Roulette Xtreme)

What do you think about it?

BetSoftware Discussion / BetSoftware source code @ GitHub
September 21, 2014, 12:14:26 AM
Hi guys, new source code is being featured at:


You can track our progress there.
Off-topic / @Turner
September 19, 2014, 10:24:48 PM
Quote from: Turner on September 19, 2014, 01:37:55 PM[...]before you fix all these annoying basic typing issues, can you priorotize an icon that depicts a sad chicken holding a grapefruit dressed as Henry VIII (the chicken not the grapefruit) This is by far the most urgent.

Thanks Turner; I can always rely on you for keeping my most-urgent priorities straight [smiley]skype/wink.gif[/smiley]

We are a close-knit community. We are a small, like-minded group; we are comprised of unique members and each and every one of us is an asset in his/her own way.

This is most-valuable and worth preserving. I'm saying this because I'm making a long-term commitment to this board. It might not be evident from your side of the screen, yet I'm currently employing most of my leisure time and "night shift" time to coding for our BetSoftware, mostly because I believe it has a long-term potential to impact our community positively.

Likewise, this thread has been opened to gather opinions on what it is that we need to be the very last forum our close-knit community will ever need open. We are human, malleable, and above all there's a will to rectify and make things better.

Here's some of what is most evident:

Becoming free from Steve's ad – It's already talked. We only need to cover for it.

In-house games – Doable.

Chatroom – Doable.

...and now feel free to suggest yours.
BetSoftware Discussion / Understanding BetSoftware
September 03, 2014, 11:36:44 PM
BetSoftware is engineered software. It is the sum of many parts working together to bring-in an advanced development platform for the gambling community to enjoy.

BetSoftware as a whole is comprised of:

  • BetSoftware Loader.
  • BetSoftware Framework.
  • Modules.
  • Connectors.
  • External programs.

Each of them with defined functionality:

BetSoftware Loader:

Checks the Internet for updates, sets the game and loads the framework.

BetSoftware Framework:

The operation's foreman. Provides the main user interface, manages the correct order of execution of modules and handles global settings.


Specific workers bringing life to the operation. Each module has a defined function. Each executes its functionality then returns control to the framework.


Serve as "glue code" between the internal protocols of BetSoftware and other programs. They close the gap between the way others approach gambling programming and how BetSoftware does it.

External programs:

External programs are first-class citizens in BetSoftware. We acknowledge we are part of an ecosystem and do our best to interact in the most seamless manner with the fellow programmers around.

We are a "your way plus our way” bunch.

...Diversity is the spice of life, in BetSoftware too.
"So we choose when we want to play, we choose the side we wish to play on, and we get to select the amount of our bet, and even can terminate any session at our optimal time.  Sweeeet, ain't it?"

BetSoftware has no official programming language as of today. It is engineered to "talk" to modules made in other programming languages via "connectors".

If any programmer would like  to have a connector for his/her favorite programming language, just "shout" it here.

It is in our collective best interest to have as many connectors for as many programming languages as possible. At least for the main ones used by the fine coding fellows around [smiley]skype/nod.gif[/smiley].
First try meeting table minimum using the same amount on opposing even chances:


If it isn't allowed (i.e. BetVoyager), you might try a balanced non-opposing bet:


Enjoy this one, 100% free:


We're right in the middle of our transition to 100% FREE releases + optional paid goodies.

Cheers! :thumbsup:

  • "Functional scalability: The ability to enhance the system by adding new functionality at minimal effort." (Wikipedia)
Our main aim with BetSoftware is to make it an example of functional scalability.

This means new functionality can be added by writing "to-the-point" modules dealing with very defined parts. Allowing an easy "chaining" of them.

For instance, it doesn't only aims to split new coding into parts, but reusing as much of other code as possible, without having to modify single line of code in order mix and reuse.

The functionality of BetSoftware becomes the sum of many independent parts.
In order to foster being proactive in trying to keep a good release rate throughout the month, it is inevitable for us to make use of multi-tasking and time management.

We manage our suggestions schedule using three (3) lists, according to difficulty level:

Simple – Quickies, small-time, one-shots with very clear, very specific, functionality.

Medium – Specific modules including some degree of complexity.

Complex – System requiring multiple modules for fulfilling, or, a single module with many conditions/variables required for completion.

It is obvious this breaks the exact order of request when all levels are considered, but if we halt the whole releases operation for a single very complex module needing -say- 1 full month to code, then it isn't proper time management.

Lower complexity ones should be dispatched faster than highly complex ones.

The exact order of each list is respected once a suggestion is labeled and added to a given list. This is handled in a first-come, first-served basis; for that specific level's list.
Dozen/Column / Dozen Trio Match
July 07, 2014, 04:40:42 AM

- Use latest two (2) Spins for reference.

- "Look back" for previous instances of these two dozens. Take note.

- Your bet is the two (2) most recent dozens that completed the trio pattern.


Green(s) excluded.

If there's only one eligible dozen when "looking back", you bet it.

This one is a must-have for a tracker. It offers many possibilities of attack/progression throughout the session and goes with current table tendency.
Straight-up / +1 Neighbor System
July 02, 2014, 10:35:13 AM

European roulette:

Tracking37 spins

- "look back" 37 spins.
- Mark all spun numbers on the roulette wheel.

Betting19 spins

- Bet unhit neighbor(s) of spun number.
- Add one unit when a neighbor of a bet number hits (this makes some numbers have 2+ units).

Special starting bet:

If last number from tracked cycle enables any neighbor(s), you start with a bet.

Win limit:

Ideally, you don't limit wins and milk every positive session to the max.

Exit limit:

You do limit losses and evaluate exiting after a failed cycle. It can also end for player reasons such as making human errors due to physical extenuation.

This was conceived as a land-based system, so it accounts for human factors. In any case, the exit limit is meant to be considered after a failed cycle.

It is up to the player to continue a session if the cycle loss is minimal. i.e. Player can continue after a -10 cycle, but a -100+ loss = going home with every unit.

Recommended bankroll:

200 units.

What I like about this system is it has clear neighbor betting rules and, of course, the fact it doesn't chase losses...

Besides, it can give nice moments when you hit a number with 2+ chips on it. These higher-bet numbers are the result of near-misses, so it's kind of a special reward.
Once you subscribe, you earn the right to steer BetSoftware's development the way you want with your posts in this section. Subscribers' suggestions are given priority.

This is a "Topic solved" section.

It means we aim to attend each and every one of your request; once finished  it can be marked as "solved" to let the community know.

Join us and give a course to the development of our software!

Earn the right and put it to your advantage!
General Discussion / TODAY IS THE DAY
June 30, 2014, 09:50:50 PM
Today is one of those very important days in the history of a lifetime endeavor like ours.  Today is the day we choose to take the independence path to our sustainability.

You can be part of our forum's history for the better.

Help us make forum history: Subscribe today!

Your subscription powers the coding hours needed to build and improve our website and software further.

Your subscription justifies BetSelection's move to mission-critical servers, under the same standards as the ones used by large companies to have the much-sought-after 99.99% uptime, and directly pays for it.

With paid members we can't afford having downtime; it is only $8 for you, but it makes all the difference.

It empowers self-subsistence for our community, with you being the actual maker of positive change.

We act as a community here. Each and every one of us adds-up.

If you can afford $8, and want to be see us remain in time and succeed, by all means subscribe:


Directly fuel the positive change you want to see here.

Thanks to your subscription a new era opens for us.
BetSoftware Discussion / Credits
June 28, 2014, 12:15:45 PM
Works from the following authors have been reused within their explicit permissions' terms; all under a public domain, free-for-reuse, creative-commons or any other license compatible with our specific use-case:

Themify icons / Free for any purpose

atom / Public domain

Lightning Icon / Open clipart
Usage support / [USER HELP] How to use BetSoftware?
June 26, 2014, 04:01:46 PM

Usage is very simple, it involves two steps:

1) Adding modules to the launcher.
2) Clicking "Launch".

Watch this short video to see how simple is this process:


As more modules are added to the loader, this enables the utmost flexibility.

...Anything, just "shout". We're here to assist.
General Discussion / BetSoftware Downloads
June 25, 2014, 09:33:06 PM
Thread for announcing new releases of our BetSoftware:

Main space: http://betselection.cc/betsoftware/
Meta-selection / Street-felt
June 21, 2014, 05:44:03 AM

Useful when tracking streets for corners and other felt-based patterns:

1) Track 12 spins (Base cycle).
2) Take note of any formed Zone-4 on the Street-wheel + any formed square on the Street-felt.
3) From spin #13 to #24 (Paired cycle), bet on any street that would form any of the previously realized Zone-4 or Square formation.

Halt betting on any win or break even.

Since it's a cycle-Pairing method, the bets evolve with the game, progressively.
Thread for downloads announcements.

Main space at: http://betselection.cc/betsoftware/