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Messages - VLS

Quote from: Bayes on April 11, 2013, 09:25:51 PM
Isn't that basically what your "Tool" and Gizmo's "gizmo" is all about?

Indeed. Automating the process is all it is about. (and becoming more efficient at processing of course).

A human is limited as to the amount of real-time processing "power" he can exercise in between spins. An AI agent is only limited by the amount of resources allocated to it.

A human might for instance calculate a set of 4, 5 wheel-based triggers, maybe more (I doubt realistically someone could go beyond calculating double-digit triggers right, spin after spin after spin; the more demanding the more "ground" the brain becomes to perform over spins)... an AI agent on the other hand can be aware of hundreds or thousands of triggers and make calculations (i.e. SD and others). It does make a difference in spotting where the current opportunities lie. Assuming you grant there is a timeline which can be attributed to the random stream and accept the triggers/selections have cycles of activity and inactivity, for which the bettor's work is identifying the profitable phases as accurate as possibly and "piggybacking" on them while they last. The more triggers/selections processed, the more possibilities. A human can only see (process) a small "chunk" of the actual possibilities developing at all times on the many triggers. An AI agent can see more and hence has more to grab from (and jump to) due to the many timelines derived from the triggers being tracked.

Quote from: Bayes on April 11, 2013, 09:25:51 PM
IMO any method can be implemented on a computer, no matter how complex. Even intuition can be coded as long as you can express how you come to your decisions even somewhat fuzzily.
Spot-on dear friend.

I guess in the end, all that matters is whether AI is able to deliver a better hit rate than random.

Doesn't it? :)
"In artificial intelligence, an expert system is a computer system that emulates the decision-making ability of a human expert."

This is an interesting line of topic to discuss around in our bet-oriented place.

...What are your personal opinions on the topic? Where do you stand on it? Do you believe we can delegate "thinking" to a computer to make it at levels which are more accurate than our own human one?

Feel free to express! Whether you are pro or against AI  :nod:
Esoito said:

AI is "the study and design of intelligent agents, where an intelligent agent is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chances of success."  [Wikipedia]

I've often wondered why AI isn't more prominent in betting software.

Is it because there are few AI coders with the necessary skills?

Or the concept is basically flawed is some way when applied to betting?

Or few have really sat down to seriously consider its potential?

Meta-selection / Re: The foundations for a WINNER
April 11, 2013, 08:18:46 PM
I believe this is an accompanying topic:

Bet, Trigger, System, Strategy, Meta-strategy
If anything the casinos were doing was technically illegal, there's a good chance they could get the law changed so that it would soon become legal.


Thanks for bringing-in the article. :thumbsup:
General Discussion / OUR BEST WISHES TO BALLY
April 10, 2013, 02:54:54 PM
Let's wish him a prompt recovery :nod:

Hopefully he'll be back in good shape soon. We need to award him some time for recovery. It could have been worse. Let's thank he's recovering.

Off-topic / Re: DO YOU BELIEVE THIS?
April 09, 2013, 03:44:20 PM
Quote from: Gizmotron on April 09, 2013, 07:32:18 AM
...as beautiful as Milla Jovovich...

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Posted on behalf of the BetSelection.cc Staff
Hopefully as "drama" is gone, we can continue to see the very helpful side of Kimo showing again :nod:

I only need confirmation from Kimo to restore the messages back for the thread to continue; I most certainly hope it's not killed before it starts to get juicy!! We all want to see this GPM Philosophy for Beginners discussion flourish :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS
April 07, 2013, 11:09:29 AM
Quote from: Albalaha on April 07, 2013, 10:55:14 AM
Victor may ask Ophis for trial of bot and can check whether what was claimed, was true or not.
I suggest Bayes get a trial of the bot :nod:
Quote from: Albalaha on April 07, 2013, 03:00:54 AM
     My suggestion: make a permanent donation section for the forum's upkeep so that it doesn't become a responsibility of yours only. It is necessary now since there is no paid subscribers. Open donations and its open acknowledgements will lead more members to come forward to help and the best part is, it is voluntary.
Most-excellent idea dear Sumit. It will be taken into consideration. It is voluntary indeed :nod:
Quote from: spike on April 07, 2013, 01:49:58 AM
Where did the list of recent posts at the bottom of the homepage go,
how do we know who's saying what without it.
I'm placing it right above the sections as per Chris' sharp request... In the mean time, please visit:


For the list of recently updated topics  :thumbsup:
Quote from: Razor on April 06, 2013, 10:56:34 AM
The new skin of the site is perfect
It wasn't a skin, actually a bug as I was "mangling" with our sources to restore functionality back but it got too late :o

Any case, the "as is" refers to ownership and administration, not functionality; we are due to increase on that side :nod: