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Messages - VLS

Hey Sam I admit I asked you not to share it.I didn't want you to share it because I grabbed a chunk of that code from a former paid project  :stress:

Coders do reuse code, but users don't usually like to see this re-use.

I do admit I said you not to share. but now it IS shared... no problem on my side.

Now chances are the original user will contact me about the re-use... Another spot for the Leopard! Mind you.
Quote from: TwoCatSam on February 17, 2013, 03:56:42 PM
Is it fair for this man to accept $175.00 of my money and not deliver?

Of course it isn't fair.

Yesterday I slept only 3 hours. I am currently doing the equivalent to "manual IT labor" and taking job home.

Please receive heartfelt apologies. I guess from now on I'll only focus in software for the site and forward private jobs to people who actually can end the job on time.

I can only resume on tuesday, wish it would be sooner, but that's my life; I go from contract to contract, and desperate a lot within the "contracts gaps". If not only for the money I owe it to you for helping my family.

Thanks Sam.
Fair. Let me deliver all the programs I owe prior to the re-install.
Hi Sam, I haven't done emails in some time. Perhaps a week.

I'm usually beaten when I get home and only log into the forum.

I have no problem in you sharing the programs  :nod:

I'm ending current data-entry job (inventory) on Tuesday. You can share any proggies I give you too.

(P.S. why not sending a PM first  :) as you saw me logged?)

Street / Re: Street Distance Match
February 17, 2013, 09:42:16 AM
We "look back" until there's a raw distance repeat:


We have it at the second instance of +4. This is what we'll use as a base for next cycle.

Raw and time (spins back) distances are:

Raw: +4
Time: -3

Let's translate them to actual streets.

We are on street #25. Moving +4 clockwise we have:


Street #1 added to bets.

Now we look 3 spins back:












It's 0. Street #25 added.

Two streets to bet for next spin: #1 and #25.
Street / Re: Street Distance Match
February 17, 2013, 09:27:55 AM
Next number:



From street #13 to #25 we have 4 distances clock-wise.

It's a hit. This finishes current cycle.

We add it on top:


Time to re-track.
Street / Re: Street Distance Match
February 17, 2013, 02:11:55 AM
Next number:



From street #25 to #13 we have a distance of 4, counter-clockwise, again.

Added on top:


In here we have a repetition in raw distance -4; time (spins) of separation: 3.

Bets are the following:

RAW: -4

In actual streets:

We are currently at street #13.

We count -4 (counter-clockwise) and land on Street #1:


We count 3 spins back:












The distance -3 spins back is +4.


It leads to street #25.

Bets for next spin. Streets #1 and #25.
Street / Re: Street Distance Match
February 17, 2013, 01:45:59 AM
Next number:



Repeat on street #25. This means zero movement. We add a zero on top:

Street / Re: Street Distance Match
February 17, 2013, 12:11:25 AM
Next number:



From street #13 to street #25 we count a distance of 4, clock-wise. It is added at the top:

Street / Re: Street Distance Match
February 16, 2013, 11:28:29 PM
We let first two numbers pass:



From street #25 to #13 we have a distance of 4, counter-clockwise. (we always use shortest distance).

It's added as:

Street / Re: Street Distance Match
February 16, 2013, 10:50:56 PM
The first bet is 3rd RAW distance match.

This bet's signaled by the 2nd show of a distance, then you bet for a third show of the same distance during the cycle.


The second +2 is our signal to bet for the repetition of it to make a third show of +2 within current cycle.

The second bet is 2nd TIME distance match.

This bet is signaled by the first repetition of a distance counting past spins since its last show.


As you can see the two +3's are 4 spins apart, then we start betting the distance 4 spins apart will repeat.

Example with real numbers from first available table in Wiesbaden casino on first day of current year (01/01/2013): [attachmini=1]
Street / Street Distance Match
February 16, 2013, 10:24:58 PM
Street-wheel matching.



For ease of counting, you only consider the shortest distance between last two spins.

Clockwise is signaled with a + sign.

Counter-clockwise is signaled with a - sign.

You always add newest distance on top.

Your considered cycle / spin window is at most 12 distances annotated.

You have two bets based on this.
Creativity Adventures / The Purpose of this Area
February 16, 2013, 10:10:44 PM
...is to let people expose their ideas fluidly.

It's OK for the ideas exposed here not to be tested; it's all about letting creativity flow like a river flowing into the sea, without bounds. Right as they come.

Participation on the threads should be limited to encouraging comments and additions/tweaks on the idea. Since this is a tiny space for unabridged expression, if you see something you don't like, just let it pass.

We're big boys who enjoy letting our minds ride. In this corner of the forum, the ride is entirely judgement-free :)

Enjoy your stay around!
I have to give 2 news, one good and one bad
Let's start with the bad: There is no system that always win
On with the good: Despite this you can win at roulette.

There are no foolproof systems, ie earning 100% of the times they are executed, many systems exist which earn more TIMES than they lose.

Why then do people lose?
Recall that there are no foolproof systems.

System players lose for 2 reasons:
A) They lose for using plain bad systems, losing "systematically" because they are based on false premises which violate all "business logic". It is easy to detect a bad system, just see if the behavior proposed by the system corresponds to what would an entrepreneur do. Example: no good businessman would buy an item that did not sell, and certainly never would he buy more quantity the less the item is being sold. Now watch systems out there, and then tell me. What is a growing progression but an investment on what is not selling? It is true that we have to have a degree of perseverance, but not so disproportionate to keep buying more black balloons, those that no one asks us about.

We can not base all our business success plans in the hopes tomorrow an epidemic of taste on black balloons will unleash, more so when other stable businesses succeed selling balloons of other colors.

B) They lose for when they possess relatively good systems, they do not have the endurance to use them consistently, or patience and tranquility through adverse times, which there inevitably will be.

Theory of Manrique's Relativity of systems

The theory is: the same actions lead to different results when the circumstances are different.

And at roulette everything is always different, no two sessions are the same.

Therefore the bonanza of a system depends on the sample being tested but can not be conclusive about future behavior being identical.

Since there is no system that wins 100% of the time it is practiced, we find that to be a winner, we must win by balances. WHEN and HOW these balances are produced is no more and no less what makes lose the system player.

For systems that lose, it's pretty easy to see: for it is impossible they always win, and at times they lose ergo we can never know how and when they lose (if we could know then it could help us avoid losses which would be infallible).

How can we win?

Through impeccable conduct, professionalism and mastery of a SET of techniques, tactics and strategies, better yet grounded in solid theoretical foundations.

We must use the systems just as the best way or perhaps the least bad way of trying to exploit the dynamics of balance and imbalance in the game, and we will not only study the dynamics for the numbers coming out but for the results they produce.

We must try to limit the dispersion in a small segment, which in turn limits our results, and then we use events to multiply these segments which are the most confined we can, by having a large number of micro-banks to reach valuable percentages in the balances, as in Guerrilla Warfare, attack as often as we can and as our attacks are positive it will increase our overall strength, but at the slightest misstep, we shy away at all costs leaving quickly risking the less from the advantage that we have.