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Messages - VLS

Straight-up / Re: X0X0X Pattern
January 23, 2013, 10:41:26 PM
By the way dear Dane,

I also referred to this pattern before as: Super zone 3 @ 1 (SZ3@1)!!

(Wheel based)  :)


You can also notice how the "Savant Felt" can come in handy when targetting it:


I'll try to squeeze some time together to make the test with illustrations.

It should be explanatory enough :)

Cheers and many thanks.
Hello dear Monaco.

Quote from: monaco on January 23, 2013, 11:20:39 AM
1. are both bets (Zone Max & Repeater Max) played in exactly the same cycle of 37 spins (ie. they both start at the same time no matter which calls for a bet first)?

They are independent bets from each other, each activating if and when there are eligible numbers.

Quote from: monaco on January 23, 2013, 11:20:39 AM2. after 37 spins, if you are in the negative & did not reach positive or break even at any point, you just re-start from the beginning at 1unit?

I like to always advice to go back to minimum unit, yes. it's better to rise AFTER a winning cycle for the recoup.

General Discussion / Re: MILESTONE -- 200 MEMBERS
January 22, 2013, 08:49:05 PM
It is curious indeed JL.

200 of us "bet heads" ain't bad  :D at all.
January 20, 2013, 02:29:52 PM
Question Dane: how do you cope with a hit? ...do you:

A: Wipe the tracking card, adding new numbers as they are spun.

B: Re-use old numbers by marking them down in reverse order until there's a bet, then start adding new numbers as they are spun.

Thank you!
The key word here being "perpetual".

In practice, we aren't trying to make a method which beats infinity (i.e. a perpetual  never-ending stream of data).

a) We can't test a perpetual stream of number.
b) We are limited.

You can't make a perpetual motion machine. ...But you CAN make a "motion machine", which serves through the life of a car. In our case we are trying to end up our lifetime "profitable".

I think if someone in here would develop a betting system that beats every archived set of actuals available to mankind from the inception of roulette until today, he would rush to the casino to try.

A true, hardcore, infinity-beater wouldn't ever lay a single chip... because there would always be further/perpetual new spins to test/try.
Community Software / Re: My first program
January 19, 2013, 06:52:14 PM
Awesome start!

It's always great to see the birth of a coder. :nod:

May the force be with you in all your release cycle! :thumbsup:
We can illustrate with tomorrow's Wiesbaden actuals or if somebody wants to point to any already-published set of actuals intended for another method it can suffice too (since the original poster couldn't know it would be used for this exact methodology in the future, which adds transparency).

Money management:

Positive progression: After a hit you rise +1 to the current unit.

Cycle-based methodology:

You work within a 37-spin cycle.

You end the cycle after a hit leaving you with anything in the plus (even +1 unit), or breaking even.

On a hit, you "look backwards" nothing the numbers in reverse order until a possible bet arises. You then start the cycle and continue adding new numbers as they appear. Always caring of remaining within a 37-spin frame.
Straightforward application:

+1 Max Zone:
When a zone of 3 of higher is realized, you bet for any zone which will make a HIGHER zone.

i.e. you always take notice of the largest realized zone, and bet on anything which

- a Zone of 3 is current maximum, you bet any number which can make a Zone of 4 or above.
- a Zone of 4 is current maximum, you bet any number which can make a Zone of 5 or above.
- a Zone of 5 is current maximum, you bet any number which can make a Zone of 6 or above.
...and so on.

Point being to bet on the continuation of the maximums in zone length.

+1 Max. Repeat:

- When a repeat of 3 is current maximum, you bet on any repeater which could make 4.
- When a repeat of 4 is current maximum, you bet on any repeater which could make 5.
- When a repeat of 5 is current maximum, you bet on any repeater which could make 6.
...and so on.

Point being to bet on the continuation of maximum in highest repeater hit.
General Discussion / Re: roulette programs videos
January 18, 2013, 03:56:37 PM
Welcome to the forum!  :)
General Discussion / Re: Victor ...
January 18, 2013, 04:09:34 AM
Well Sam, this sure thwarts the night shift!

I wonder if i'm getting the bill for so many late-nite stays...  :-X

I'm trying to return to balance. Still wishing of a time on which online sales derive a steady secondary income and progressively surpass the local income one. Who knows? There are some prospects to be developed over the year. i.e. the framework could take-off eventually, and I'm also developing a new programming language appealing to newcomers, which might succeed in time.

Perhaps, only perhaps, I can make enough "online income" to pass my passions as a job  :love: 

Would love SO MUCH to make coding for the community and the programming language be the day job! Would set aside some bank to enjoy recreational betting and my life would be dreamy as I would be spending my day time doing what I love.

It's a history in the making! There's an actual possibility for it happening...
General Discussion / Re: Victor ...
January 18, 2013, 02:54:57 AM
Sorry for the delay, I got a small cold. I'm answering PM's and coding a couple releases at snail speed, but chances are I won't write too much new material.

Will try to bring in some of the "oldies but good" topics around.

Hope to be fresh as lettuce in some days. Got a fresh supply of Vitamin C  :nod:  as well as eating fruits.
Meta-selection / Re: Clumping Theory
January 16, 2013, 12:15:05 AM
Wonderful! A single thread for Clumping Theory. Thanks for bringing it to the fore dear Richard.

I want to write a bit about 'Signal strength':

Whatever the bet, there will typically be a part on the wheel where it will succeed more. i.e. if you are using "neighbors" as a bet, there will be a side where the "neighbor hit" event is striking in a greater frequency, it is there where the "signal" is more powerful, where it has more strength; therefore you use it to narrow the area of clumping for such event, helping you when pondering where to focus your attack.

This easily seen in practice when being in front of a disc. Look at the following areas with 3 realized neighbors each:


Zone 27 to 24 has 3 realized neighbors (in blue)

Zone 12 to 4 has 3 realized neighbors too (in red)

We say the signal is stronger in zone 12 to 4 because the events are being realized with a better clumping. The realization of an even in larger areas "dilutes" the signal, the same realization in shorter areas makes it stronger. We back up where it's stronger.

Number 0 would bring '4 realized neighbors' within an area of 9.

Number 17 would bring '4 realized neighbors' within an area of 13.

...hence number 0 would be given more weight when considering neighbor bets over number 17.
Ophis' MST / Re: Holy Grail : Troll Arena
January 15, 2013, 03:51:19 PM
Quote from: albalaha on January 15, 2013, 03:40:06 PM10% of the sale proceeds or rent of bot will go to this Forum's upkeep.

Thank you dear Sumit.
That would be VERY appreciated  :nod: