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Messages - VLS

Hello dear Sumit, as per your requirements in chat, you could setup a virtual machine (virtualbox.org) and use a program such as showmypc.com to outsource the screen and mouse.

The casino software is physically ran from India, the remote user only sees the screen and controls mouse to lay bets, whatever the remote country might be.

No communication is ever done from the casino to the 3rd-party remote user.
General Discussion / Re: Jack Kennedy + Square Roulette!
December 30, 2012, 12:10:48 PM
QuoteWhat's going on?  Why wouldn't it post?  It was a simple cut and paste.
Bryan, you are getting acclimatized  :nod:   :D
Perhaps the toggle button can help this time. It's the "A" on the toolbar :


It changes the post box into a regular text-only space (a la notepad). It accepts all text.
December 30, 2012, 12:02:56 PM
Bryan, anything I can help you with, just shout.

As for the functionality just say what you want to achieve and we'll respond  :nod: :thumbsup:
I was thinking generating 3 images. High-Low could be blue/orange. Even Odd, yellow/green.

Think I can accommodate you within the week. If I can relocate a code I had for randomizing Kimo-Li's matrix numbers, it may be sooner. It's just a matter of changing background color and the number or columns :)
Only Red/Black? would you also like Low/High, EVEN/ODD?
General Discussion / Re: Ideas for site exposure?
December 29, 2012, 04:57:59 PM

Simply and absolutely beautiful!!
General Discussion / Re: Ideas for site exposure?
December 29, 2012, 04:07:24 PM
Thank you!!! You're top indeed.

Check your PM's for a special treat  :nod:

Thanks again!  :thumbsup:
Dear sumit,

Let me see if I have gotten your requirement right:

1) You input a text file.

2) Program outputs an image containing 19 numbers per horizontal line, like this:


General Discussion / Ideas for site exposure?
December 28, 2012, 03:42:29 PM
What ideas can you give to give our site more exposure to reach more visitors?

We're open in here to your ideas :)

General Discussion / Re: Advice on Multiple Bets
December 28, 2012, 02:18:35 PM
wow John, it's **WE**! We are building the site. We aim to have the best place for ourselves. We're a community  :nod: :thumbsup:

There's something in here for everyone of us. We're brainstorming ideas to bring more folks to our party:

Renting a server on another country is not enough to play.

Since your personal data (ID, passport, license) clearly has your country disclosed, you'll need a "Mule" person to open an account on his unblocked country. There's no way around it.

Your rented VPS server must match your Mule's country.

Search must be: <mule's country> + windows VPS


UK windows VPS

Canada windows VPS

Germany windows VPS

Straight-up / Re: "Double trio" evolution
December 28, 2012, 06:12:37 AM
The only "catch" this system has being very obvious: a trio can't enable itself.

I say this for the precise case of vertical trios.
Hello dear Stef, do you want to:

a) Visit the sites only.

b) Gamble with real money there.

They are two very different games.

You can always search for: <target country> + windows VPS

VPS = Virtual Private Server

Basically a slice of a dedicated server connected 24/7 to the net, which acts as your own computer.

Once logged to your VPS, the IP and everything else: cookies, files, registry, etc. are for all purposes the ones from the rented VPS server.

You become a "Ghost" to the casino.
Straight-up / Re: "Double trio" evolution
December 28, 2012, 03:30:53 AM

There are many other possible trio bets not covered by the standard betting locations.


Trio 1-5-9


Trio 15-17-19


Trio 24-27-30


Each number has a exactly 4 possible trio bets it is the center of.

Example, for number 20:

Trio 16-20-24


Trio 17-20-23


Trio 18-20-22


Trio 19-20-21


In order to being able to spot all trios for every number we use our comprehensive triple-felt layout:

Meta-selection / Re: Triple-Felt Matrix
December 28, 2012, 01:50:47 AM
Hello dear AMK,

Please keep an eye on the approaches "powered by Triple Felt" to see practical application.


- Felt Twins Evolution.

- "Double trio" evolution.

The "evolution" part refers to evolving from only one felt to this triple matrix for a more complete picture of the possibilities.