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Messages - VLS

Thanks to the kind fellows who supported :rose:

Thank you very much indeed :nod: :applause: Now we continue with our regular publications :cheer:

We move forward to the next octave :thumbsup:
Quote from: wannawin on May 10, 2017, 03:38:00 PMIs it a one-time payment now and I will have everything sold here until December 31, 2017 at no additional cost?

Correct Walter. Those who contribute via this thread are added to a special mailing list where they get unlimited access to all of our PDF books, software or any other product we put up for sale here during the whole year 2017 at no further cost. It is a one-of-a-kind gesture to reward this very special spontaneous thread.

Quote from: wannawin on May 10, 2017, 03:38:00 PMIs the minimum to give $ 25 USD?

It's exactly what you support as a gesture. You are already in. As soon as our first "Practical Roulette Matrix Book" hits the virtual shelves during the next days, you get your download link. Same for every other release as they happen.

Those who didn't pledge can use the Paypal buttons around to add themselves to the special supporters' list for the year. After it closes, it's the regular buying price for everything.

Supporting now does indeed fully cover until the last day of 2017 (December 31st) so you can consider this an early Christmas gift for the kind fellows who support :D

Quote from: VLS on May 01, 2017, 06:56:32 PMIf you would like to contribute, here's the Paypal support button:

Thanks to everyone who supports!  :rose:
Quote from: VLS on May 04, 2017, 04:15:02 PM
We'll leave the button up until May 10th, then they are removed and the long and winding process of publishing our four books begins:

  • The Roulette Matrix Book.
  • The Roulette Wheel Book.
  • The Roulette Felt Book.
  • The Roulette Timeline Book.

The Roulette Matrix Book began its diagramming. The domain name for our books is BetBooks.cc

Sale price is $9.99, in a rolling-release distribution where we update the Book's version with every new addition. If you'd like to get all of the latest releases we make this year 2017 as a special treat for this special thread now, feel free to use the Paypal button below:

Quote from: VLS on May 01, 2017, 06:56:32 PM
If you would like to contribute, here's the Paypal support button:

Thanks to everyone who supports!  :rose:
...It is a nice deal for a nice spontaneous thread which is :love:'d very much.

Paypal buttons get removed later so this is a last-chance opportunity for those who enjoy these betting topics and are inclined to reading them in full to get 2017 as a complimentary year.
We'll leave the buttons for some more time then they get removed and the long and winding process of publishing our four books begins:

  • The Practical Roulette Matrix Book.
  • The Practical Roulette Wheel Book.
  • The Practical Roulette Felt Book.
  • The Practical Roulette Timeline Book.

Content-wise these four eBooks are the "core projects" of 2017. The kind fellows who contribute here get all revisions via mailing list during the year as a thank you :rose:

Quote from: VLS on May 01, 2017, 06:56:32 PM
If you would like to contribute, here's the Paypal support button:

Thanks to everyone who supports!  :rose:
This is a special thread hence caring folks who contribute through this thread get everything we put online for sale during 2017 as a special thank you, via email list. Be it e-books, software, other... the important thing right now is showing support towards our continued operation :nod:

If you would like to contribute, here's the Paypal support button:

Thanks to everyone who supports!  :rose:
Quote from: Lungyeh on May 01, 2017, 01:41:48 PM
What do you mean by a pledge? How do I contribute? I can pay through Visa. Please let me know

Thanks for your willingness to support Lungyeh.

I'm placing Paypal button up @ next post. Thank you very much.
Just wanted to give thanks again to the kind fellows who pledged towards our operation :applause:

As a special thank you, everything we put up for sale during 2017 is given for free to you guys :nod:

Thanks for pledging spontaneously, it really means a lot :cheer:

A very grateful & happy,
General Discussion / Re: Pledges to BetSelection.CC
April 02, 2017, 09:49:44 AM
Thank you Glen, Ted, Allan and Walter. You guys ROCK! :nod: :thumbsup:

This sponsorship helps us advance our transition to our new custom engine directly.

Let's continue by PM :rose:
General Discussion / Re: Posting sucks!
March 29, 2017, 01:56:47 PM
Well, a full-blown spam attack started all of this. Add people doing shady things and we end-up here.

If we go back to where we were, we'll have just viagra and porn spam.

In a around a week more than 100+ spam accounts were created in a row as we passed from ~1700 to 1800+ members out of nowhere. All of them are spammers ready to fire. Seems there were some automated security updates too. (i.e A character in my signature got messed)

Any case, these sort of things happen because we're using a 3rd-party core which was extended to get us online ASAP. I'm doing our own web engine from the very scratch so I'm not standing still. That's the one true solution. Getting us to a fresh code-base for us to have our own updates schedule.

Let me check what I can do to get us to a workable state around here. Rest assured your participation IS appreciated and I'm with you: it's sucky right now, but from the administrative point of view this is better than being flooded with nasties that would really ruin us badly.

Thanks for the comprehension. I'm  checking permissions right now.

General Discussion / Re: Edit button
March 27, 2017, 02:11:02 PM
Hi Glen, thanks for caring. Please check your messages.

General Discussion / Re: EDIT Feature--Vic!
March 13, 2017, 04:42:34 PM
Quote from: alrelax on March 13, 2017, 02:26:25 PMVic, take the porn links down,

User banned and links taken down. Spammers suck big time.

Quote from: alrelax on March 13, 2017, 02:26:25 PMI tend to leave BetSelection up right after my main screen and when the 4 year gets on my lap top, he clicks on everything.  You now have at least one porn link up on your site in the sports betting area.

:thumbsdown: Really sorry about that. You know rogue spammers aren't something under my control.

What an awful thing. Want to put so many hours to code the good stuff for us to enjoy here, but we're heavily under-funded, that's the truth.

Any case, this is already solved in the new engine by having 7 days for our new staging area. If we weren't crippled by support, we'd have already ditched this web engine long ago already.  This is a very easy one to catch for our "auto-mod" feature. 99.9% of spammers post a link in their first post. By merely auto-flagging these spammers would find us undesirable and leave us alone.

Manual moderation sucks too but my hands are tied until the whole code from scratch is in my control again by means of the new engine. Need to take a deep breath now.
General Discussion / Re: Hi all
March 11, 2017, 06:47:49 PM
Quote from: Grubb on March 09, 2017, 10:38:45 AM
I am new here and i would like that all you guys welcome me here. Thanks in advance

Nice to have you as a new addition to the family Grubb!


May you have an enjoyable stay.

Best wishes towards it  :nod:
General Discussion / Re: EDIT Feature--Vic!
March 11, 2017, 06:35:00 PM
Thanks for the feedback. The large context being we're in the middle of "piggybacking" several sites to our database for the very first time in our existence.

The most immediate new web space connecting to us being TheMissingPiece.site, then the new multi-forum (a forum per each member) so really *really* don't want to rock the boat post-wise.

We're also moving our normal operation from post editing to post versioning.

This has a big impact since each version of the post is a separate unit in the database, thus allowing very cool features such as retrieving exact snapshots of how a thread was at a certain time and date, which is impossible with our current setup.

Your feedback is noted and the following actions are to be put in place:

- Blog owners are getting moderation back within their section.

as well as,

- Complimentary of one (1) hours before locking the post.

Next Wednesday + Thursday are set to complete the post versioning code, starting at the new site.

As post versioning is finished, the regular unlimited editing we are used to returns, with the addendum of leaving a log so fellow members can enjoy a "way-back machine" of threads. A big plus that is worth these temporary inconvenience :nod:

Cheers & many thanks for the comprehension :rose:

This is one of those core features that changes our ways to interact with each other for the better.

Even chance / Re: Re: The way to beat the ECs
March 05, 2017, 08:27:40 PM
Quote from: ADulay on March 05, 2017, 08:00:56 PMWhat?  No editing of posts available?

Hello Andy, we are transitioning to a new web engine right now, from the server back-end to the outside. We have solved users removing content via "post versioning" on the new web engine, but it isn't available here yet hence the temporary lock-down.

This is likely going to be a week of changes for us around as both the old and new engine are co-existing.

Once things settle programming-wise, post editing versioning is coming back.
General Discussion / Re: Forum chat
February 19, 2017, 08:22:23 AM
Hello dear Bebediktus, usage is simple.

1) Click on the lower-right chat bar (connected members' count in parentheses):


2) Click on the user you want to chat with:

