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Messages - VLS

Off-topic / Re: When will the new forum open?
November 19, 2014, 11:53:23 AM
Quote from: wannawin on November 17, 2014, 07:41:59 PMWhat will happen with the requests made in private areas here. Are they being deleted? Will they move to the new space?

Hello dear Walter, thanks for the on-topic questions. They get moved to the new space  :).

Good news being the more open-source code present, the easier it is to implement new modules. This means -over time- module developers (including myself) have to code less to bring new modules into existence.

We are in fact giving birth to a virtuous cycle to benefit communities interested in building software for our field, world-wide.

Quote from: wannawin on November 17, 2014, 07:41:59 PMCan you tell if my contribution this month is no longer needed?

Dear Walter, contributing is more a matter of ensuring the forum continues over time rather than "firing it" for any single month. We have to cover for maintenance every month. As you have witnessed already, on the one hand there's a good amount of support for some months, on the other hand, the forum is struggling at times throughout the year.

If you give in a "good month", rest assured your contribution covers for another month when support may be flaky. Such cushion gives us peace of mind.

Contributions are 100% optional; if they aren't used in a month, they "roll over". It is public/open there's been support this month -gladly-, so give at your personal criterion and utmost convenience :nod:

Quote from: wannawin on November 17, 2014, 07:41:59 PMMaybe I am a thorn in your shoe.

Rest assured you aren't :D Quite the contrary, your voiced interest is very valuable to spark relevant debate. It is appreciated.

Quote from: wannawin on November 17, 2014, 07:41:59 PMGreetings and very good wishes.

To you too. We're eager to learn about your programs/creations.

As soon as the new software site opens, there's a section for your "wanna 'wares".

Off-topic / Re: When will the new forum open?
November 19, 2014, 02:22:45 AM
Quote from: alrelax on November 19, 2014, 02:13:59 AM
So, I am sure you will receive the funds this week, will let you know when the available balance is there to fund it.  Thanks, Alrelax.

Thanks to you for shedding some light on this.

On my side, I continue preparing the new website and accompanying programs at the "night shift"...

Guys, we're set to be *the* free and open source gambling software worldwide. There's no rush, main goal is to get it right so we don't have to re-engineer much down the road.

Thanks again; as soon as funds clear, the new site is bought for it to be online immediately. Open to general/public registrations.
Quote from: alrelax on November 14, 2014, 11:29:58 PM
Vic, can we have a section for 'Voo-Doo', 'Magical Wishes', 'Karma' and 'Luck' statistical analysis???

We have a "Special sections" space in our index. Surely a "Voo-Doo Lounge" board can be added to it.

What topics do you have in mind as content? I must confess this is one weird request for a board over here!! :o
Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMHere the relevant questions:

Hello dear Walter, doing my best to be clear for you when answering.

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMOnly betsoftware programs would be allowed?

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMor you can publish programs that are not compatible with it such as Basic265, python, other?
Yes, no restrictions on programming languages.

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMAnyone can post their programs without approval?
Yes, that's the idea of openness.

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMIf so how would be the subject of viruses addressed?
Initially, each member should take their own protective steps as with any other site taking open software submissions.

If we are eventually flooded by virus publishers then yes, some actions would need to be taken.

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMToday websites are completely blocked with one virus. If it is a forum for downloading programs you have to think about how to stay virus free beforehand.
Let's first see the actual ratio of rogue gambling coders. We are so little in amount it would be pretty unintelligent for one of our community coders to seek banning by publishing virii. The best payoff is to engage in clean actions to ensure a long and prosper stay, with the attached positive feedback building.

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMHow long would the $ 25 USD cover? The new forum cost would be exactly $ 25 USD every month?
It would cover first year of domain + initial paid email.

We start serving the site from this server; only AFTER the new site is successful should we consider reversing the main/piggybacking roles.

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMI recommend that prior to opening the forum you plan the financial side in fine detail.
We are having financial plans other than relying 100% on donations, rest assured.

Quote from: wannawin on November 14, 2014, 04:44:50 PMMuch success with this venture if it is for the common good.
It is for the common good. Thanks for the best wishes.  :) :thumbsup:
Quote from: alrelax on November 14, 2014, 11:11:12 PM
I'm not awesome, I am just an unintelligent, karma wishing-rabbit's foot-voodoo preaching, uninformed gambler, just ask Bayes!  He is the awesome Mathematician!

We're such a happy family... in our own particular loving way :upsidedown:  :love:
Quote from: alrelax on November 14, 2014, 10:34:48 PM
I am sending you $50.00 to cover it, you will have it this weekend.  Alrelax.
Quote from: esoito on November 14, 2014, 10:46:54 PM
...and you've already received my $10.


Thank you!!!!

This also sponsors a fresh forum re-install for us to enjoy clean sources and getting rid of bugs in this forum too.

Bright news guys. You're awesome!

Dozen/Column / Re: Roulette Dozens files/data
November 13, 2014, 03:55:55 PM
Quote from: Matt on November 11, 2014, 02:34:38 AM
Yes that would be great

Feel free to call me Vic :D

Your Dozens program rolls out on this weekend's release of our BetSoftware.

Thanks for the participation guys. To address you and also expand a bit:

100% focused on software, zero "off-topic noise".

Since it doesn't discuss gambling methods at all, it wouldn't have to embed our current 3rd party ads. (i.e. not a competing forum)

While some communities such as poker or blackjack (plus others) wouldn't welcome a forum with roulette system selling ads, a clean forum would have open doors with them. Enhanced market.

We need a commercial offering for sustaining ourselves; not in the far future, but right now in this year 2014. Selling auto-updates and other server-based services is perfectly valid, even if the software itself is 100% free and open source.

We are years away from full-blown non-gambling commercial offerings, hence we focus in what we can sell to support ourselves right now. The new site would be streamlined to our gambling software offering only.

Discussion would be more focused in programming and technology topics. This niche doesn't have the traditional "aggro" associated with the quasi-religious "gambling systems wars". With a clear policy of removing both sides of personal arguments, only the on-topic posts would adorn the place.

Let's see if we can open it this very month; if we happen to complete the $25-or-so needed to spare for trying the venture after covering monthly expenses, I'm all-in for it.
General Discussion / Re: Site suggestions
November 13, 2014, 01:55:00 AM
Quote from: Rinzler on November 11, 2014, 11:31:56 PM
Other than that, make another donation, and the problem might go away?

A forum re-install from scratch is imminent for this month.
Off-topic / A software-oriented forum idea I'm pondering
November 13, 2014, 01:40:19 AM
Ok, here's my idea for a software-oriented forum:

- A forum-neutral zone.

- No method publishing allowed. Methods must be pointed to as they appear in other forums / websites.

- Main focus is code, leaving all "forum politics" behind. We don't allow "carry-overs" for arguments from other forums into this one. A very clear policy: if it's of a personal nature, both sides of the argument get erased.

- No links in signatures; including -of course- abidance by myself and other forum staff members, in order to show we're truly forum-neutral.

- Having the following sections for software coding:
   - Public (any member can post at no cost)
   - Private (for paid coders to attend their users)
   - "Bounty coding" (for members who want to donate a public feature and are willing to offer a bounty for it)
   - Subscribers (those are specifically for me to take).

- The actual content of the forum being programming tutorials/ lessons, the internals of our software explained, as well as other related discussion such as operating systems, new technology... Actual software discussion instead of systems discussion.

What could we achieve with this?

This model facilitates BetSoftware adoption without disrupting the flow at other websites. Members from other websites can link to us with their mind at ease they aren't taking discussion from their favorite place. Since BetSoftware is free and open source, it can transverse other forums seamlessly, gathering coders using disparate technologies who agree on the platform to work together.

Most importantly, it allows us not to be attached/pegged to any other forum in particular, hence we show we do not participate in "forum wars"; if any, it demonstrates we participate in "forum fomenting", since method tweaks and new ideas must be posted in the member's favorite website or forum board of choice, hence we actively foment member activity over there.

What's in it?

To me as admin: I can streamline my software efforts efficiently.

To us as BetSelection website: We can be hosted on the software forum's server for its life at no extra cost to us here.

To the community at large: Enjoying a neutral place where there is only genuine interest in fostering our common software development. Since it's free and open source, it's there for the taking for everyone to enjoy; once a program is published with editable sources it can't be taken back. The whole community wins with every release.

This thread is for gathering some feedback here. It can be a reality as soon as this month.
Dozen/Column / Re: Roulette Dozens files/data
November 11, 2014, 01:26:42 AM
Hello dear Matt,

I have code for generating the dozens/columns data files by yourself (numbers file in / dozens file out).

Would that suffice?
Math & Statistics / Re: The Longest Run Of Heads!
November 09, 2014, 10:21:01 PM
Quote from: TheCaviarKid on November 09, 2014, 09:07:08 PMI can't upload it for some reason.

Chances are it's because of file-size and/or your local connection upload speed. If you wish, I can upload the archive manually via FTP.

Actual URL to download the PDF is:


General Discussion / Re: Ronjos Climb
November 09, 2014, 10:01:18 PM
Quote from: esoito on November 08, 2014, 10:43:29 PMJust a thought but I'm sure if you asked Victor he would set up a blog section for you.

Indeed; the dedicated space was discussed, setup and it's up already at:


General Discussion / Re: 0 00 1 2 3
November 08, 2014, 05:03:27 PM
The average hold is lowering in Vegas. Players are "wising up" [smiley]giga/tombe.gif[/smiley] (or becoming tighter with their money!)


Quote from: Mr J on October 27, 2014, 03:02:33 AMSo the players *CREATE* the hold
Seems they are creating less of it as the current tendency!

Since trends in "casino land" can cover really LONG spans, it would be interesting to see the same chart for a whole century.