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Messages - VLS

September 29, 2014, 07:47:49 PM
Hello dear Walter,

Please rest assured it is for sustaining the website, not for our personal gain.

To Esoito and Adulay:

Thank you guys for the time and effort you put into this. It is true: Being a moderator is an unpaid job, not only is it unpaid but most of the times a thankless one too. The kind fellows who do it have to bear with plenty of matters, for the benefit of all folks. In this sense it is a heroic job.

That's why we only have two; fellows our whole community respects and values.

Recent events made me realize the little I have expressed my supportive stand; in private, yes I have, but in public I haven't expressed my support for fellow mods enough.

In trying to be as impartial (or center-leaning) for having the less friction in threads, I have at times left mods with the lesser end of my public support.

I just wanted to comment I fully support Esoito's actions. Our forum is what it is thanks to him in a lot of ways. He is basically the main mod, and he is -in practice- the most instrumental person in giving our place its brand as a place with high standards in moderation.

So, in this opportunity I wanted to comment -openly- I fully, in an unabated way, support Esoito and his actions. I trust him entirely and I am grateful for all he does and his support towards myself and towards us. He is truly a cornerstone of our community.

Also, I'd like to say I fully support Adulay in the same standard. He is one fine guy who can smell right from wrong -both game-wise as well as forum-infractions wise-, in a one-mile radius.

We are very fortunate to have Adulay in our moderation team since he's perhaps one of the most savvy members from our scene; with many years of dealing with our communities, particularly in baccarat. I can't thank him enough either.

Our small BetSelection community benefits from their unselfish support 24/7. We are around 50-60 active members; we are -in fact- a team: admin, mods and users alike. All of us make our small part to stand here. We can rest assured to get along smoothly thanks to the mediation of fellow mods.

To Esoito and Adulay, my utmost personal support.

P.S. If you can drop a line of support for our mods, by all means do so too. They are doing it from their heart.

October is our anniversary month. Chances are we'll give our forum a "goodie" in the form of either a re-install or new features such as in-house games (time permitting).

We can't let our 2nd anniversary  pass without celebrating our space [smiley]skype/yes.gif[/smiley]
General Discussion / Re: Triply important support!
September 27, 2014, 01:11:27 AM
Thanks for your encouragement words. Hopefully some supporting fellows assist. 1st due date (main server) is on the 28th.

At least one more tenner would get it covered.

In the grand scheme of life, this represents just a little individually; yet in our small online world this timely support means a lot :nod:
September 26, 2014, 03:10:10 AM
Nice to hear from you Mr. G!

I'm a persistent fellow. The focus is certainly here. Only eventually would we "spill" to other communities when our internet 'wares are good enough for allowing it. Without disruption of our community. I have learned from the past.

...Yes, I have to work by day, but I can be a coding super-hero at night :D

This forum is built upon an open-source "core" used by other forums; A platform entirely engineered by me would mean a different "beast". We have the time, and we're slowly building the support.

There's still plenty of innovation to be made in programs for our small gambling-oriented world. That's our starting point :nod:
September 25, 2014, 11:44:10 PM
My friend, I feel way under-estimated at my current jobs. I'm basically doing the same thing over and over and over; I'd rather explode creativity to the max!

BetSelection.cc is instrumental in building the core for a new tech-oriented spin-off to appear. I aim to be (eventually) making a living off the new site; rest assured I don't aim to make a living from the members here, but rather to give to them. Still, support for our site here is utmost important since we are the seeders to it. We are set to develop our new web engine, for our own internal use first, then it is expected to attract others as it is seen in use, so it kick-starts the programming languages then when it's solid, eventually the OS.

In short, we are the initial and most important core step.

I'd be happier building new technologies to make life a better and easier experience to internet fellows, rather than making roughly the same database-oriented programs time and time again. Yes it helps, but the fun to do such jobs is gone; a long time ago.

Now, the great thing is the BetSoftware framework is a fresh venue we are exploring, creating from scratch, building our own protocols and making creative solutions to our coding needs. Love "IT"! :)

BTW: -Curiously enough- web technologies, programming languages and operating systems are never-ending endeavors, so it's the sort of technologies you "marry" for a lifetime. If everything goes right, we end-up creating "cult" technologies, starting with BetSoftware here. A very positive revolution from which each of the people involved (other coders and users alike) get a share of the benefits.

Like you imply, empowering the creation of this: is worth doing.

Cheers! :thumbsup:
General Discussion / Re: Triply important support!
September 25, 2014, 11:48:30 AM
Thanks to A.D. for giving $10, making it:


We're a community, thanks for expressing kindness towards all of us.
BetSoftware Discussion / Are you a Mac user? One for you!
September 25, 2014, 04:58:56 AM
Our new BetSoftware is cross-platform. It is certified to work under Windows and Linux, but we need a real/physical MacOS user (not virtual machine) to confirm it works on a regular Mac setup exactly "as is, on the wild".

If you are a Mac user who's willing to give it a try and report back your experience, there's a complimentary pass for you!

This is one exciting piece of software integrating multiple technologies. Covering Windows, Linux and Mac is definitely a way to make it wide-reaching on the desktop.

If you're a willing Mac owner, kindly send a PM or "shout" below.

General Discussion / Re: Triply important support!
September 25, 2014, 01:02:51 AM
Our goal for September is only $50:

Thanks to P.P. for giving $10, making it:


Hopefully more kindness follows as we all deserve our community to be safe and well.
General Discussion / Triply important support!
September 23, 2014, 02:44:25 PM
Your support for this month is triply important:

  • Our yearly .cc domain name needs renewing. It gives us another year of BetSelection.cc domain.
  • Monthly server bills are near due. It provides us with uninterrupted service.
  • Moderation code needs to be done. It improves our community's well-being directly.

If there was ever a good moment to spare a little for the forum, this is it!

Link: http://betselection.cc/support/

Thanks for your backing. Let's keep our space up & well [smiley]skype/heart.gif[/smiley]

General Discussion / @Mathemagician => Section?
September 22, 2014, 12:25:42 AM
Hi there, would you like to have a section under members' software for yours?

You could publish announcements, improvements, session videos, etc.

We allow proprietary software, as long as our members can get a good evaluation before buying. (e.g. Roulette Xtreme)

What do you think about it?

BetSoftware Discussion / BetSoftware source code @ GitHub
September 21, 2014, 12:14:26 AM
Hi guys, new source code is being featured at:


You can track our progress there.
Off-topic / Re: @Turner
September 20, 2014, 12:12:57 AM
Quote from: Turner on September 19, 2014, 11:27:15 PM
I think I will pass on that one :thumbsup:

You, sir, are a wise man... what eyes get to see cannot be unseen...

(Even a snippet of it is too much [smiley]skype/drink.gif[/smiley])


Off-topic / Re: @Turner
September 19, 2014, 10:59:57 PM
Quote from: Turner on September 19, 2014, 10:40:48 PM
Its visually much more horrific than I ever penned in words

You should see the sad spider dressed as queen Elizabeth of York puddling with her banana split.
