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Messages - VLS

 :D  Well, he posted a raw IP address, maybe he just "slipped".
I just talked on the chat with sbobitcoin.com

That's the actual address. I'm not endorsing, just informing!
BetSoftware Framework / Pricing, pricing, pricing...
January 04, 2014, 04:07:14 AM
After a lot of meditation on the subject, I'm settling for this pricing scheme:

- $2.99 => one time payment, "as is".

- $8/mo => auto-update, supported, with web services.

Only two clearly defined options. Both for serving the occasional unregistered fellow who wants to catch the latest module as well as the faithful user who wants to stay on the bleeding edge, enjoying everything.
Off-topic / Re: Happy Newyear
January 02, 2014, 03:44:45 PM
Quote from: Stepkevh on January 02, 2014, 06:54:02 AMBut the truth is that i needed to get a real job again because programming didn't earn enough.

Did you try the "traditional" freelancing sites Stef?


It might not be enough to quit the day job, but you might land in good gigs to supplement it.
Off-topic / Re: Happy Newyear
January 01, 2014, 05:23:54 PM
Happy 2014 to you too Stef.

May you and your family be well this year  :nod:
Community Software / Re: Help on VB.net
December 31, 2013, 05:15:38 AM
OK, some choice from me at this very moment in time. Pick one  :D :

a) I can teach you how to interact with our framework so you don't have to do all the code, just enjoy receiving the number and taking it from there.

b) I can give you pointers on how to create a custom optical reader. I'm not going to write the custom code for you though. As Normy can testify, the casinos must be faced with different algorithms from time to time.

Your choice, I'm fine either way!
Off-topic / Happy New Year 2014!
December 31, 2013, 02:26:09 AM
May 2014 bring you the best and all your New Year's Wishes become a reality...


From Victor & Family



For the love of mankind, mass-produce these!!


Download: [attachmini=1]

Includes a module to collect data (writes to disk, so you can log entered numbers to a file):



(You must set the actuals file in order to enable it).

I'm taking special care for having it cross-platform from day #1.

It should run on Linux, Mac and other supported systems via Mono:


Also via WINE with either Microsoft's .NET runtime or "Mono on Windows".
Hello guys, I'm providing these releases for the community to get familiar with our BetSoftware Framework, ask questions about it and post feedback.



Download: [attachmini=2]

Usage is very simple:

1) Start BetSoftware_loader.exe
2) Select the module(s) on the list, click add.
3) Once added, hit the "Launch" button.

This release has two single modules: An Euro Felt + History list. This way you can't go wrong.

Enjoy! and feel free to provide your valuable feedback!

Off-topic / Re: Merry Christmas :D 8D 0:D
December 26, 2013, 04:43:16 AM

I am not in favor of goodbyes nor disconnecting from love. Miracle, odd-defying, events happen each and every day & night at the many tables in the world. What's one more for you?  :nod:

Live good, for as long as possible. Live great, as intense as possible. Live peacefully, as internally happy as possible.

...Every day in happiness is heaven. We are already having heaven in our lives here and now. No need to reach out.

Peace in love
Math & Statistics / Re: Why Hit & Run is absurd
December 25, 2013, 09:44:42 PM
hahaha, "Hit & Run Vampire"

Now that's a catchy phrase  :D
Off-topic / Merry Christmas 2013
December 24, 2013, 01:09:23 AM
I join Proof's post in best wishes.

Have a very Merry Christmas this year 2013.

In this special time of the year may you be surrounded by the people you love and by those who love you the most.

Me, my wife and Vic Jr. wish you and yours the best time.


Vic & Family
Quote from: Albalaha on December 23, 2013, 03:51:51 AM
I am betting on Red only and targeting two consecutive wins on that. What is the longest stretch of no such hits on any EC, this way?
Dear Sumit, the expected rate's Math is exactly as a single occurrence. My best guess is it's around the "less-than-twenty-times the cycle universe" rule*, which propagates throughout the game.

So with an universe of 2, you have 2 per cycle x 20 = at most 39 times ever recorded in live game conditions.

*: Please note in simulated TRNG anything goes; that "rule" (with quotes) goes for the regular player facing regular game speed in casino conditions.