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Messages - Wildcard

General Discussion / Re: Chat room?
December 25, 2012, 04:04:22 PM
A place for live chatting is always a plus, people usually enjoy the company of other fellow members and it sparks interest on threads and provides ground for new ideas (or revamping of old ones, i guess).

My 2 (euro) cents ... gone !
Superman, I would like to have a word with your daughter that is wearing Santa´s hat, only that one  :P

Bally, I would also like to have a word with one of your grails, only the one that has "holy" all over.

Best wishes to the memberhood and a kick "S" (yes, it reads behind :P ) 2013.
General Discussion / Re: Christmas Thanks to the Forum
December 25, 2012, 03:47:30 PM
2102 !!!  Yeah !  >:D

I wanna be here to witness that. May the forum keep on going steady and humble.

Thank you Vic, and cheers to all .  :beer: 

Straight-up / Re: Cyclic wakers
December 16, 2012, 04:31:24 PM
That´s a nice graph ! Interesting concept (strangely enough, it never ocurred to me).
Is this a typical session ? Have you experience any losses ?
Can you please show us the result of 2 or 3 new sessions ? If you can, thank you in advance. 
Geee ... thanks a lot guys.
I think I´ll have to run MyLife - As Is 1.1 program til the end, trying to get rid of all these weird viruses, then reboot and maybe grab a new motherboard  ;D .
Off-topic / Re: DIY (Do it yourself)
December 16, 2012, 12:14:45 AM
If you have 6:01 minutes to spare, I think you´ll enjoy this idea.

Cardboard bike by Izhar Gafni
Something I noticed at my home system...

As soon as i finnished installing Ourdaughters 2.0, I got some sort of bug on Sexaverage Routines ... is this expected ? How can I upgrade to Offline Happiness 2013 ?  :stress:

Please, help !!!

Straight-up / Re: Play just one number
December 15, 2012, 11:50:20 PM
Fellow members, I did some "off the record" tests of this system on dozens, to prepare ground for a new thread, like I said before.

Truth is this only works on dozens (columns) if your chosen dozen (column) performs close to the expected rate. If not, then the progression puts you in a deep hole, and believe me when i say deep !

Why ? Because adding one unit will not suffice when you have a bad run playing 2:1 odds. Simple as that. I should have seen it from a distance  :glasses: .

Pardon the interruption, please do carry on.
Straight-up / Re: Play just one number
December 09, 2012, 10:22:41 PM
Ralph, maybe you should stick with this play, it seems it works smoothly and keeps on going positive every time ... ( and even chances may be frustrating at times ).

The eventual drawdown during a session is being treated like yesterday´s news... a vague memory!

I´ve been thinking on opening a thread for testing, using this system on dozens. Shorter sessions... only trouble is finding the time since I don´t have bots for this and family is always trying to get me  ;)

  Let´s see what I can do.

Thank you so much for all you have brought on to the "table". Hope you keep up all the good work and the juices flowing.
General Discussion / Re: Thank a programmer today
December 09, 2012, 09:46:48 PM
+2  :P

Tough I seldom use their software (hell, I hardly play these days), I truly value their efforts and sharing spirit.

Let´s not forget Victor too !

Thank you, guys.