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Messages - XXVV

General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 10, 2013, 11:49:50 PM
Coming out of this is Clumping Theory.

I want to thank Vic for drawing our attention to this. The discussion on the development of the clumping  and then the identification of the target clump ( lets call it cluster it's a bit prettier) through triggers and then filters is a fantastic zone of interest for me. Then combining that work with the cycles of 37 spins,or more or less, on a spin by spin review, reveals treasure I am certain.

General Discussion / Re: DISCUSSION: Bob the Old Fogey
January 09, 2013, 08:05:14 PM

You have stated a wonderful and very helpful principle in the clustering of 37 spin data. Your practical insight into taking advantage of the short term groupings is fantastic and true. The cycles can be extended more than many might realize. Based on massive live spin analysis, I prefer to use individual inside numbers ( with a trap net support) because that can give higher returns, and maybe more efficient, smarter bets. But that can be discussed later.

To serve an apprenticeship for 25 years is no bad thing if the outcomes can change your world.

This is a very interesting and challenging thread - potentially.

There has even been some debate over just what is meant by the title*. Surely it is one of the toughest and most pivotal of all quests in roulette and the author of the thread title I am sure knew exactly what he was doing - so I do disagree with the remark from Sqzbox (lol).

Ironically, the term 'consistent' itself implies in logic a lack of contradiction and thus an establishment  of harmony, not one of division, ambiguity and confusion.

*is this the title of the thread where the question is asked, or the title of this thread requesting the bets to be listed?  lol.

Perhaps the author of the thread in which we are now writing may have intended a slight tongue-in -cheek quality to the title. It seems so simple, so innocent, to request further detail, once a voter has taken the side of the proposition 'yes' " - does a consistent flat bet already exist?

Just list them here then, says our host, those bets that could transform your world and potentially be worth a fortune. Lets have them then!  Come on! There must be at least 15 of them or more.....

Wait a moment. I don't think that those who voted "yes" are naive optimists, or gullible, easily persuaded victims of fraud,  or secretive agents of dark forces of a new world order, or just selfish individuals. They are simply reserving their right to retain the privacy and the value of their work.

Parallel with this is the spirit of working together in this Forum for a collective greater good. Now this is another matter. Given the true spirit of that being accepted, then it is likely that individuals will contribute  some research and some key principles and shape them in such a way as to help us all.

It is said the teacher learns most in any class, so in shaping and forming and ordering our thoughts, then progress can be made in more effective, more 'efficient' communication, working toward the goal of success in roulette.

Yes, yes, yes..... well ( with respect) we are awaiting your next step, Sqzbx.
...."can we find efficiencies from the Ecart?.....

I voted yes, but it was a conditional yes.

The conditions are that the principles of accurate timing, smart bet selection, and super cool money management are applied at all times by the player in short cycle sequences, to enable an extremely efficient performance to sustain an average return ( say+5%) on investment sufficient to sustain compound growth of free money utilised exclusively for this purpose.
Nice stories.

I love them when there is a final long shot after a suitable prior time lapse.

Zooming in we see Charles, Harry, Martin, and all our favourite larger than life casino cartoon characters behind a mountain of coloured coded chips. Martin even has a shot where his in the spa bath and the chips are flowing over the side into the water as the waiter comes in with the champagne..... and one glass.

That says it all.

Fade to black.

We love happy endings, and the never ending story of roulette, winds on for the next reel.

Story is, there are rumours of freshly stirred 'psychic capital' about to be distributed, for much benefit from Mr Kite.

Watch this space.
Thank you Sqzbox and Victor for key thought generating definitions and your practical observations for survival while climbing this challenging mountain.

Your statements deserve much detailed response and elaboration but if I may briefly add to Victor's note on the principles of bankroll preservation on one hand ( a delicate balancing act) and smart trigger timing as such a key efficiency component on the other hand, we are making fantastic progress and are starting this discussion well above base camp.

With the use of finely tuned triggers to activate designated trap bets we use time as our friend, and constantly review our position. Awareness and alertness is everything in choosing what to do next. When your life depends on it, we could say you will operate at peak efficiency. It is that level of focus that is needed to bring the best results.

Embedded in these few sentences are several ideas which need explanation and these will follow in due course. Thanks Sqzbox for rising to the challenge- lol.
January 01, 2013, 10:29:28 PM
Welcome Sqzbox

Looking forward to much that you have to offer. The resources within this Forum are formidable. Perhaps your musicianship will enable an 'effective' inter-action of right and left brain activity -lol.

Have you thought about a more 'efficient bet' in your studies?

With due respect to the esteemed individuals involved here, this is an exercise in utter futility and a waste of valuable time. Why make problems for yourself?

A smart bet would filter out the sleepers. Never chase them.

Instead reverse the psychology not the engineering.

Where 3 was cold it may well be some of its neighbours were busy compensating.

Whatever, the real action was somewhere else.

Any methodology needs to be responsive to reality.

One definition of insanity is to keep banging your head against the (same) wall thinking its got to change soon. Not necessarily.

Look elsewhere for real success. And work in short cycles !

Cheers and Merry Christmas XXVV
General Discussion / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Victor
November 11, 2012, 05:21:40 AM
Indeed many happy returns from a 12/12.

General Discussion / Re: Why "Bet Selection"?
November 02, 2012, 11:39:49 PM
Absolutely so. This is the essence and the title is apt. Its all about the clarity and focus to enable the very most effective bets, and the timing as to when to apply that selection/ trap, and the timing of when to quit, most probably with profit, and a suitable sum.

Having affirmed that very rational position let me remind us all of the 'comedy of errors' we may witness at the casino while playing live. No such errors occur when testing or reviewing previous play.

The frailties of human nature are such that I can only emphasise repeat and repeat and repeat, as would the professional in any endeavour. Learn from the errors and bring to the table only your very best learned and trained behaviour. And when you do fall short simply pick yourself up and do it again, better next time. No self flagellation is needed. That is the way of nature, with a series of micro adjustments, and yes the occasional quantum leap.

Recently ( again) reading 'Deep Simplicity' and seeing the forces at work that adjust and improve, and also the mathematics of such wonderful change for adjustment and improvement 'on the edge of chaos'. It appears that on many levels, as with Fractal Patterns, there is a 'simplicity' which transcends all.

That is also where the most action is, just below the surface, or at the 'interface', in interaction.

More on this soon, and congratulations to Victor et al for establishing this Forum.

My preference is for simplicity in selection and application of bets and taking profits.

I will be specific soon and set up a suitable thread.

General Discussion / Re: What's this site about?
October 30, 2012, 09:36:49 PM
Very kind words indeed and much appreciated. I look forward to doing some good work here and for us all helping one another in our worthy goals. More soon.
General Discussion / Re: What's this site about?
October 28, 2012, 03:59:28 AM
Dear Victor et al

Thanks for your kind invitation. I pushed a few buttons and whoosh!

Now I have found I have landed on Planet BetSelection.

Seems a refined atmosphere.

Also some delightful friends from the past.

Must be one of those parallel universes.....lol.

Good Fortune in Time and Space.

I look forward to some great correspondence. What a good and very timely idea.
