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Topics - alrelax

Vegas and Atlantic City / Las Vegas under siege
June 02, 2020, 01:09:54 PM
Not a good scenario for the opening week supposedly in Las Vegas and I would suspect everything's going to be pushed off. Unlike most other cities and what's happening in America it seems Las Vegas is going to be an extended stage for the protests. Here's what happened a few hours ago.

Wagering & Intricacies / Face Up
June 01, 2020, 04:11:26 AM
At some point and time, no matter what your background is, no matter who you were as a child, how you were raised, your education level, your life experiences, your understanding of randomness, holy-grails, money management and cards, no matter what you believe or not about website systems, what you see other people do at the table, or what your visions are, how old you are, and the numerous other exposures you have to everything else in everyday life.  They will not change the presentments the shoe will make. 

You make choices and I am emphasizing that word, 'CHOICES'. You make those choices knowledgeable or not, that you are making them and what those choices will be and will cause, without the knowledge of what those choices will bring at the table the highest majority of the time.

The consequences will be the result of anything to everything at the table. There are consequences for everything you do and you can recognize that or not. Most people will not recognize it and will believe that they are in control of everything they do, when the reality is completely the opposite of just that.

You have to face up and realize what you are going to do, how you are going to do it and where you will be brought by those actions, that you chose to do. The choices, actions, protocols and beliefs will allow you to either profit or lose. Your bottom line is directly related to your actions, in choices that you succumb to.

In this case, I say that succumb could be good. If you yield to the overpowering strength, the shoe has because the shoe is right, 100% correct every single hand, section, game,  period.  The shoe never makes a mistake, or any other fallacy that almost all players are under the belief has to happen or should happen. That is why I say that the shoe is correct 100% of the time. Just about every player at the table, in the game of Baccarat, will not feel that way and will feel that when the shoe did not present what they thought it should have presented, the choices become astronomically wrong with the players melting emotions, that will lead them down the wrong path.

Usually the meaning of succumb means death or brought to an end due to destructive or disruptive forces. Not much different at most baccarat tables around the country and around the world, day after day,, night after night.

So defer and turn it around, try yielding to the shoe in so many words. Otherwise that shoe will be your opposing force, that has no respect, no recognition and no acknowledgement of you, you the person that is sitting in front of it wagering your hard-earned and very valuable risk capital.  Realize that means nothing to the shoe, but means everything to yourself.
Well we're on the way,  Friday afternoon we're on the way to play some baccarat for the first time in a couple of months. Place opened earlier in the week and we decided to take a ride down it's about 300 miles from us, I'll let you know what happens after a while talk to you guys later.
Online Casinos / The reality of on-line casinos
May 29, 2020, 06:25:08 AM
The sheer reality, most do not want to recognize, personally online casinos for a large part are a hoax. Go ahead and play them, but know who you're playing with and if the companies are regulated or not.

Take my word for it, it's not going to be pretty and it won't be pro-consumer like everyone thinks it will be.

The state Gaming Control Board is preparing to accommodate tourists who show up in Las Vegas, show signs of being infected and are turned away by resorts.

Ten nongaming properties are set to be available to quarantine the newly afflicted victims.

Got to take a bow to him and say; "Your the man".

I want to bring something out about W's and L's posted on gambling forums and boards on the internet.  W's and L's are common and as a standard of the forum posting field, more likely than not, the author will not tell you how those W's came about.  I mean, how he chooses the wager that won the bet. 

IMO, I have found countless authors will run hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of hands with 1 or 2 scheduled wagers are being applied.  They will accumulate downswings or clumps of losses before their scheduled wagering equals out or they get a few units ahead. Eventually they will stop their session on paper and show a +5, +10, +20 unit profit, etc. They repeatedly do this.

Such as:  W-W-L-L-W-L-W-W-L-L-L-L-L-L-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-W-L-L-L-L-W-L-W-L-L-W-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-L-W-W-W-L-L-W-W-L-L-L-W-L-L-L-W-L-W-W-W-W-L-L-L-W-L-L-L-L-L-L-W-L-W-L-W-L-L-L- W-W-L-W-W-L-W-W-W-W-L-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-L-W-L-W-W-W-W-W-W-L-W-W-W-W-L-L-W-W-W-W-L-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-W-W-W-W-W-W-L-W-L-L-W-W-W-W

????.and their W's and L's will continue and continue for hundreds of hands. They play and play and play running their continuous stream on W?s and L?s.  At points risking 24 or 30 lost units, which in reality at a real B&M casino would be into thousands and thousands of dollars. Personally have no idea if they are continuously wagering on the Banker and hoping and waiting on the presentments of Bankers to get ahead than the Players side.  Of course on paper, they can easily carry this on for 5 or 10 shoes and running down, say 40 or 50 units.  But in person with their real cash at risk in a B&M casino, they offer no proof that they actually do any of this. 

I have seen situations where picking any side, Banker or Player or any situation, Chop-Chop or Second Line or wagering only after 2 or 4 repeats in a row, etc., etc., or a host of dozens of other possibilities, etc., would all prevail for a very limited amount of wins and then followed by every other thing except what the gambler was trying for.  Lost units would amount into the tens of thousands easily at $25.00 to $150.00 a hand, realistically low wagering at most all casinos.

Regardless, run a group of 20 shoes and continually wager something on them, then run another group of shoes and continuously wager that same thing on that group. Then run another group and another group.  You will get ahead; you will get behind and possibly exactly even several times. But, it is a risk of your bankroll and buy-ins that are so far against you to gain profits and be able to really make something out of the game; it is on the verge of being ludicrous.   

Here is a quote that someone on BetSelection has said to me and about me. "@Alrelax, Idiotic hyper progressions look rewarding but are fatal. Actually, progressions work in direct proportion to chance of losing all. You win pretty fast with it until you lose back all. Take classic martingale for that manner, it wins one unit easily till it gives back all in just one bad stretch. Casino would love to see a player using marty. He ensures the slowest win and the fastest loss."  My response.  Well, if the gambler wagers it with common sense, use an advantage Money Management Method for himself, etc., he will be able to put those wins away and use a certain portion of those progressive wins to maintain his win status and keep profiting.  When his win status falls off, if that gambler continues to follow his Money Management Method, he will cash out and take a nice profit. 

However, point being if the gambler is going to continue his wagering, whether flat, every third hand, every Banker or Player, every chop or every second line only, every 4th or 5th wager coming up after the first 3 or 4 or repeating Bs or Ps, etc., the gambler will certainly give it all back, EACH AND EVERY TIME, no matter what.  I have witnessed just that countless times at every B&M casino I have ever played at.

Two short examples of what I have read on the internet.  One author claims to risk 60 units with his wagering plan to make a few units.  Well, 60 units at an extremely low bet mount of $25.00 is $1,500.00.  Risking $1,500.00 (Plus) to maybe profit $75.00 or $100.00?  Another author boast on 300 units is his (almost max) drawdown, whatever almost means, and say it was at $25.00, that would total to be $7,500.00 and if it was at $50.00, the total at risk would have to be $15,000.00. 

With no guarantee, no written assurance, and the possibility that the entire bankroll can disappear, to me that only complicates the matter of frustration, aggravation and generally adds to----just getting sucked in. 
By our member: Lungyeh

Short discussion on what to do to survive post Covid-19 drawing on words of wisdom. This first episode will tell you the attitude needed and the overall strategy to adopt. Subsequent episodes will cover specific areas and will explore specific issues like cash flow forecasting in the new normal.

The Sage and the Young Ones is a channel dedicated to wisdom discussions transcending the generations; exchange of views with some episodes demonstrating that sometimes the old has lots to learn from the young ones.

Part 1:


Part 2:

Wagering & Intricacies / L.I.S.T. & MMM
May 17, 2020, 11:04:41 PM
When you are at the table, you must set aside all feelings, control desire and statistical results/beliefs that all mean nothing at the instant time and shoe event that you are sitting at.  The results and how they came about in everything up to the instant time, mean nothing when compared with what is about to happen.

You need a clear and neutral mind-set to think with and gain advantage from; and be in the moments with conscious thought, as the presentments are occurring.  Do not let them influence or sway your thoughts.

Down to Business.  There is a general misunderstanding of the game of baccarat.  I like to relate this to the Firehouse/Fireman's Effect.  Which is basically, 2 people with much down-time or those people together all the time, talking about something will most of the time, be accepted as true and outside observers would easily see as completely irrational.  And hence, that is exactly the problem with gambling forums and their clicks and groups of members that, 'Hang out together with support of each other--no matter what is typed out and said' about how to win and how to make a living gambling with all of the hundreds of professionals claiming to win most every time at the Bac table.

all your Money Management Methods.  Rules, Notes, Governing Protocols, Etc.

INCLUDE reminders you know can aid in guiding you to better play, keeping more of the wins and giving you influence to call it a session when you are ahead instead of going for large and almost always unattainable wins.

STAY focused.  Engage with others for the possibilities of learning some insights, occasional tips, discovering the destructiveness of the game, but most of all--remember influence and desiring going with or against is extremely volatile and instills almost all the wrong reasons for wagering. Write down the things that have haunted you in the past, synopsis's of condensed 'bad situations'.

TAKE your list with you and pull it out, read it, remind yourself of what you need to do, should do, must do and DO IT!

"When it is there, realize it; when it is not do not attempt to make it happen.  That is where we all have gone and go wrong".  By: Alrelax.

I was on the interstate yesterday and noticeably some state do not want to deal with staffing or cleaning their rest areas, while others perform their appointed tasks and duties.


Caesars announcing they publishd a video on safety and they're probably going to reopen by the end of May as follows.

C19 Tourism, Local Economy, Orders to Stay Away & Casinos with the Money Dominating Rule.  The Reality Behind What is Happening.
