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Topics - alrelax


A math guy and an open minded thinker:

Vision, Consciousness & Recognition of Funds

Whether it is bank roll or buy-in or win funds.  Does not matter.  A portion of players will handle their funds extremely consciously, very intelligent and with the knowledge and constant recognition, that the funds they possess, on the table, in their pocket, or those that are available,  should not govern them in their decision making processes, whatever that may be.  Pretty much straight forward and simplistic to the easiest ABCs and Gambling 101s.

However, I have asked many people that do play baccarat, as to their views and thoughts on win money in particular.  The rest the money situation and how each thinks about it, really is too varied and too complicated to understand without knowing those people 24/7 for huge amounts of time.  So, here it is from the horse's mouths as the saying goes.

I asked H-Money the other night.  Me: Say you won $100,000.00 from the casino and left with it, went and purchased two cars for $50,000.00 each.  Then you went back next week to any casino and lost your check of $1,500.00 that night.  Would you be down $1,500.00 or what?  H-Money:  No, I would be not be down, I would be up $98,500.00 if that was my second time gambling. 

He further went on to say, You have to keep a running total in your head, as to the amount you are up or down, because you are free to play if you are still and you have to be careful and play more cautiously if you are down until you get up again. 

WOW!  I actually heard almost that same thing from another two baccarat players that played the game for a couple of years or so.  Interesting!  I do believe that money management systems and thought/beliefs about win money, go hand in hand with how a player thinks, cashes out and gauges his play/session times at the table. 

I have definitely concluded for myself that refreshing and resetting during the sessions as well as at the end of the session, no matter the outcome (win or lose) is vitally important and in your favor tremendously. 

No resetting and refreshing is extremely dangerous;
Viewing wins as not yours is extremely dangerous;
Viewing cash out as up money is extremely dangerous;
Running tab---of wins and losses and gauging yourself according to same, is extremely dangerous.

The above leads most players to, have to make; have to earn; pressure; false positive reinforcements; forced sessions to produce; visions that cannot be seen or realized are even happening in front of them; possible reinforcing of negativity or caution that hampers their winning ability. 
"The inherently unknowable nature of reality can be a tough pill to swallow, at least initially. It can send you down the rabbit hole and back many times. But the more you surrender to this simple truth, the more wondrous reality can become."

TO ME, THAT SENTENCE HAS GREAT VALUE!  Here is the rest of it that Gizmo inspired m finish early this morning:

Either you play for what the statistical results say which, there is no way to have a definitive appearing schedule of results and in proper order to follow.  When you play that way you will be playing for a few units here and there, as your mind-frame will not allow you to follow streaks, chops, patterns/trends or anything of the like. 

I am sorry, I have played for decades and I have encountered every kind of player's mind frame, the above statistical and mathematical beliefs will reappear in their exact order as reported or translates from the long run to the 1 or 3 or 5 shoe session the player is sitting in front of.  Those will argue until their death, which the results have to appear because they play so much and so long that the 51% to 70% something, always comes about in their multi sessions and thus, 1% to 20 something percent is their claimed profit.  Their bankrolls have to be huge IMO and experience and their profits if they religiously live in the casino and gamble everyday are very minimal.  Again, IMO experience and extensive exposure to casino management within and outside of my immediate family. 

Oh yeah, and by the way give your reasoning how Don Johnson and Phil Ivey and all the rest of the great wins by famous or infamous gamblers are all based on math, statisticals and their special knowledge of mathematical secrets!  It makes great press copy in the media and gives them something to say, rather than, just hit a great streak, saw the opportunity because of so and so, and ride it until I started to fall off, etc.  They say, they accomplished it because of learning the wizard's or the doctor's classroom teaching through years and years of study, I applied the math and I profited last night by millions of dollars, etc.  Here is the absolute truth to those people and their opportunities that they captured and exploited.  Opps, I just said the reason!  Anyway, if they really had that holy-grail through math and stats, they would apply it every day or once a week and win that same huge amount or greater amounts over and over.  Sorry that statement I just wrote is concrete reality, but go ahead and change it. 

Their beliefs are the same as almost any industry that has rules, regulations and guidelines for deployment of most anything.  There is classroom and there is reality and real-life situations.  I have cited plenty within my writings on this board.  One-Size does not, cannot and will never fit all!!   But it makes for others to have a daily say so without producing anything in their behalf except their continued and repeated words without, proof, pictures, W-2's, Win-Losses, something anything, but continually nothing.  They will only cite their fear of getting banned from a game that the casino never bans anyone from unless they are cheating, bothering players after being warned or some other wrong doing--but never ever for winning too much, never. 

Can their system work?  Sure.  IMO, less than the proper way to play the game in real life.  In the classroom and on the calculator, they win.  But in real-life they lose or push at best.  And they seldom if ever, claim in their opinion, or their experiences, or anything of the like.  What they cite, claim and will die by, is their statistics, math, charts, graphs, books, calculations and textbook reasoning, that their way is scientific, backed up by concrete and solid mathematical findings, etc., etc., and blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda. 

But as I said above, if you do deploy that type of relationship to wagering, you cannot deviate to anything else at the table.  Then you fail to follow your method and believes.  No matter what!  That is the kicker.  It would be the same as saying safe sex for my entire life, except with so and so because I know she is 100% clean and drug/disease free and never has any other relationship outside of my occasional fling with her.  No different, I am sorry, but exactly the same.

The issue of subjective and objective comes up here to really understand how a player's mind enters and goes along with his decision making process.  But that gets a bit complicated and off-track of gambling itself.  If you do not understand some basic psychology, you cannot and will not understand how you are influenced by problems, results, positive reinforcement or false positive reinforcement in gambling and baccarat. 

Or, you play the game of baccarat prepared for the risk of loss in the attempt to match the shoe presentments which do, can and will frequently come in larger 'waves' than those of attempting the match up of the classroom and math stats that provide false positives thus disallowing you to profit extremely well on those same 'waves' of streaks, chops, patterns/trends and other presentments that are in contradictory to their 1% to 20 something percent repeating statistics that will only come in units of singular to few, with far less frequency than the 'reality of real-life shoe presentments', that are actually contained within their own mathematical and statistical testing--just that they view those very same presentments as 'nonexistent' and they are unable to capitalize on them.  Bottom line is, even with a statistic found with an 80% return rate, the shoes ran will have to be a minimum of a 10 million shoes series test.  That person has the false positive reinforcement that they will win 80% of the time if they play long enough.  But as I have always said, they cannot play the entire series in one continuous session which blows their win/prevailing statisticals out of the water.  They contend, does not matter how many sessions or how long they play, they count on their concurrent play status to provide them with profit, not an individual session.  Okay, fine, but they fail to actually recognize, they may actually be always playing during that 2,000,000 shoes 'section' of the stats that produced the 20% loss with the rejection of their 80% hit rate of that certain thing/wager.  Hence, a false positive.  False positives produces losses.  Period. 

Here is one of the few papers in part, I saved from my college days.  I do believe it applies to baccarat and the player's vision and mind-frame as I have so often mentioned.  Sadly, many players do not venture past the score board or score card in figuring anything out that might help them with their decisions and play time.

"Any event that you can describe objectively will have an equivalent subjective explanation, and vice versa. It is similar to viewing the world through your left eye vs. your right eye. Your eyes don't contradict each other; they just see every scene from different perspectives.

If you will never know whether you are living in an objective or subjective reality, it is foolish to assume that you are living in one or the other since you would only be guessing, and you could be very wrong. There is no evidence-based way to know the truth. This is not a problem that any level of science or philosophy can ever hope to resolve. The truth is simply unknowable, and it always will be. No conscious being, no matter how powerful and aware, will ever be able to know the true nature of the reality which contains it.

Hence it makes sense to live in alignment with both possibilities. View your key decisions in life through both lenses, and lean towards deciding based on the combined perspective of stereo vision. Do not limit yourself to one perspective or the other. Learn to integrate both.

When you stray too far into one perspective or another, making decisions from only one perspective in such a way that those same decisions would seem irrational when considered through the opposite lens, you are at risk of making serious errors. You could be basing those decisions on completely erroneous assumptions about how reality actually works, and hence you are at risk of experiencing massive failure with such a mono-lens approach unless you happen to guess right and be perfectly consistent.

It is possible to make decisions using both lenses. I have been using this approach for years, and it has produced a wonderful flow in my life when I am consistent about it. It is similar to enjoying a meal that stimulates all of your senses simultaneously, in other words, a symphony of input.

The inherently unknowable nature of reality can be a tough pill to swallow, at least initially. It can send you down the rabbit hole and back many times. But the more you surrender to this simple truth, the more wondrous reality can become."

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it"  Goethe.

"Only those who will risk going too far can possible find out how far it is possible to go"  T.S. Elliot.

"What you have to do and the way you do it is incredibly simple.  Whether you are willing to do it is another matter.  Peter Drucker.

"Take risks: If you win, you will be happy: if you lose, you will be wise".  Anonymous.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it".  Michelangelo.

"You don't lead by pointing and telling people some place to go.  You lead by going to that place and making a case".  Ken Kesey.

"Vision is the art of seeing things invisible".  Jonathan Swift.

"People only see what they are prepared to see".  Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"In order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles".  David Ben Gurion.

I will write 4 parts to this thread.  They will be:

Part 1:  H-Money texted me last night at midnight after promising me he would not go to the casino and wait for Friday night.

Part 2:  Bank-Roll, Buy-In & Wagering.  Reality with safety and comfort.

Part 3:  What I wager & Risk, most times.

Part 4:  Vision--Pressures & Psych.



And as I drive to my business this morning, instead of sunshine and bright skies, this is what I was faced with as I dwelled in H-Money's text's from last night and his devastating loss:


And, I spent a good hour with him on the phone last night explaining why I would not go to the casino until Friday and just stay home--please!  I was cooking a pizza from scratch, and preparing to watch the classic movie 'Speed'.  Here is a pic of the pizza just before adding the garlic and seasoning on top and getting it under the broiler for 3 min's to finish it up.  A beer, corn on the cob and the pizza!  Yes--it was nothing shy of great! I planned my night, stuck to it and I am not going to the casino until Friday, late night. 


Defining events that will and do frequently happen is the foremost thing in baccarat a succesful player would desire to do when he is actaully playing.

Live baccarat versus the test or practice game on your computer are two entirely different things whatsoever.  I would hjave to liken that comparsion to watching a video of cutting a lawn with a lawnmower and the event of actaully doing the same thing.  Different and so many things can aome about but the saem principle. 

The problem so many do and expect when they study and study and find their 'gig' or 'key triggers' on the internet, is they set a schedule for themselves for that definitive wagering.  Bad, wrong and will not work. 

Frame-of-Mind with wide vision to be neutral is a huge player's plus and baccarat player's advantage overlooked by the player's ego, desires and greed as well as his desperation to recoup past losses.  The other thing he will offend himself with, is his inability to play all side of baccarat and what the shoe will eventually present.  He narrow his thoughts and preceptions to either one of the two most popular things, which is the shoe being extremely strong or weak.  He fails to admit it does both sides with a bit of the 'middle' mixed in while it does both sides or it does not do either side. 

Vision must be neutral without that typical, strong headed narrow focus in wagering for a certain event, that you are counting on coming out as a result of what happened rather than what is happening or what could happen. 

Traditional Vision:  What you see and interpret from the past which generally overrules anything else.

Traditional Thought:  What you think will happen and suit you best.  More desires than actually getting into any kind of real thought.

Traditional Results:  What had happened.  "Look at what came out", and then basing things on that.

Traditional Realization:  The whole scene in totality with limited sight, again thoinking whaty is happening is going to happen, not matter with the shoe presentment or otherwise.

Better Vision:  What can form; weak--strong--alternating--doubles--1's 2's and 3's--streaks, anything and everything, etc.

Better Thought:  Not limited to one or two sets of anything or your own desires.  Most importantly, adding pssoibilities in the correct way tot he thought processing picture.

Better Results:  Looking at them and what the total picture is into sections and events, not into a whole shoe or multiple shoes in the attempt to match statistics and long term results. 

Better Realization:  What has happened, what is yet to happen, what can or can not be 'reasonably' possible, what can happen on a more consistant and regular basis or on an infrequent and limited basis, etc. 
I limit my discussion to basically baccarat as I do not and will not play roulette.  Nothing wrong with it, i just don't play it. 

However, as I have play extensively around the USA at numerous casinos, I really do feel it is the pschy of the player, a skilled player that actaully causes his lost.

The streaks and the repeating, 'whatever' is extremely easy to make money on.  Wager $500.00 on the Banker and keep it there and press one time on the win you are riding for $1,000.00 for the 5 or 8 or 10 times the same side, Banker or if you were on Player came out.  And then you lose only the last one when it cuts.  So just say you won 8 and gave back the last one that lost.  So you won $7,000.00 and then a series of 1's, 2's and 3's came and the player's pschy directed him to to stay with the repeating style of wagering.  He could not control himself and was all hyped and motivated by the $7k win.  He gives half of it back and then the frustration sets in. 

Then he convinces himself he he should adapt to the shoe and switches to the cut or the short repeating style of wagering, etc.  He wins a few and then the shoe produces 2 longer streaks of both Bankers and Players.  The his real frustation sets in because  he knew he lost an easy $15k or so if he only did what he did with the 8 Bankers in the beginning. 

Then he switches back and the shoe switches the opposite way as well. 

That is the serious problem and what really does happen more often than not.

Then he waits and gets his thoughts back.  Then he starts to win with the cut style and the chop style of wagering a few here and there.  He is not satified with the few unit win as everyone states they do and gets rich off of.  (Which is pure B.S. because  99.9% of everyone can not and will not control themselves). 

There are numerous things to learn and abide to in a game that can produce anything at anytime and a game that will do it without mathametical reasoning.  The shoe will follow itself as well as not.  The shoe will produced everything from 20 of one of two sides to one of each side, side by side for another 20 times.  And, then the shoe will produc everything in between. 

Everyone here bascially says, just wager this or that and stick to it.  You will win so much a day.  You cannot do that everyday.  No matter what you want to say, it will and then it will not happen with any followed protocol you abide to with certain scheduled wagers.

The only way to constantly prevail at baccarat, is to wager with what the shoe is producing, if you win more than your buy in (for example) to switch over to some kind of money management system and play on the casino's money while you pocketed your buy-in and maybe 2/3rds of the win money, then attmepting to continue until you lose the 1/3rd, or whatever number percentage you work with.  But you win has to out number you lost buy-ins.  That is only accomplished with self control, complete knoweldge of what can and will happen, and expereince including losses within this game.  But for almost everyone, it is nearly impossible to walk away without getting back their loss when one occurs without further buy ins and play, and that is what sinks them.  Then you can be somewhat successful.

And, you can have thosuands of units as your bankroll as someone cites here all the time in plain generic responses.  You can wager the same thing every single day until you finally win a few units.  Then you can stop.  But the bankroll will be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars and your wagers will have to be pretty small to make it work with hundreds of units of draw downs.  LOL. 

What a tough way to make a living.  I could take that hundreds of thousand of dollars and make a great living in Haz-Mat spill clean up making tens of thosuands of dollars on small jobs and 6 figure profits on the larger jobs, where my profit to expenses ratio is around 70-80% profit. LOL.  LOL to the 100th power!!
(This post is dedicated to AysmBac.  I sat down with lots of coffee and attempted to explain, 'Defining events that will and do frequently happen in baccarat and why I wager with them or against them.  I am naming my most frequent ones.)

A benefit can also be a liability or a benefit that, carries some significant but not so obvious, cost or risk.

Read it.  Read it and read it.  That is baccarat.  There is no wagering that cannot be a risk, period.  Once you think you have no risk, you will lose any edge and advantage you may really have.

Deciphering the waves, they do exist.   

It is just that we do not know the order of the waves that the she will produce.  If you think you do and all your testing, graphs, charts and membership circles of other professional players, have told you what they are, your bankroll will disappear.  Be careful, be smart and realize that there is actually some hidden and not published knowledge to this game.  Not voodoo, but real characteristics that will present themselves as well as disappear.  That is why you need to be extremely clear-minded and able to reset and refresh yourself on a constant and repetitive manner when playing baccarat.

Numbers.  Numbers will tell you a lot in the game of baccarat.  Numbers and several years of play will generally not allow you to realize what I am about to say here.  You can believe it or not, totally up to you because it is your money.  Just, when you walk out of the casino and lost, just remember there might, just might be a bit more to baccarat than you thought.  So, you can; 1) Disbelieve it; or 2) You can shrug your shoulders and call me a terminally stupid pissant or  friggin unintelligent; or 3) Believe it; or the only other thing left you can do is; 4) Be neutral and check it out.

The shoe is infinite, it does not carry over from shoe to shoe to shoe and one continuous game as so many think and say it does.  A shoe of about 80 hands can only make so many events, combinations, waves, winning and losing hands, etc.  So in reality, one shoe of baccarat in the USA will make right around 80 hands, or 160 if you view each side as a numbered result.

I like to give the following example of a baccarat shoe and what it can do.  Which is the same as going to the beach on various days and observing the waves as they come into the shoreline (the beach).  Smooth, rough, high, low, equaling out, the same for a while, abruptly being different and varying greatly, etc., etc., etc. and so on.  At 9 AM the waves will be different than they generally are at 1 PM and again at 2 AM later on, as well as the same time the following day.  At times they will certainly look the same as well, at other times completely opposite.  But, the beach and the people are still there, just adapting to the waves in different ways depending on the volatility of the waves and the person's ability to subject themselves to them.

Reality with various manifesting phenomena mixed in.  That is baccarat.

So many say; What has already happened is past, it has no bearing on what will happen.  That is true to a certain extent, but what has happened needs to be considered within your vision because the shoe you are playing out is finite and only so many things can or will happen.  Misinterpreting and alienating yourself from what I am attempting to lay out, will not open your vision or allow yourself to be in the proper frame-of-mind.

Presentments of general characteristics of a section being dealt---in the process---currently happening in front of you, is what you need to attempt understanding of and what is also possible to happen.  And, do not let prediction become fallacy, as well don't let fallacy become prediction for yourself.  Remember reality and stay in it.

After you read through the following, make sure to grasp the paragraph below with the word Different in bold letters!  Some of my identified and stringer presentments that have served me well.

Additions and Reductions, on 3 card draws.
  As soon as one side begins to get additions, particularly the player side and the banker side is reduced by its 3rd card be alert for that event to continue.  Once it happens a 2nd time in a row particularly within the first half of the shoe or the middle section, it might favor the continuance of doing that numerous times.  Likewise a reduction to the players side and the banker winning with the first 2 cards or the third card that increases.  However, IMO and experience the first one is usually stronger overall and continues longer.

6/7s & 8s/9s.  Without anything else, I have found that 1 point wins and 1 point losses for both hands, tends to lend itself to the worst rationalization of what the next hand will bring, more often than not.  As well as any other numbers that prevail and lose this is the worst that brings total randomness, continuance and any other chain of events that almost no one can profit off of.

Naturals-alternating.  An event exists to be exploited when alternating naturals appear frequently.  Naturals have a huge tendency to 'WOW' the players and they convince themselves that the side just got strong and aggressively wager the same side that the natural just prevailed on.  However, naturals are frequent and have a tendency to bounced or alternate back and forth for a short event more often than not, especially when the - or + is close together.

.  When one side is producing naturals over the other sides 6-7 or 8's and winning it is an event that can be exploited frequently.  Meaning, for example, P has 6 and B has 7, then P has a N8 and B had a N9, etc., or the opposite.

Fortune 7s (3 card Banker winning 7s, 40:1). Zero to low ties.  Within the first 10 hands.  And hands 16-23.  Those are the most frequent events when the shoe produces the F-7 hand.  Frequently shoes have 1 or 2 F-7s.  Some shoes have none.  If a 3rd F-7 does appear, generally there is a 4th.  5 and 6 F-7s are a bit infrequent or rare but do occur.  Or, should I say you will not generally see that in every other shoe or every third shoe, etc.  By the way, the reason there are more F-7s in the beginning of the shoe than elsewhere and on a more frequent basis is the number of cards in the shoe of course.  Frequently there are many 10s that form the first 3 or 4 cards dealt and then a larger card reducing the players side under 6 or remaining at 6 and drawing an Ace through a 7 to make the 3 card 7 on the Banker side, etc.

-10/+10/+20. Frequently the total count will hover around - or +10 somewhere between hand 15 and midway or so.  And then favor the deficit side in smaller hit rates for its attempt to catch-up.  It happens and happens repeatedly.  Much rarer an event, one side will continue to +20 and continue to rise.  Infrequent by far.  I have only witnessed a handful of shoes be able to provide the + side that was already well over +15, say +17 to +20 or so and then produce a streak on top of that.  Depending on how far into the shoe it is, the deficit side usually (USUALLY) makes a pretty good attempt to catch-up to the other side. The key thing in this event as I have found, is the deficient side will usually catch-up  in a slow grind by not allowing the + side to streak or repeat as it was previously.  Depending on the hand of the shoe, I have done extremely well and won larger wagers based on these events siding with the - or the + of a side to win or lose.   

Equaling Out.  The highest numbers of shoes will equal out in how many winning hands each side ended up with and if not equal, within 3 to 5 of each other as next most favorable.  An event to be exploited along the shoe after the first 1/3rd of the shoe, many times.  If not, after the midway or 60% point.  Another easy exploit that comes along frequently is when it is within 1 or 2 of each other.  Example, 27-28, then 28-28, then 28-29, then 29-29, then 30-29, etc.  That event to me has won many a large wager, the same as a streak of any one side continuing.

Half Way to End of Shoe.  More often than not, when the first half of the shoe was strong, frequently repeating Bs and Ps and other distinctive continuing trends that formed, the second half is one to be extremely careful of it continuing.  Sure, great if it does.  But when you play long enough, this is one of the easiest and most profitable events that can be exploited big time for it to be almost the opposite of the first half.

Alternating & 2s.
  No rhyme or reason, nothing I have ever found that will point to the successful and continued outcome of chops and/or 2s.  If they appear within a section they can be exploited as it is an event that frequently happens.

Being there when it is happening.  Consciousness, frame-of-mind and wide & clear vision.  I have wrote about all this in other threads.  Most of all, reality.  Stay in reality while being in La La land and Dreamsville.  Hard to do at times, but you must.

You do not have to wager or count on these events to happen.  But they do happen and when it is not streaking 10 or 15 or 19 of one side, the shoe is presenting other things or events.  And these are what I found over the many years I have played this game.

What you have to do, is put yourself into the wholeness the shoe is presenting and divide it up into sections.  Interpret it as waves with some type of volatility that will happen or like a tree with its branches.  But continuously go back with your vision each hand and do not forget the main stream is just the tree trunk.

Experience is vital.  Without it you are basically at the tables mercy, the mercy of the aura of the surrounding you are in and the mercy of the other players as well.  Do not say that those are not powerful, as the most certainly are!  Again--reality!

Example, when you see someone win thousands of dollars in a couple of hands you will be drawn to that individuals wagering results, which was, he won!  You most likely will follow him and then he loses.  Welcome to the game of baccarat.

Being able to differentiate what is happening as it is happening.
  Ask yourself, what is different or making it different.  A lot of times there is just that lurking there without anyone noticing.  You have to be able to classify the make ups of the hands presenting themselves as, strong, weak or neutral or balancing out.  Those 4 things will lead and control each section in one way or another.  And do not view 80 hands as 1, you have to divide the shoe up into 3 to 5 sections as the majority of the times that is better representing what is happening and forming, rather than 20 or 30 or 40 hands ago, etc.  You should only be concerned in a section, not looking at what happened back in the beginning, remember that.

More often than not (by far) a section of 15-20 hands is far greater representative of itself than outside of its section.  Presentment, Reality & Actual Events.

Nothing is 100% indicative that anything will continue or happen.  But be aware and let your vision go either way, with or against, ready to stack it up and pounce on it or go wait a section out.  You better maintain complete visual and aura consciousness, the correct frame-of-mind and keep saying the word, reality. 
There are literally hundreds  indictments and cases involving illegal gambling and finaincal crimes relating to sports betting by the US Government.  Here is a couple of them:


Here is another major case, like I said literally hundreds of them, right down to some regular citizens (John Doe wagering off the internet)  that participated in sports wagering doing hundreds of transactions, etc.:

Al's Book Reviews / Fools Die, By Mario Puzo
February 28, 2018, 09:15:20 PM
An absolute great book by all means.  Although non-technical, this novel is north of classic!  Highly highly recommend it. 


Sorry, I just don't understand, absolutely no comprehension whatsoever!  I am primarily ON THIS BOARD 'BETSELECTION' although I am on another board or two, one very limited (almost non-participating or extremely small) basis, but on BETSELECTION as my everyday best board forever!  So I do get a wide varied aspect of 'the gambler' and while lots are consumer originated, let's go to Vegas and get drunk and go to a strip bar type of player, there are some serious people on the boards, especially BETSELECTION! 

And that brings me to my original point.  Hypocrisy and lies!  Oh lord!  Why would a member whom posts super elaborate, all in detail how to beat a game, let's take roulette for instance, (out of the blue), hold on---let me get a good bite of my donut and sip my coffee....................................Okay I am back.  Love those donuts, the best!  Anyway, why in the world would a member post and post and post, and then hustle a member for thousands and thousands of dollars to gamble and partner up and stiff him?  Well, it is a hustler, correct!  A con, a scam.  But then that member comes back on and posts and posts and posts once again like nothing has happened.  Oh lord!  Seriously, and by the way, that member is elaborate and detailed and I must say, quite convincing, kind of reminds me of the warped, sick, jerk-off sinus doctor that ruined so many innocent people life's by drilling holes in their skulls and billing the insurance companies all kinds of elaborate invoicing statements for all the work he did.  And that doctor was an Ivy League extremely knowledgeable and respected surgeon before he started his scam business!



Let me get into my ming bliss and take a bite of my donuts........................[attach=1]

and this member is elaborate with charts, graphs and all kinds of wall street analogies in his postings every single day, yet he hustled and stole the money from a great innocent member of the message board and ignores paying him back.  Here is my question, with all the info and knowledge the hustling member has (supposedly) why in the world would he not pay back the innocent member he outright stole the money from? 

That is my question. 
Alrelax's Blog / Statistics & Variance and Making Money
February 19, 2018, 06:58:59 PM
Statistics & Variance and Making Money

Real contradictions from a post for people either not understanding or failing to understand the variance the person posting was faced with, will curve the straight ahead baseball that was coming directly at you---to a 180 degree turn.

Because some people work full-time, owns a business, plays only once in a while versus someone that plays full-time, just about every day—does not make either one better or smarter than the other for the simple fact as to their gambling exposure at a real live brick and mortar casino.   

If variance is presented at a table and myself and you are there—we each might interpret and approach that and the forthcoming presentment from the shoe in different ways.  However, it does not mean either of us know more than the other.  The problems seen to arise when the other follows or attempts to adopt what others do successfully when they are prevailing and the player in question, read into what he thought was a variance that failed to actually show up in his perspective and understanding of what variance is.

There is no guarantee in show presentment and anything can happen at any time, period.  The advantage a player has or can have over the casino is to capitalize on a certain section of the shoe—pounce on it—cash out and immediately reset and refresh, which the latter has to be absolutely paramount for the advantage to take place for the player.

I simply love the members on the various message boards that come on and post how they are so successful at playing baccarat in a casino and how they fund their living through a few hours of play every day, etc., and so on.  There was one player claiming to make right at $75.00 an hour with about 200 hours of play over about 9 months of time, always winning of course.  $15,000.00 lump sum, works out to around $ 1,666.00 a month.  I don't know about you or him, but I need somewhere around $3,500.00 to $5,500.00 every single month to pay my 'have to basics' without lump sums that I also have to put aside for other yearly or semi-yearly type of things.  But hey, whatever.  Let me do something here, 6 days at 3 hours a day, 18 hours for the week.  $1,350.00 using the figure a few players have claimed they are successful at, which was $75.00 an hour.  18 multiplied by 4 weeks which would work out to be $5,400.00 a month.  Not bad.  But hey—once again, 3 sold hours, every day, 6 days and 4 weeks a month.  Never losing.  Never giving anything back and losing a buy-in or bank roll, etc.  I know better, 100% better.  You can claim to have huge bankrolls and wager very little and able to absorb and digest hundreds and hundreds of units and still replenishes from the casino and still stroke on and still realize those wins every month.  Okay, let me clear my throat and clear my eyes from all the laughter and feelings that those posts actually do bring me.  The sad part is that people actually believe them and people have no idea whom those people are and what connection they have to why they actually posted those things.  A few names come to mind, but I will refrain from posting those names.

Thousands of hours—with a profit of $50-$100 an hour, hour after hour is one thing, but that will not and cannot happen, religiously and consistently.  Religiously and consistently I said, which means, week after week after week, month after month after month after month, year after year.  Period, I have no tolerance for those that post otherwise, for once they do just about everything else they post is going to lead to something called a book, a system, a link or a website with a monthly membership fee, etc.  Of course other sock puppets and even other 'real' people will provide references and vouching affidavits for them in some cases, all constructively put together in their 'house of cards'.  Kind of like a Dorice Donegan "Dee Dee" Moore and Abraham Shakespeare  (from Florida) type of lottery winner manipulation takeover of a multi-million dollar winner, as a crude comparison, but once their plots are looked in by someone with some kind of vision and outside justice, they are not awfully hard to tear apart.  Same with the gambling boards, links, books, and web-sites for fees. 

As far as luck, inconsistent play, small hits played, huge pounced on wagers that won, etc., etc., someone can do rather well if they actually can control their mind and realize variance or the opposites, always are possible to surface and come about at any time and stay for any length of time as well. 

The common 'misunderstanding' is the games statistics.  Interpreted or misunderstood by the highest majority the wrong way.  Forget the side wagers.  Let's talk about banker and player only.  Yes it is nearly a 50/50 game 'sometimes' and during that 'sometimes' it is a tad bit favorable for the banker over the player.  However, what almost all fail to realize---is the statistics are obtained from a huge amount of hands/shoes, like 500,000, 1,000,000 or 10,000,000, etc.  So when the shoe starts and there is something like a B-P-B-P-BB-PP-BB-PP-B, etc., on the score board, one group of players will believe Banker will be drawn next because of what has been happening and yet—others will believe Player because the current count is 7 Bankers and 6 Players and Players has the greater chance because of the 'equaling out' effect and phenomenon that has to happen at baccarat, etc., etc.   And, since it is not time for a self-correcting event because the score is not overly reflecting one side over the other, their decision is worth the wager because of 'so and so'. 

But, what most all fail to realize is that you are currently only playing a tiny section of a statistical outcome with no guarantee of the order of the actual presentments which will eventually be the variance as well, no matter what they turn out to be.  And, more importantly here is what most baccarat players fail to realize also.  The variance you just witnessed and happened to your instant shoe, will be taking into but changed into another set of variance results for the 20 shoes to be dealt during the next 40 hours at the very same table or the next 50 shoes to be dealt during the next 100 hours as well. 

So, what do you play for—the statistical or the variance?  Most will not admit it, but in reality they do.  And, IMO and experience, that is the largest contributing factor to their casino losses.  The largest downfall is the comparison which players will incorporate into their prediction of what is forthcoming. 

Does it work—yes.  Can it be profitable—yes.  Can it lose—yes.  Can it be wrong with consistency—yes.  Can it be correct with consistency and with longevity 100% of the time—no.  Can it be consistently 100% wrong with longevity—no.  And, that is why the casinos allow scoring, unlimited note taking, providing you with score cards, pens and even multi-thousand dollar score boards.  All to help you keep track and track what should come out.   

So it all boils down to the volatility and the variability of the cards that already appeared as well as the remainder of the cards in the shoe.  Nothing else.  Sorry, nothing hinges on what will happen with the remainder of that shoe in front of you that will be based on the previous shoes at the table or anywhere else, period.  Both of those, the volatility and the variability, will set the deviations and the statistics for that shoe—nothing else.  And, there is no way to accurately know what will happen with certainty unless you are able to calculate every single card remaining and know its order of pending disbursement from that shoe.  All of which will be unknown to you and remain unknown to you in the exact details, even down to the last few cards prior to the red 'end-of-shoe' card. 

However, there are numerous 'key triggers' as well as a better way to play, which can benefit a player if the player has the vision—experience—unclouded thought process—and rationale to identify what is happening and what might happen.  Some will say that luck and guessing would actually have to replace those four things I just mentioned. But, that is not true and I say, with almost four decades of actual brick and mortar casino baccarat play, it is possible, very very possible and doable. 
Off-topic / Oregon's Donuts Obsession or Crisis? OMG!
February 14, 2018, 03:11:36 PM
The people of Oregon are simply donuts over something!  I knew they were way out there, like way way out there! 


Off-topic / Jelly Donuts from Oregon
February 08, 2018, 07:33:51 PM
Jelly Donuts only in Oregon!

There was once a teenage girl who wasn't allowed to have a boyfriend, but she would sneak them into the house anyway.

One night she had over a boy, when her father began knocking on the door. She knew she couldn't have boys over so she locked him in the first of her three closets. (The one with all of her dirty shirts and pants)

About a week later she had another boy over and she herd a knock on the door. As she knew she couldn't have boys over she locked him in her second closet. (With all of her dirty underwear)

Another week later she had another boy over and she herd a knock on the door. She knew that she couldn't have boys over so she locked him in her last closet. (The one with her trash can of used tampons)

A few weeks later she was cleaning her room and remembered the boys in the closets:

-She checked the first one and the boy had starved to death.
-She checked the second one and again he had starved to death.
-She checked the 3rd one and the boy was still there. Curious, she asked how he managed to stay alive. "Thankfully, you left plenty of jelly donuts in your trash can for me to eat" he replied.
Off-topic / Fred, Mike & Mark go to a Whorehouse
February 08, 2018, 07:24:23 PM
Sexy Donuts

Fred, Mark and Mike visit a whorehouse after playing roulette at their local casino.  Mark can't wait
until he gets in the place as is evident by his pushing and rushing the other two as soon as they parked
their car in the parking lot.  They get inside the whorehouse and about 20 minutes later reunite together.

Fred comes out of the first bedroom and says, "She put a powdered donut on my d**k."

Mike comes out of the second bedroom and says, "She put a glazed donut on my d**k."

Mark comes out of the third bedroom, holding two dollars. Fred and Mike ask, "Did she donut you?"

"No" says Mark, "she told me to go and buy a box of Cheerios and then come back again."
General Discussion / The Ultimate, A Plate of Donuts
February 07, 2018, 08:38:20 PM
The Ultimate, A plate of them set in front of you:

Off-topic / Joke--Joke--joke!
February 06, 2018, 10:43:19 PM
Why did the baker stop making donuts, the baker in Oregon that is?

Because he was fed up with the hole business!

Knock Knock!  Who's there?  Justin.  Justin Who?

Just in time for a doughnut!

Why couldn't the teddy bear eat his doughnut??

Because he was stuffed!


Most of you know me, some of you do not.  For those of you whom do not, I am Italian, I am from the Bronx (New York City) I have been trough ups and downs in life that would amaze many.  The message board in summation is a small part of my life/daily routine in many ways and I have kind made a home here at BetSlection for many reasons.  Yes, I have been on Sonya's 'Vegas Message Board' and The Wizard's WOV and Andrew's (Shifter) Vegas Forums, etc.  Yes I was banned from those at my own doing and not retreating when the BS hit the fan, as they say.  Mostly those boards are drama rooms and boards for the consumer or soap opera end of things, in so many ways.  It didn't phase me at the time and still does not.  As far as BetSelection, I have meet some really great people in various parts of the world and on the board type of relationships.  I have learned from many here and I have countless emails from some board members here as well as many that have never posted as I have helped them in their gambling ventures. 

I have expressed myself and I have used BetSelection as an avenue that allows me to write about baccarat and casinos.   do have a full time successful established business that has nothing to do with gambling.  Pictures and stories are posted within my Blog regarding that.  I have many facets to my life outside of the casino and gambling and this message board, unlike what many think.  Same as gambling for those negative or naysayers, etc.,  'small mind/closed mind' go nowhere types.  It's all good.

Fast forward a bit.  Vic is brought the board down for a couple/few days to reboot and re-do his forums.  That turns into a couple of months plus a couple f weeks.  Hey, it happened.  So many did email me and said they would never be back.  I guess it is the same as when a restaurant that is popular or say a bowling alley closes for a sale of the business or closes to renovate, etc.  Some leave and never return as a customer and yet, many new customers come on scene when it reopens. 

But hey, here we are.  It is a good place and IMO, better than all the other ones out there.  Sure I tried another one or two while Vic was down here at BeSelection.  The one that most of the rooms within itself require you to be a paid subscriber for like $50.00 a month is a total joke, I read many things on there and know a couple of the posters as well.  Total garbage, in fact, if you follow what some say and they preach--you will have your bankroll destroyed, all said IMO and nothing endorsed or asked of me to say by Vic or this board.  Just a sheer fact.  In fact one of their key players on that board was a friend and an endorse of another board where the boards admin went into the hole playing baccarat to the tune of about $500,000.00 of bad unpaid markers that he is or will be criminally prosecuted by Clark County Neveada's county attorney.  He disavows knowing the guy now o the new board and is preaching once again about playing baccarat, etc.  LOL to the max! 

I have done fairly well at baccarat.  Never claim fame to mechanical stems or being able to make millions and beat a - Negative expectation game, but I have won far greater than my losing sessions.  I even post pictures when I can.  And like most things, in business and life in general.  The longevity of anything, takes time, patience and due diligence of doing things day in and day out on a repetitive basis.  At times it sucks and other times it is great.  But it is me, you, Vic and all the rest of us that makes this board the greatest.  I joke around some and unless you actually know me, you might not understand what I write at times.  Something you have to follow.  But when I say, I have been there, I have been there.  I am not proud of everything I have done i life, but there are numerous things that far outweigh the bad things and those things I am extremely proud of.  I put my writings and my experiences here on BetSelection as one of those in the latter category. 

You know, I am currently up in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St Paul) for Superbowl 52 and a couple of days before I left last week I was at the casino.  I bought in for $900.00 playing baccarat.  I was up about $1,500.00 and I failed to apply my 1/3rd, 1/3rd, 1/3rd Money Management System I always do.  I don't k why I did not when I doubled my buy-in because my 1/3rd system has fueled my wins almost all the time and protected my buy-in from being lost.  Anyways, I get wiped out and I bought in with another $600.00.  Something I rarely do and out of 100 sessions with 100 buy-ins, I would say that I would buy-in a second time, once--maybe just once like I did last week.  It always leads to disaster and if I can't win on the initial buy-in or win and give it back and then lose my buy-in, I wind up pressured and losing the 2nd buy-in as well, just like everyone else.  I learned a long time ago, that all the repeat buy-ins will outweigh the wins if I do that.  Something else I have written about.  But I am hard headed and I am real and I know baccarat and casinos..........So........

Like I said, I am at the casino, lost $900.00 and bought back in for $600.00.  I had $2,000.00 pocket money for my little boy for the week and a half I would be at the Superbowl, for his movies, the Mall of America, Extreme Sand Box, etc., etc.,etc.  I set that aside a while back and although I have other funds available, that was his and for him.  Sure I could have left with $900.00 down, replaced it and lived happily ever after.  I do not chase.  Leave and reset and start again another day.  I learned years ago.  But something got into me and something was wrong.  The casino took my little boy's money!  My Italian and my NYC background came out all at once.

I bought back in.  I was down to right around $200.00 once again.  I looked around and realized I did everything I said not to do, so many times.  Oh well, that's life in so many real ways!  I said to myself I was unintelligent and past stupid and there was no need to stay any longer.  Take the $200.00 use it for food and gas and the trip to Minneapolis and replace the $1,500.00 I lost and call it a night.  Yeah right.  You know what???  I actually thought of this board, the things I have said and Vic, right then and there.  I would not have bought in again and I would have left if I lost that $200.00 by all means.  I almost got up, really.  Then the dealers switched, the one that took most of the $1,500.00 from me was just tapped out by one that I always win Fortune 7's with.  She sits down and I throw up $175.00 on the Banker and $25.00 on the Fortune 7 side wager.  Players hand shows 2 monkeys and the Banker has blackjack for a total of 1.  Players third card is a 6.  LOL, I actually broke out laughing as I saw a monkey or an Ace or a 2 coming for the Bankers side.  A few others are on the Fortune 7 as well for $25.00 or $50.00 thinking about that $1,000.00 or $2,000.00 win.  They are yelling and screaming for a 6.  I am doing nothing.  They hold the dealer up and tell me, 'hey that's not like you—what the heck man, we need a 6, give us some power here'.  So I join in and boom-yes a 6!  So naturally as always, the dealer says, 'back to back Fortunes coming here'.  It's happened in the past but very seldom.   

So I leave the $175.00 on the Banker and throw up another $25.00 on the Fortune 7 wager for a total of $50.00 hoping for $2,000.00 pay off.  I put a quarter off to the side for the dealer for a $1,025.00 tip which the dealers keep their own tips at this casino.  She calls the floor person and he says okay.  She pulls a monkey and 2 for the Player and a 10 and a monkey for the Bankers side.  She pulls an 8 for the players side reducing them to zero.  Saying, "nothing to beat now", so naturally we are all screaming, and I mean loud for a 7, everyone is coming over  to the baccarat table watching at this point.  She slides the card out and it is still face down.  She goes to flip it and I stop her.  I told her to slightly pick it up and let me see it.  So I put my head almost on the table and she picks it up a tiny bit.  I can see the 3 lines on it and say to put it back down.  She does and the floor person looks at me and asks what I saw.  I said three lines.  The table goes wild as everyone had a quarter or two out on the Fortune 7.  There was 3 other $5 chips out next to the quarters for the dealer.  If it was a 7 the dealer would get $1,640.00 tip.  I told her I did not want to see it first and for her to look at it.  It was at this point, 2 Asian girls playing throw a fit and wanted the players to see the card first and not the dealer.  The pit manager came over and told us we have to all agree or he will turn it over.  So we all said for the dealer to look at it and flip it so she sees it first, towards herself.  As she was flipping it, she screams and her right elbow hits the chip rack and numerous chips are on the floor now and all we know is it was a 7. 

I am up like $1,500.00 now and leave the $50.00 on the Fortune 7 wager and put it all on the Banker for a wager of $1,675.00.   Bankers get 7 over the players 6.  I leave with the $3,100.00 and change profit and as I pass the baccarat table on the way from the cashier's cage, say my goodbye.  The dealer told me with tears in her eyes, that I just made her little kid's birthday something she would never have been able to do otherwise. 

I remember lots of things I have wrote on here and although I am against buying in a second time to play catch up, I did it for reasons unknown to myself.  You know life brings us down many roads and it is up to ourselves to make those journeys something that we remember no matter if they are good or not so good.  Just when you think you have seen everything, something jumps out there and grabs you.  Just like when my little boy recently told me, "Daddy we are not going to celebrate your birthday any more".  I asked him why and he says, "Because when you have a birthday you get older and if you get older one day you will die and I don't want that so we have to stop your birthdays". 

Just like I say to Vic, don't stop this board.  Keep doing what you do, follow your feelings, don't pay attention to the other garbage boards out there and if you made a mistake, don't look back--just remember and don't make it again.   
Why Accepting Failure As An Option Strengthens Your Play

Sometimes an attitude of failure is not an option, can be counter-productive. Certainly there are moments, like Apollo 13's crippling explosion in space, at which individuals and teams must step up with super-human strengths to make things happen. There are other cases where controlled failures can be managed especially if you have contingency, back-up plans ready. Protecting against the downside, frees you and your team to focus on the upside.  In gambling we shall focus on the you, or me, of the team I mentioned above.  But, even within teams,there is always the you and the me first, that makes up those teams.  When a result is sought after or let's just say, waiting at the end of whatever it is we are doing, any chance of success will always rest first with all the YOU and ME, that make up all teams. Teams are made up of something, no matter how many or in what capacity, if playing or not, others beside YOU are relevant as well. 

The Panama Canal has two contingencies to keep ships from rupturing the gates to the locks in the canal. First there is a chain across the lock between the ship and the gates, keeping the ships from bumping into the gates. Second there are two gates at each end of the lock. If a ship were to damage the first gate, the second would hold.

In contrast, there is no back up plan to deal with ships sinking in the lake ships must pass through on their journey across Panama as part of their canal journey.

The difference is that a ruptured lock gate could destroy the entire canal. A sunken ship in the lake would be a minor inconvenience. In either case, controlled failure is an option. In one case there is a backup plan. In the other case, no one cares.

What if?

Asking what if (?), will open the door to consideration of different scenarios. Better realize it, or you are sunk from the very beginning.  Of course everything is going to play out exactly as we planned. Of course the weather will cooperate. Of course other entities are going to do what they committed to do on or ahead of schedule. But lets consider what we might do if one of the things does not actually happen exactly as we had hoped and planned for.

This has been a missing piece of our current best thinking on strategic planning. I would like to suggest fixing that:

The Six-Step Strategic Planning Thought Process

The following six-step process will allow you to create a complete and robust strategic plan. We are not suggesting that this is the only way to do this. But it is a good way.  Know what failure is!  Powerful words, yes.  But, without knowing it, remembering it, and everything in between those you are at a disadvantage.  If you never experienced it,set this down and come back later, you do not need what it contained within here.  Be scared of failure, not winning.  However, view failure as a strike, not a strike out or it will eventually make you scared to win.  When you win realize those larger failures might not have to exist as you once wholeheartedly justified them when they occurred.  Some type of failure will have to happen because you cannot always win unlimited the way you desire.  But it is always up to yourself as to what level of failure you experience and how long it lasts when you are at the table.  You make the decision to stay or leave, no one else.  Think about this, how many have you won and gave it right back the same day rather than, winning and keeping it?
Aspiration/Desires =
What it is you are playing for.  What you are looking to get out of it.
Destination = The ultimate goal in your play.
Reality = The absolute and total real-life picture if someone was watching you with an unbiased position.
Alternatives = Other actions or decisions.
Scenarios = From start to finish what has happened or will happen, in so many words.
Plans = What your real intentions are and what you are playing to fulfill.
Set the aspirational destination.  Which should be derived directly from the mission and vision. This will allow you to build a clear and direct path toward the aspiration.  Remember to reset and refresh, each session needs to be independent and not viewed as collective among your other sessions. 

1.    Assess the facts of the current reality and develop future scenarios by looking hard at Capabilities, Control, and Conditions. Then, develop scenarios to foresee potential changes outside your control that might impact your strategic choices.  Break everything down to 'sections' and 'turning points', do not view each shoe as a beginning and an end with 80 hands presented. 

2.    Identify potential alternatives to bridge gaps between reality and aspiration. Be creative so you can come up with a range of alternatives that could potentially address the issues and move your play forward.  Keep in mind that your buy-in is your risk money.  Do not use your winnings to fuel additional play and do not bring previous losses into the picture as some kind of gauge.  Your buy-in must fuel your play and your chances to win.  Buy-in amounts must be solid and recognized as non-negotiable. 

3.    Evaluate potential alternatives under different scenarios to identify which strategic alternatives create the most risk-adjusted value over time, under different scenarios. This should lead to primary choices, play lengths and your overall desires.  The entire key is to get yourself into reality with complete and clear consciousness while you play.  Be extremely careful not to place yourself into bad situations while playing. 

4.    Develop detailed play plans that address the strategic, operational, and organizational actions that are needed to implement each selected set of alternatives. You need to get yourself into the mind-frame that the session you are on your way to, might not be successful.  Include return times, other casinos, play lengths, etc.  Do not every deviate from your plans unless you are nearly winning every hand coming at you. 

5.    Act, measure, adjust and repeat continually monitoring progress against your stated goals and milestones to ensure what you thought would happen is happening in a timely manner and triggering back up, contingency plans as appropriate.  Always think adjustment into the reality of what is happening as the foremost thought that is virtually always present and being asked. When the negativity outweighs the positive, it is clearly time to leave and call it a day.  Do not return until the aggravation and frustration is out of your system. Be extremely conscious of bad-vibes and atmosphere auras that will play on the surroundings and your thoughts, which usually always lead to negative outcomes.   

In closing, I highly recommend from the bottom of my heart, the realization of what you are up against.  You will never smack the casino so hard that it actually hurts them!  You have to view each and every session of your play as a one time, brand new event without attempting recourse, revenge or make-up on any of your previous sessions where upon you lost.  It will only cloud your mind, your vision and put huge pressure and unrealistic goals you probably will not be able to meet.  You also have to have a certain amount of buy-in as a one-time event that is realistic as compared to your bankroll and a concrete refusal to buy-in a second time if you happened to lose the original buy-in amount.  That should be considered always 100% of the time, your stop loss figure.  This way when you win and apply something along the lines of my 1/3rd-1/3rd-1/3rd money management system, your wins will far outnumber your losses.

Once you realize how you lose you can strengthen yourself towards the opposite.  Use your weaknesses and downfalls as the fuel to actually win.
I know, or at least I suspect I 'pissed' off some of the members here, by my posting the thread 'An Experienced Player's Results November 2017" on this board.  However, I did that because  of all the call-outs by numerous people here that always chastise and humiliate as their norm.  It grows old guys!  I am not a theorist 24/7 and live on and in my computer--dreaming up ways to 'best the casino's variance and advantages'.  I am a 'hard-core' realist.  I have my flaws, I make mistakes, I go against what I say myself at times and those things that I went again--I said to the rest of you, I am not perfect, I made terrible mistakes of all kinds in the past, I continue to make mistakes, etc., etc.  But I strive to do better and correct them and overcome the hidden challenges of baccarat and the casino's numerous advantages, including variances.

And, in my book--you are NOT going to accomplish that by what the highest majority of players say here on this board as well as the other message boards.  No possible physical way!  I have truly been there and done that thousand s and thousands of times.  You know, baccarat is strange--extremely strange because  tonight you can win or lose by doing same exact thing you did last time.  Baccarat is NOT like, cooking--where there is a certain and a proven way to prepare a dish.  It doesn't change--unless you the chef changes it.  you have a perfect recipe and you repeat it, it will come out the exact same every time.  Same thing with, troubleshooting a motor vehicle.  Same equipment, same procedure, same results doing the same thing.  You know, baccarat is more like hunting.  Exactly.  Different course, different outcomes, different chases, different rewards, different amount of success and different amounts of failure.  Same game!  Also, two hunters can start at the same line with the same equipment, and finish with drastically different results at the end of the hunt session.  Just like the game of baccarat.  It is how we, myself and you and them--handle ourselves, our money--our thought process and our visions-desires-wants--our realization and how e each accept the lose or the wins within each shoe and session we play.

I did pretty well Friday night.  Concluded Saturday morning.  Pretty typical, a bit better win and hold.  I had my mind set and I applied myself 90% of the time I gambled, with about 85% of my knowledge and experience applied.  I know I shorted myself, but that is not the topic here-the topic here is what am I about and how do I do what I did on Friday.  Reality versus theory and computers.

I have a buy-in and I have a bank roll.  I have a separate one for the local places I play at as well as a totally different one for Vegas, AC, and other gambling multi day destinations I go to sporadically to gamble 'Macau' style, big table style of a larger and more serious nature.  2 Different animals if you want my opinion.  Anyway, I have written about all this so I won't repeat why I view things the way I do, but there is a huge reason and that reason is, PSYCH!  And that plays a huge mind altering factor with the baccarat player.  Seriously!

I won about $3,600.00 the first round I played in about a shoe and a half and then I won another $1,000.00 in my second round.  I removed my $500.00 buy-in and put right a $2,000.00 into my bank roll.  I ran out and spent $2,616.00 or so.  I this for numerous reasons and I have also explained all this in other writings, I think lots of your guys laugh at, say it doesn't matter and I bring up stuff that is irrelevant and has nothing to do with gambling.  But that is all not true, not one bit!  I believe the mind is my biggest enemy or friend in gambling.  Control is a huge issue as well as realization of what, how and the possibility of further wins and losses as we play.  Let me repeat that.  What we are doing there and why.  How we are playing and is r play worth it.  Meaning, risk versus rewards.  And the possibility.  What is the possibility of winnings continuing and what is the possibility of giving it all back and falling into that 'rut' that sucks and is horrible---I don't have to explain it, you guys are experienced and lived that may times, no??

To sit there and win and continue to play and play and play and stack it up---is a sure way to lose and blow all your money you won as well a bought in with and bankroll in chasing it.  Again, I have written extensively about this and my way versus the ways of most others that do not work and do not prevail.  The purpose of this thread is to coexistent with the other one about Friday night and explain why I do the things I do and why I believe in the things I believe in.  There is most certainly a point and many purposes.  Please, read on.

So, after the first win I had, I take a break.  I jump in my car and run down to a Wal Mart.  You see, here is where myself and almost all other gamblers differ!  100% without a doubt.  My other gambling buddies stayed at the table and gambled and gambled and stacked their chips and had their erections grow in their pants while I was down at the low-life Wal Mart in a boring shopping center without any action.  They were at the casino winning, and winning and winning.  Here is what I did.  (I will tell you about them later on in the post) 

I told you guys I was going to post my buy-in's, the chips, the winnings, the cash outs and I did!  Here, here are my receipts, the ones I saved, some I left at my house (I am in my office) in the bags.  But here are most.I figured since Christmas is coming up, let me get the chores done real quick.  I have a 5 yr old little boy and a 10 and 11 year old boy and girl.  Instead of waiting until mid December and scrambling, let  put a dent in it now.  I also have 3 debit prepaid cards for the kids and their allowances and things they continually want.  So I loaded money on their cards as you will see in the receipts.  $740.00 worth for the 3 of them I believe it was. I also bought my daughter a beautiful Coach purse and a Coach wallet that was not at Walmart for about $400.00+ with a pretty leather 2018 day planner. I paid right at $900.00 of bills for all my cell phones I have, my cable TV, my internet, my vehicle insurance policy's and our Bet-Selection board owner, Vic--as well.  I bought all the gift wrap, Christmas cards, gift bags and misc.  I spent exactly $80.00 out of the money last night at the market on the way home.  And, I spent $382.00 on my little boy's stuff, some now boots, other boots, shirts, hats, gloves, Poke Mon bed set, Leap Frog book reader sets with numerous books and accessories and also grabbed a whole bunch toiletries for the home bathroom and office bathroom as well. 



You know, it all has to be bought---and that is my point here!  I love it when I see the reward, the casino bought all my stuff.  That is the reward for the risk of the chance to lose my money.  And, I still I have it  I have my $500.00 buy-in back.  I have $2,000.00 added to my bank roll.  I have $900.00 worth of bills paid.  And I have $1,636.00 worth of goods and money on my kids pre-paid cards that I would have had to pay for anyway.  Now--I reset and refresh.  What so many do not do--and I told you guys, this is what I do.  I do not have or believe in win and stop after a few units or a stop loss of 6 or 10 or 12 units, etc.  I believe in the risk and then sort it all out and do not get influenced or sucked in.  I also written about l this, I am just complementing it here with explanation and pictures of what a typical casino night and day was followed up with.  There is 'rhyme and reason' to this, not center of attention as some say or showing off as others say.  I am explaining what i believe in, what works, what curbs my greed and lust while gambling, how I function.  And, it is all a vital part of success or failure--believe it or not.  Stack your chips and stay at the casino, each and every day, gamble, gamble, gamble.  Let me know how it goes each day.  Post your results, all of them.

General Discussion / Sponsorship and Christmas time
November 05, 2017, 01:52:04 AM
Vic I did the e-card early this  morning so let me know if it is in your email?  Please confirm. Glen.
Al's Book Reviews / The War at the Shore (Trump and Wynn)
November 04, 2017, 12:41:36 AM
The War at the Shore
By:  Richard S "Skip" Bronson
Published:  2012

Explains, partly demystify, and adds great factual story and events to the casino industry that happened mostly in Atlantic City, but will give you some knoweldge about Connecticut and Pennsylvania as well.

"Donald Trump's hair is real and Steve Wynn sees better than you think.  Much has been written about these men, but few people know them, personally and professionally, as well as I do.  It's been said, that to truly understand someone,you have to fight them or fight beside them, and I was at the white-hot center of a titanic clash of money and power that transformed Atlantic City from a struggling day-tripper place with buses in and out to a born again destination drawing tourists from New York, Philadelphia, and other major cities along the eastern seaboard."

Explains about Atlantic City against the odds, the fights, the problems, the money, NYC and the problems influenced by Vegas and Connecticut, etc. 

Vegas, Atlantic City and a side show of Reno, NV was about all there really was as far as gambling towns in the USA until the 1990's.  Then Connecticut came about with 2 of the largest casinos in the world being built for billions of dollars.  This book will touch on that as well.  A good basic insight to the casino industry and its special little world full of huge money. 

I do recommend you buy and add this to your collection if you are interested in the casino industry and how the modern day casinos took place within the USA.  A great, factual and intelligent read concerning its topic. 





Roulette Forum / 6 set pure bliss easy money system
November 02, 2017, 05:15:19 PM
 With all the recent posting of roulette systems and claims of easy money  system to win, I decided to walk over to the roulette tables last night and check out the wheels.  I copied down 7 of the recent systems posted and sad to say I would have lost well over 150 units if I wagered according to the sets of descending and ascending numbers as well as many other systems and sets of  numbers posted here.

However, I did come up with something after watching a lady about 80 years old pretty much constantly winning!!

Here it is.  It is called Pure Tiger Bliss!!

Watch the wheel spin 6 times.  Each number that won go clockwise to the 3rd one past the winner if the winner was odd and start at the 4th one if it was even and do the following.  "Eennie meanie minny moe, catch a tiger by the toe, if he hollows let him go". Each time you say a word from that 'system selector phrase', move your finger one space further in conjunction with each word from the phrase.  Do that 6 times for 6 numbers, get those 6 numbers. Those 6 numbers will be your system set for the next spin.  Then each consecutive spin you will be doing the same thing for your 2nd wager, and so on. If either 0 hits start your thing on the 2nd number counterclockwise. 

Like highly recommended here, wager this great system 20 spins wagering the 6 sets of numbers.  Stop loss 100 units,  but I don't think you will encounter those 6 sets of numbers losing 20 times! 

I won 7 out of 9 spins.  The old lady told me it has a lot to do with how you point and verbally say out loud, extremely loud, the "eennie meanie minny moe" thing.  Have fun and win!

Pure bliss, I'm telling you!!!
Al's Book Reviews / Baccarat by; Tommy Renzoni
October 31, 2017, 10:48:27 PM
By; Tommy Renzoni
Published 1977
107 Pages
5 X 7 inch paperback size

I found this one the other day stuffed in a drawer of mine.  It is a non-fiction merge of basic baccarat rules, the real basic strategy most believe or believed and a bit of the history of the game.  It is real easy reading, small book.  Interesting to the the baccarat aficionados, if that is not you, my advise is to skip it.

It is out of print from what I gather but available in Amazon and E-bay from about $10.00 to $20.00 range. 

I truly love Tommy's closing paragraph of the book:

"They say that Lady Luck gets tired of carrying anyone on her shoulders for too long, but that in time, she'll give everyone a lift or two.  Your lucky turn will come, and when it does enjoy every minute of it.  I hope that I have shown you how to entice her your way a little sooner and to have a little more to show for it when she drops you than you otherwise have had."

Simply talk which is so spot on and so ignored by most.  ".......Most people do just the opposite, doubling up when they are losing in a foolish attempt to get their losses back fast, and restricting themselves becoming Conservative when they begin to win.  It's the old story of self-preservation.  They lose and they think they must get back to a break-even point as quickly as possible.  So they double up before coming into a win pattern, and what happens?"

Light reading, factual and plenty to get you really thinking.  Without all the icing and cherries of today's authors.



General Discussion / Selling in the forum
October 29, 2017, 09:53:08 AM
Usually and imo and experiences, members will come in, intro and state.  Rather than through out tantalising copy and paste videos and pictures.  Especially with what I call, post a tiny bit to build interest and bait.  I highly doubt I am wrong.